Would like to make the Minecraft game world truly realistic? Of course, you will have to sacrifice the performance level because an FPS drop is inevitable in this case. There are a lot of shader packs on the web, which, when combined with texture packs, ensure a very good appearance for the game world. A pack called Seus Renewed is among those mods that provide you with such an opportunity. It has its own advantages and shortcomings, but of course, the former prevail, especially given that some flaws can be solved simply by changing the settings. This shader pack is quite old, and at one time was one of the best in its category. It can boast broad functionality in terms of settings that you can adjust at any time. The performance level here is not so high and can be called average. And this is quite natural, given that you will get a beautiful and realistic world. The shader has many strengths, which we will tell you about in this article. The disadvantages are not very significant — you will notice a slightly blurred picture, but this can be disabled in the settings. Besides, there are lighting flaws in some cases because the shaders do not always well fit with the lighting. Even so, the shader pack has something to surprise you with. So if you are looking for realistic shaders, be sure to download this pack.
Having spawned for the first time, you can immediately appreciate the beauty and realism, as the game world as if got a fresh coat of paint. Everything has changed around: the sky, water, and other components of the environment. But let us examine each component separately to build up an overall picture of the game world later. If you install any texture pack with high resolution, you will enjoy real beauty. However, you can also play without them to feel vanilla Minecraft. In any case, the changes that the shader pack in question brings will not distance you from vanilla in any way, so you will still feel like you are in vanilla Minecraft but with more realism. Let us consider all these changes, beginning from the sky.
Having looked at the game sky, you can even conclude that you are in the real world because the sky here is no worse than the real one. You will not see the familiar square clouds that previously hung under the sky and spoiled all the beauty anymore. You will observe the realistic clouds of various shapes, colors, and shades instead. Moreover, they will shine thanks to the sun and, in general, look very beautiful. So the clouds here are practically flawless and perfect, as the modder has done a great job on them. Another change in the sky is related to the sun. It could not but change for the better. You will see that it has acquired a round shape. Although on a bright sunny day, it is hardly distinguishable because of the rays. And in general, the sun is very bright and hard to look at. But when the sunset comes, you will see that its shape is round. By the way, you should look at the sky at this time because it shimmers with different shades. You can find pink on the horizon, and the clouds will be filled with bright orange from the sun. In short, everything is practically indistinguishable from the real world. Now it is worth examining the game world at night in search of unusual features.
When complete darkness comes, the sky will accordingly change. Previously, the stars were very small, but now everything has changed. The designer of the shader pack has decided to increase their size, thereby making the night sky even more spectacular. The stars are not as numerous as before but large. Besides, they have slightly changed in color and begun to look more natural. The clouds are almost invisible and noticeable only next to the moon because of its brightness. The moon itself looks more mysterious than before, even though it has not undergone much changes. Perhaps that is because of the sky itself as a whole. There is another feature, though. The rays now radiate from the moon. Of course, they cannot be called rays proper but rather the glow from the moon. The game world at night is very bright. You will see at longer distances, so you can easily travel at this time of day — just be careful not to encounter hostile mobs. The entire world will be well-lit because of the moon: you could even infer that it is the day if it were not for the sky above. At the end of the night, a beautiful sunset comes, and the sky lights up with new colors. It will certainly amaze you with its beauty.
In rainy weather, the game world is plunged into darkness, and you will observe fog in the distance, as in reality. This fog makes the distant objects look grey but stunningly beautiful. After a short time, all the blocks that are in the rain will get wet, and you will see the wet surface on the top layer, which looks very realistic. The blocks become smooth, and if you take a closer look at them, you can see how drops fall on this wet surface. This process is truly fascinating. However, the drops themselves have remained intact and do not look as natural.
Of course, shaders are inconceivable without shadows, so they are also in place. They are not particularly original, though, as shadows are the same everywhere, and this shader pack is no exception, so they cannot boast any special features. You will see the shadows from all the objects, namely blocks, mobs, terrain, and the main character. And, of course, no shader pack can do without swaying plants. They are now gently waving in the wind. Grass, flowers, and foliage will acquire this wonderful effect.
The lighting here is particularly noteworthy, given its amazing beauty. We mean the blocks that give light to the game world, as we have already noted that the latter is very bright. By placing a light block in the daytime, you will find that it will still provide lighting, although not for as long a distance as at night. Moreover, the block itself will glow very brightly, despite the time of day. If you put it in the shade, the lighting will be even brighter. And if you want to feel the maximum level of lighting, you should wait for the night. The block itself will glow very brightly, although this was not the case before. And if you get very close to it, you will find that the game world will be covered with darkness. Holding a flashlight or any other lighting item in your hand, you will see all the advantages of the illumination. So you will not have to place blocks to get lighting. This is very convenient when traveling at night, so be sure to use this feature.
The water is now very beautiful and practically flawless. In general, it has become lighter, more transparent, and, most importantly, realistic. This realism is ensured thanks to its surface, which now features smoothly moving waves. One can admire them for a long time. In short, it is now a sheer pleasure for fishermen to constantly be near the water. It is now no less interesting underwater because the water there is also transparent. And thanks to the sunlight, it is also very bright there, even if you are at a depth. Would like to enjoy the real beauty? Then you should look at the sky through the water. This effect will be especially impressive at depth, and you will feel as if you are in a fabulous land.
We have examined all the major changes in the game world, and now you can build up a picture of a perfect environment with these shaders. But it is worth touching upon the in-built settings, which you can adjust at any time. Thus, if you do not like any changed element, you can change it in the settings. For example, you can adjust the lighting. If it is too bright for you, you can easily decrease the brightness level a little. However, it is better not to touch the settings, as the modder has adjusted them to satisfy the majority of players.
The Nether is now covered with orange fog, and this looks exciting. Thanks to the changed lighting, the lava will sparkle very brightly throughout this dimension, giving it an orange hue. So the Nether will certainly surprise you with its beauty after you apply this shader pack. As for the End, it now looks more fabulous. The sky there is now of a purple hue, which fits with this dimension better. Besides, the End has plunged into darkness, and it has become darker there.
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