Sildur's Enhanced Default is a shader pack for weak PCs, which users cannot neglect the performance level and reduce the already low FPS level. The developer has thus created a separate pack designed specifically for this category of users. For powerful PCs, he has prepared another, more thorough shader pack called Sildur's Vibrant Shaders, which we have already reviewed and posted on our website.
As numerous reviews and user tests show, on an average PC by the standards of 2022 (say, Intel Core i7 plus GeForce 1060 GB), this shader should run at ca 100–150 FPS, but, again, this also depends on the number of mods enabled in the launcher, the load of your system, and other nuances.
This version of the pack is perfectly optimized and runs on almost all PCs, regardless of the specs, operating system, and launcher. So, if you have problems with resource-demanding shaders, this is the best option for you by now, as it features a large number of parameters, no additional effects (those that load the system and do not give any visual benefit on weak computers have been disabled in the first place), a high FPS rate, and excellent optimization.
The most important point about this pack is that, with it, Minecraft remains as vanilla as possible but undergoes minor improvements, so it is the best option for vanilla lovers or owners of weak PCs. It perfectly combines with the standard Minecraft textures, but it is better to install Faithful 32*32 for better sharpness. It is a perfect complement for such shaders, which also does not load the system, keeps the FPS stable, and slightly improves the game's graphics.
We will not describe this option in detail, though. Please, refer to our review of Sildur's Vibrant Shaders, which is a more improved version of this pack with a large set of options and effects.
· Support for shadows;
· Support for color and underwater shadows;
· Water reflections;
· Target shading;
· Color enhancement (a special parameter in the settings that allows one to select colors using three basic shades);
· Color filters;
· Support for blurring;
· Depth of field;
· Distance blur;
· Water waves;
· Swaying of grass and foliage;
· Support for third-party textures.
So it is a great option for weak PCs, as even the featured effects are quite enough for comfortable playing. Of course, if your PC is so weak that it cannot properly launch anything modern, you should not expect colorful pictures in HD quality. Even so, you will be able to transform the graphics and generally improve them. Even the standard configuration is enough to increase the visual picture without opening the settings.
The swaying of grass and other vegetation is in place; however, it is not the same as in many other advanced shaders. Thus, if you compare Default and Vibrant Shaders, the difference will become obvious.
But compared to the vanilla version of Minecraft, the game's appearance will still transform, although this will not be immediately noticeable. Only those who are used to trying different shaders will more or less easily notice the changes. The visual picture has become nicer, softer, and more saturated, but only slightly. Screenshots and videos will be of about the same quality as in the vanilla version.
There are shadows in the water and shadows from objects and mobs, but they look a bit rough. You can set other values in the setting so that the reflections become smoother and clearer. The presence of waves from wind and other weather conditions also cannot but please players. Even the standard version of the shader pack is quite enough to fix the flaws and shortcomings of Minecraft in this regard.
You can adjust the depth of field at a distance and in motion, and these parameters will not greatly affect the game's performance level on weak PCs. As for the sharpness, it is usually adjusted only to take screenshots or capture videos with an emphasis on a specific frame, so this option is not really necessary.
If we compare the default visual picture in Minecraft and the features of Sildur's Enhanced Default Shaders, the advantages of the latter will be obvious even without extra arguments. It is the best option for weak PCs. Just try downloading this pack, running it, and playing with the standard settings. If something is wrong, adjust the configuration.
Be sure to check the FPS rate. There are only two predefined configurations in this shader pack: Fancy and Fast. Accordingly, if the rate is high (at least 80), try the improved version of these shaders by the same modder, which features more options and various effects.
v1.171 Fancy | 18.06.2024 | ANY | R | 36 KB | 1.21, 1.20.6, 1.19.4, 1.18.2, 1.17.1, 1.16.5, 1.15.2, 1.14.4, 1.13.2, 1.12.2, 1.11.2, 1.10.2, 1.9.4, 1.8.9, 1.7.10 | 66 k | Download |
v1.171 Fast | 18.06.2024 | ANY | R | 36 KB | 1.21, 1.20.6, 1.18.2, 1.17.1, 1.16.5, 1.15.2, 1.14.4, 1.13.2, 1.12.2, 1.11.2, 1.10.2, 1.9.4, 1.8.9, 1.7.10 | 975 | Download |
v1.17 Fancy | 17.06.2024 | ANY | R | 35 KB | 1.21, 1.20.6, 1.19.4, 1.18.2, 1.17.1, 1.16.5, 1.15.2, 1.14.4, 1.13.2, 1.12.2, 1.11.2, 1.10.2, 1.9.4, 1.8.9, 1.7.10 | 173 | Download |
v1.17 Fast | 17.06.2024 | ANY | R | 35 KB | 1.21, 1.20.6, 1.19.4, 1.18.2, 1.17.1, 1.16.5, 1.15.2, 1.14.4, 1.13.2, 1.12.2, 1.11.2, 1.10.2, 1.9.4, 1.8.9, 1.7.10 | 198 | Download |
v1.16 Fancy | 08.08.2023 | ANY | R | 35 KB | 1.20.1, 1.19.4, 1.18.2, 1.17.1, 1.16.5, 1.15.2, 1.14.4, 1.13.2, 1.12.2, 1.11.2, 1.10.2, 1.9.4, 1.8.9, 1.7.10 | 150 k | Download |
v1.16 Fast | 08.08.2023 | ANY | R | 35 KB | 1.20.1, 1.19.4, 1.18.2, 1.17.1, 1.16.5, 1.15.2, 1.14.4, 1.13.2, 1.12.2, 1.11.2, 1.10.2, 1.9.4, 1.8.9, 1.7.10 | 2 k | Download |
v1.15 Fast | 29.12.2022 | ANY | R | 34 KB | 1.19.3, 1.18.2, 1.17.1, 1.16.5, 1.15.2, 1.14.4, 1.13.2, 1.12.2, 1.11.2, 1.10.2, 1.9.4, 1.8.9, 1.7.10 | 99 k | Download |
v1.15 Fancy | 29.12.2022 | ANY | R | 34 KB | 1.19.3, 1.18.2, 1.17.1, 1.16.5, 1.15.2, 1.14.4, 1.13.2, 1.12.2, 1.11.2, 1.10.2, 1.9.4, 1.8.9, 1.7.10 | 1 k | Download |
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