Ymir Shaders Beta 2 for Minecraft

  • Author: Jessie, Niemand and RRe36
  • Popularity:
  • Updated: 29.03.2023
  • Last version 1.19.4

Review Ymir Shaders Beta 2

Ymir Shaders Beta 2

Would like to make the sky in Minecraft really beautiful and realistic? After all, there are a lot of shader packs on the Internet that change the sky's appearance. They are all quite different, and each modder has relied only on his imagination. The designer of a shader pack called Ymir Shaders Beta 2 has made a really beautiful sky that compares favorably with other variants. Moreover, you will get not only a realistic sky but also many other changes. The modder has reworked everything possible so that you can enjoy the beautiful in-game environment. Among the improvements, the following should be noted. Besides the clouds, the lighting has been reworked, which we will touch upon soon. It is quite uncommon here. Some blocks have changed and now look realistic. Of course, like many other shader packs, this one could not do without shadows and waving foliage because there is no way to ensure realism without them. Besides, the color scheme has also been improved, becoming more suitable for the game world. Volumetric fog has been refined. There are also very convenient settings that you can adjust as you see fit. We are going to describe them below. We will focus on these and many other changes so that you can familiarize yourself with this shader pack, which will perhaps appeal to you. Long dreamed of fantastic realism? Now you have an option — it is enough just to download this shader pack and enjoy all the necessary features.

Review of the Ymir Shaders Beta 2 Shader Pack

Once you spawn in the game world for the first time, you will be pleasantly surprised by the new changes. In general, the environment has become brighter thanks to the improved graphics. You will have to enjoy many useful innovations, as well as numerous changes related to the game world. We will dwell on all the changes and innovations, so you should carefully study the article so that you have no questions left. We will focus on each item separately in order to combine all of them later and take a fresh look at the game world. So let's begin.

In-Game Sky

Having a look at the sky, you will be surprised because it is simply amazing. Instead of the square clouds, you will observe realistic objects of various shapes and volumes. In some cases, you will not even be able to distinguish the in-game sky from the real-world one, so stunning it is. Moreover, the clouds are of various shades. That is, in some cases, they are light, and in others dark depending on the weather. Of course, in rainy weather, they are much darker. The sun sometimes hides under the clouds, but the game world will not be covered with shadow for some reason. Perhaps this is very difficult to implement, and there are no shader packs that could make this possible at the moment. Let us not dwell on this point — it is not that important, and the advantages still prevail. Let us better turn to the sun, which has also changed. It has acquired a round shape, but it is very small in size. In some cases, you will not even see it, especially when it is hiding behind clouds. The sun is practically just a very small dot, but thanks to its rays, it will seem a little bigger. So after examining the sky, we can draw certain conclusions. In general, the daytime sky is flawless, and everything is perfect here. Of course, the sun could be larger, but this is not particularly important. So let us proceed to another aspect, namely the night sky, which is also beautiful here.


When the first in-game night improved by this shader pack comes, you will be a little surprised by the color scheme. The world is basically not that dark — you will see only find a gray color as if all the other colors have disappeared. You will see everything, even at long distances. The lighting is especially noteworthy. We will examine it later, and now let us take a look at the sky. The sky is not as dark as before and is more of a gray shade, like the environment itself. Clouds are clearly visible on it even at this time of day. So the night is felt like a day but with a slightly darkened sky. The moon will be very bright but as small as the sun. We will analyze some more of the features peculiar to the night in another section.


After a short night, dawn comes, which is also very spectacular in this mod. The entire sky begins to shine with a magical blue color, and orange particles are visible on the horizon, indicating the forthcoming sunrise. All the clouds will acquire the color of the sky. But don't think that the sky is the same as during the day, as there are some differences. At this time of day, the sky is more magical than during the day. There is already enough light in the world, but still no sun. In short, if you want to experience real beauty, you should wait for dawn. After the sun rises, the magical blue color disappears, and all the clouds light up with an orange hue, which also cannot but fascinate users. As for the sunset, it is exactly the same, but the blue sky is gradually covered with darkness in that case.

