Purple 16x for Minecraft

  • Author: nikinok
  • Popularity:
  • Updated: 30.11.2019
  • Last version 1.14.4

Review Purple 16x

Purple 16x

The standard texture set of Minecraft is quite elaborate and eye-pleasing. The vanilla color combination of each texture in each biome, along with the color scheme of mobs, items, etc., create the familiar atmosphere of our favorite Minecraft. Could you imagine that in it, the trees were blue, the Nether was green, and your fellow dog was orange? Perhaps you couldn't. Indeed, the designers from Mojang tried to create such a color combination so that the visual side of the game causes not disgust but, on the contrary, sympathy or a sense of ordinariness.

For sure, each player wondered at least once: "Is it possible to change the GUI or items without affecting the remaining content?" Numerous and unique resource packs on the Internet tried to provide the answer. They are now available for every taste: changing the texture resolution (16x16, 32x32, 256x256, etc.), the sky's colors, item textures, mobs' color scheme, blocks' shape, and much more.

Fans have gone so far as to start creating themed resource packs, such as those that turn familiar Minecraft into Terraria, Mario, or Stalker. As a result, such mods have become countless. The most important thing is that each player is now able to choose a resource pack for his own purposes. Thus, some want to make the game realistic, others prefer fantasy, still others strive to visually change the PvP system. It is for the latter that a pack called Purple 16x has been created and refined. It affects a lot of things: weapons, armor, blocks, sky — and that is not all. As its name suggests, its basic color is purple. As for the particles, they have also been changed, and the designer can be proud of this. Think that is the end of the changes? Not at all! Let us now consider them in more detail.

Main Menu and Logo

An eye-pleasing main menu, an in-game GUI, and sometimes also a pleasant soundtrack are a calling card of each resource pack, provided, of course, it aspires to change most of the game. Indeed, it is much more enjoyable to launch Minecraft and immediately see the innovations. Imagine you installed a new resource pack and run it, but the main menu has not changed in any way. That may spoil the first impression, which is highly undesirable for any designer. Purple 16x has been able to avoid such shortcomings. The first thing you notice when you launch this resource pack is a changed Mojang logo. It has acquired new colors, namely black, white, and gray, which are nicely combined thanks to a gradient. Moreover, its style is now pixel, which stresses the main feature of this game, as it were. A good move on the part of the designer.

However, the main menu itself has not undergone major changes. The only thing the designer has decided to alter is the buttons' color. And given that the texture pack is called 'Purple 16x,' it has turned from gray to purple. Of course, the designer has done that to stress the color theme of the mod and make everything clear from the outset. Indeed, if he had not implemented such a feature, when entering the game world, you would feel as if you were switching from one game to another.


Purple 16x has not left the GUI untouched. On the contrary, it has changed it beyond recognition, making practically nothing left of its previous appearance. Thus, you can notice modified health, hunger, experience, and armor bars. Their shapes have not changed much, but the icons themselves have acquired purple shades, peculiar to this texture pack. The crosshair has also changed. As you know, the vanilla crosshair is slightly shifted, which can be inconvenient, say, during construction or traveling from one island to another. Now, it is located exactly in the center, and its size is reduced. Besides, the designer has reworked the horbar. Its slots now have no outlines, but that does not mean they are completely gone. An item is now highlighted with a purple square when you select its respective slot.

Let us now turn to the inventory. It has noticeably darkened, and its texture has received dark gray colors, which were combined in such a way that lighter shades were closer to the center and the darker ones closer to the edge. The armor slots have changed their color from gray to purple. Looks not bad, right?

Items and Blocks

Considering that this resource pack is designed for an audience that prefers PvP battles, it is not surprising that the in-game content the designer has mainly focused is items. Their changes are numerous, so let us touch them only briefly. The swords have become shorter because, as many PvP players believe, short swords are much more convenient in battles than long ones. However, some may still like long ones — it is a matter of taste. The armor has not changed much — only the diamond one has received purple shades. By the way, some items have acquired animations, including the nether star, the ender pearl, slime, etc. They are very smooth and eye-pleasing. Buckets, food, enchantment effects, bows, and everything else that has to do with battles have been reworked. Instead of reading, just take a look at the beautiful texture of each item yourself!

So, what is the bottom line? Simply put, you should certainly consider using this texture pack — especially if you prefer purple to others and like playing BedWars, SkyWars, and the like in your free time.

Images Purple 16x

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Download Purple 16x

Available for next versions: 1.14.4, 1.14.3, 1.14.2, 1.14.1, 1.14, 1.12.2, 1.12.1, 1.12, 1.11.2, 1.11, 1.10.2, 1.10, 1.9.4, 1.8.9, 1.8.8, 1.8, 1.7.10
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!16 01.12.2019 ANY R 12 MB 1.14.4, 1.14.3, 1.14.2, 1.14.1, 1.14, 1.12.2, 1.12.1, 1.12, 1.11.2, 1.11, 1.10.2, 1.10, 1.9.4, 1.8.9, 1.8.8, 1.8, 1.7.10 19 k Download
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