Slight Depth [3D] for Minecraft

  • Author: dommy54
  • Popularity:
  • Updated: 28.04.2020
  • Last version 1.16.5

Review Slight Depth [3D]

Slight Depth: Vanilla Models in 3D

Players accustomed to the vanilla style of Minecraft find it difficult to switch over to other texture packs that change the appearance of each block, shades, and some models beyond recognition. For such users, modders try to create other texture options where everything is close to the standard game version but with numerous improvements. A texture pack called Slight Depth belongs precisely to this category. The main task of its designer was to find a kind of happy medium so that the familiar vanilla Minecraft is left untouched, but some of the in-game models look three-dimensional.

The modder has tried to select certain categories of items and blocks that require receiving significant and elaborate minor details. For example, the enchanted books have always resembled an icon, but it would be nice to see them in full-blown 3D. This also applies to different types of weapons and tools. Besides, have you ever seen a modified diamond ore block, the particles of which stick out on its sides? That is why we recommend you read the full review of the Slight Depth texture pack, which can boast such features.

New 3D Ores

The textures of the in-game ores have been nicely reworked. The designer has tried to change every vanilla ore type, namely lapis lazuli, diamond, iron, gold, coal, redstone, and nether quartz.

The new variants look really cool. Only a few 3D texture packs can boast similar effects, but they are, as a rule, too resource-demanding. In contrast, the mod under consideration is minimalistic. When it comes to the ores, you will see that the particles of the respective precious stones or minerals bulge out on the sides of their blocks. If it is gold, we see the small particles of gold. If it is a diamond block, the diamond particles are visible on all its sides. All this looks unusual.

The preserved vanilla atmosphere of Minecraft cannot but please users. You download new textures, but the game atmosphere proves to be the same as in the standard version, which is amazing.


The appearance of the in-game logs has slightly changed. While earlier they were flat and not particularly clear, now all of them have been transformed, and a distinct and salient pattern of concentric squares has appeared on them. This also looks interesting, although such innovation is less significant in terms of aesthetics than the changed ores. All because we mainly see logs from the side and will have to put them on their side as part of some wooden frames or the interior design to appreciate these patterns. Many Minecraft architects resort to such solutions while erecting various structures.

Tools and Weapons

Another important category of items that acquired reworked 3D textures is tools and weapons. Volume has thus finally appeared in the cubic world, where we are used to seeing only square blocks and 2D objects. And this means not a 100% modified appearance but just 3D models totally faithful to the vanilla game style.

The model of each such item has become smoother. A small outline has appeared on it, which is not peculiar to the standard textures. Moreover, the models have acquired a 3D effect, so if you throw, say, a pickaxe, axe, tools, and other items on the ground, you will see that they have completely transformed. Take, for example, the diamond sword. It has become much thicker, and its edges are now visible from all sides.

As the designer claims in the description, he has tried to find a proper balance between the detail level of the models and the vanilla game style.

Books and Bookshelves

The modder has nicely reworked the books and thus implemented another long-waited improvement. These are now not flat items resembling brochures but full-fledged thick volumes with a 3D texture from all sides. The enchantments give them even more splendor, beauty, and attractiveness. It has now become much more interesting to work at the enchanting table because of such an extra aesthetical incentive.

The bookshelves have been completely reworked. The arrangement of the books now changes depending on the position of the blocks. Thus, if you use just a single-block bookshelf, you will see the books arranged in one way. But if you create a bookshelf consisting of several blocks, the order of the books will be completely different.

The block itself has also been significantly transformed, and each protruding book has acquired a unique style and volume. It has now become much more pleasant and convenient to create full-fledged libraries in a modern or medieval style even without installing extra mods and shaders.

Other Blocks

Some other in-game blocks have also received the 3D effect. They include the furnace, enchanting table, jukebox, ender chest, note block, dropper, observer, and other equally important blocks.

Each model looks cool, spectacular, and unusual. We suggest you just look at the screenshots in which we have tried to capture most of these objects in the 3D style. The designer has added faces to each block, both on top and on the sides. They now bulge by a few millimeters. Every model has acquired clarity, contrast, and some unique flavor. The first time you launch the game with the Slight Depth texture pack, you even want to merely sit and look at each block to notice all the details the standard textures by Mojang did not allow us to appreciate before.

Summing it up, we can say that Slight Depth is a cool and elaborate design option for Minecraft, which allows one to give some of the objects a 3D model while leaving the familiar vanilla style intact. Such an opportunity has been missing in the cubic world for a very long time. Of course, not all the elements have been reworked here, but the available content is enough to change the game's graphics and really enjoy a whole new detail level. We can only hope that the designer will not abandon his development, as the texture pack is not so often updated and still does not support recent versions of Minecraft.

Images Slight Depth [3D]

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Download Slight Depth [3D]

Available for next versions: 1.16.5, 1.16.4, 1.16.3, 1.16.2, 1.16.1, 1.15.2, 1.15.1, 1.15, 1.12.2, 1.12.1, 1.12, 1.11.2, 1.11
Game versions
Show only last resourcepack versions
1.16 09.01.2021 ANY R 466 KB 1.16.5, 1.16.4, 1.16.3, 1.16.2, 1.16.1 1 mln Download
slight-depth-1.12-b5 28.04.2020 ANY B 692 KB 1.12.2, 1.12.1, 1.12, 1.11.2, 1.11 108 k Download
slight-depth-1.16-b5 28.04.2020 ANY R 758 KB 1.15.2, 1.15.1, 1.15 43 k Download
slight-depth-1.16-b4.1 22.04.2020 ANY R 466 KB 1.15.2, 1.15.1, 1.15 39 k Download
slight-depth-1.12-b4 22.04.2020 ANY B 403 KB 1.12.2, 1.12.1, 1.12, 1.11.2, 1.11 40 k Download
slight-depth-1.16-b4 21.04.2020 ANY R 467 KB 1.15.2, 1.15.1, 1.15 39 k Download
slight-depth-1.16-b3 18.04.2020 ANY R 406 KB 1.15.2, 1.15.1, 1.15 39 k Download
slight-depth-1.16-b2 17.04.2020 ANY R 387 KB 1.15.2, 1.15.1, 1.15 39 k Download
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обновите пж нафиг закинули?!
люди как установить данный текстур пак на свой маинкрафт??? я просто не понимаю как его устанавливать
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