Rainy Weather at Different Times of the Day

The rain here is quite interesting, especially at night — you will understand this point soon. The drops have become more natural, and their color has become a little lighter, while the intensity has remained the same. When hitting the blocks, the drops are dark blue instead of light. Unfortunately, blocks are not covered with water, although many shaders have such a feature. But do not worry — this is not a significant disadvantage. Rain is also visible at night, but there is one feature here. When the drops fall on a block, they begin to glow. That is, these particles will be highlighted and clearly noticeable. You will not see this effect everywhere, though, but only on the surface you are looking at. This is true not only for the rain. When you walk on the ground, you will emit particles, and they will also be highlighted at night.


We have noticed changes only in two blocks, but they are significant: the iron and gold blocks have changed. When they are in your inventory, you will not notice anything new. But when you place them in the world, you will immediately see the innovations. These blocks now look much more precious. So you will be able to create a whole warehouse with these blocks to enjoy real beauty. All because these blocks have become smooth, and shiny particles are now visible on their upper layer. These blocks are similar — only the color differs. When the lighting is dim, you can detect the vanilla texture on the top layer. However, the new particles prevail. Perhaps they appear under the influence of light.


The lighting is also worthy of examination because it can boast some special features here. As we have already noted, the game world is well-lit not only during the daytime but also at night. After the rain, you can witness a unique phenomenon in the form of a rainbow. This is one of the most salient features of this shader pack. Let us now consider the lighting blocks and how they behave at different times of the day. During the day, these blocks will emit light, although it will not be particularly noticeable. You will find good enough lighting only in a shadow, say, under a mountain or other objects that block the sunrays. As for the night, there is one feature related to the lighting at this time of the day. When you look at the light sources, you will see that only the nearest area will be illuminated, while the farther objects will be covered with darkness. This is what the feature comes down to.

Swaying and Shadows

Like many other shader packs, this one features swaying. That is, all the foliage and plants will sway because of the wind. There is basically nothing special in it, but the waving is more intense. A shadow is featured by all objects, but everything is quite standard. Indeed, what could be special about these elements? So let us proceed to another component, which has undergone changes.


Of course, water is not an insignificant element of the game environment. It has also changed, and, of course, for the better. You can find that it has become a little darker but at the same time much more transparent. There are realistic waves on its surface that will move smoothly all the time. Besides, there is a reflection of the sun in the water. In short, it is a sheer pleasure to swim in such flawless waters. The underwater world is also quite interesting. It has become much lighter there, and visibility has also improved. Just look at your shadow, which will be clearly visible even underwater.

Shader Pack's Settings

If you are not satisfied with some aspects, you can easily change them by opening the settings. There are five adjustable aspects. You can change the atmosphere, lighting, and some other things. Each menu item hides more detailed parameters to change as you see fit. This is very simple. However, the default settings are good enough and do not require adjustment.

Final Verdict

Having examined all the aspects, you should compare what the game world looks like without shaders with the updated graphics. Of course, the difference is obvious. So if you would like to enjoy both beauty and realism, you should install the Ymir Shaders Beta 2 shader pack. It is not without shortcomings, but they are not numerous, so you can safely play with this pack on a regular basis. As for the other dimensions, you should take into account the following. The fact is that this shader pack does not affect other dimensions, namely the Nether and the End, in any way, so they remain the same.

Images Ymir Shaders Beta 2

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Download Ymir Shaders Beta 2

Available for next versions: 1.19.4, 1.19.3, 1.19.2, 1.19.1, 1.19, 1.18.2, 1.18.1, 1.18, 1.17.1, 1.16.5, 1.16.4, 1.16.3, 1.15.2
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Ymir_beta2.0 29.03.2023 ANY R 5 MB 1.19.4, 1.19.3, 1.19.2, 1.19.1, 1.19, 1.18.2, 1.18.1, 1.18, 1.17.1, 1.16.5, 1.16.4, 1.16.3, 1.15.2 179 k Download
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