Velvet Dreams textures – is the implementation of a great work of its author, who tried to combine several important elements in one pack, such as brightness, smoothness, simplicity and no big unpleasant contrasts. At the same time, hundreds of hours and many efforts have been spent on this pack to create what you will see in this review. Velvet Dreams texture pack has been downloaded more than 75,000 times, and this is statistics only from the official site of fashion creators. If you are interested, let’s read this review.…
Like most other texture packs, the basis of the Velvet Dreams has a certain idea and unique features. The main task of the author of this pack is to eliminate high contrast blocks and objects, add a smoothing, but at the same time, you should try to keep color palettes and identity to the maximum.
The developer achieved maximum performance, and so when you download these textures, you can not worry that your computer «will start to glitch» or show a lot of «errors». It functions correctly in almost any set of computer, even at those ones, which have only 256 MB of video memory. And if previously you could not use other variants of packs, then we recommend you download the Velvet Dreams and try this great project.
The first time you enter Minecraft, you will immediately see a change in the design of the interface. It has become more «official», but also concise. There are bright and contrasting palettes using metallic shades. The cells are decorated in a darker design. The difference in color gamut complements these elements, so the GUI looks quality, beautiful and very interesting, unlike the vanilla version of the game.
The appearance of the quick access cells has changed too. The semi-transparent panel with shades of pink looks beautiful against the background of the world, and any item you choose in slots will be illuminated by a unique frame. In this issue, we also should mention minor changes to the interface at the enchantment table, anvil, cartographer table and other similar items. So, there are new styles, new clear faces and cells, as well as icons such as slots under Lazuli.
Almost all blocks in Minecraft have changed in Velvet Dreams textures, and most of them have clear edges without any defects today. For example, dripstone block, tuff and polished deepslate have a beautiful texture and neat appearance that successfully combines all lines, faces, patterns and other details.
We suggest you look at different kinds of sandstone, brick, mossy stone and other types of building blocks. We are sure that every detail and pattern is visible when approaching this object, and if you use an OptiFine too, you will surely be able to see all these details by a simple approximation using the CTRL key. It looks really beautiful and unique, and from the first minutes of usage you will understand that the developer of the Velvet Dreams texture pack has done a great work to create such an option.
One important category for any gamer – is the visual design of the ore, as each gamer has to spend a lot of time in the mines to extract different types of resources and offset the cost of extracting valuable materials simultaneously. Even if you are used to the vanilla version of Minecraft, in this texture pack you will quickly switch to new types of ore.
While all the differences between different types of materials are clearly visible, such as gold or iron ore, or emerald. In mines with poor lighting, you will in any case see exactly the version of materials you need, as the author tried to draw every kind of texture and make them different, So that players can navigate underground quickly and have trouble visualizing.
The appearance of planks and logs has changed too. Now, they have a high level of detail, which you can see from any angle. Though if you go to the tree block, you will see how many rings are located on its corpus. You should also look at the usual types of planks, too, because they are similar to patterns, and you will see them perfectly. They differ only in color palette, which depends on the type of wood.
In general, the textures were made to the maximum quality by the author of this pack, and such changes have a great impact on the architecture and appearance of any building on the territory of which you will use such materials. Visually, all the trees have also changed, such as savannah, dark forest and other biomes. It looks beautiful and unique, and it also contains contrast in some details.
It is not often that we consider certain types of food in Minecraft, because often the authors of texture packs do not devote much time to them. In Velvet Dreams, its developer has recycled every type of food and we believe it is commendable. You can find there clear and colorful textures of apples, meat, berries, bread or vegetables, each of which has its own distinctive style, appearance and unique features.
Now, we move to the category of tools — this is the important and most frequent assembly of items that gamers use in Minecraft for survival. With picks and shovels, you often have to visit different types of biomes, extract materials, blocks and items, and this is the basis of this game. This is the reason why the appearance of tools is important in this project.
We invite you to look at how beautiful the pickaxes or axes look, such as diamond or unseritic one. They are colorful, crisp and detailed, and have small stone inserts and some unique features. Compared to the vanilla style of the game, this is a very big difference.
We did some screenshots with different types of instruments. If you look at them, you can compare how they differ from each other, as well as how well models, facets and other important features are drawn in this pack.
Next important category of items – is weapons and armor because gamers often have to face cunning mobs, as well as visiting different biomes or realms in this game. Survival without good gear is something impossible. In this issue, Velvet Dreams texture pack will help you, which completely recycles the appearance of all types of armor and weapons.
Diamond and non-armor have both bright and contrasting shades. At the same time, these textures do not just have a fill of particular color. That is also different patterns and details. This style is very different from the vanilla version of the game, and this is the strong side of it. Swords look beautiful, including in combination with armor. All this does not even depend on the fact that it almost does not help in the fight with enemies.
Different types of transport were implemented very beautifully and on a quality level. We took a screenshot of the whole category so you could see how different boats or trolleys look beautiful. They look realistic and in many ways transform Minecraft even when they have the form of an icon.
Now, sailing has become even more interesting because in such transport, you can conquer any aquatic biome. Moreover, when a gamer sails on a beautiful ship, it is even more enjoyable. We are unlikely to be able to broadcast all changes in the way of transport to Minecraft, but we recommend you download this texture pack and try to test all changes and innovations on your experience.
The appearance of most mechanisms has changed for the better. You can see many details, clear boundaries and contrasts there. You will probably be more interested in working with such blocks and objects. This is all the more true if you are well versed in logical chains.
Design for potions will surely please you too, since almost all the bottles have clear edges, bright and beautiful animation now and even quality framing. In that case, if your inventory includes a lot of different potions, then you can distinguish them from each other because misty, ordinary or explosive potions have different types of design. It is not surprising that Velvet Dreams texture pack realized it.
All books are in the same style, and the vanilla variation of Minecraft has roughly the same textures of these. Although they have become clearer, their structure resembles textures such as a Faithful, which perfectly handle this task.
All spawn eggs have a new texture now. While you can take advantage of the creative mode, and then you will see that they have partly different texture, similar patterns and different colors that match to those which include vanilla variation of Minecraft included.
Not all mobs have changed their appearance, though there are such options that may not like you. Among them are pigs that have weird appearances. However, this factor is also a matter of taste. In general, all living creatures have become more clear and contrasting in hues, but the shape of the skull or head is still pretty bad.
This concludes our review, although Velvet Dreams textures have many other details and innovations that we could describe, such as the decor category, various types of wool, concrete and other materials that Minecraft has many. We can conclude that these are qualitative textures that change almost 99% of all blocks and items that are only included in the main game.
The developer of this pack is constantly updating this project and posting new versions of it, as well as fixing errors and communicating with its audience. We are sure that this is one of the best texture packs that are quite similar to the vanilla ones. There are more contrasts and bright shades. It was realized qualitatively and even uniquely. We liked the appearance of ores, potions, tools and armor with weapons. You can choose whether to download this texture pack, but we advise you to do so that you can make sure of its uniqueness based on your own experience, because you will surely like these innovations.
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