Luna HD 64x for Minecraft

  • Author: batusaimc
  • Popularity:
  • Updated: 19.11.2024
  • Last version 1.21.3

Review Luna HD 64x

Luna HD – a high-quality resource pack to change the main blocks and items

Are you tired of vanilla textures? Would you like to add more beauty and realism? In fact, you can find a texture pack that is perfect for you since there are plenty of them. Besides, there are resource packs of numerous categories. Thus, you only need to choose the one you need. Do you like realism and quality? If so, we invite you to install Luna HD , which will change your world beyond recognition. This resource pack will update almost all blocks and many items that, according to the author, need to be changed. The texture pack has a fairly high resolution – 64x. So, you will be able to feel all the beauty and detail of each block and item after installing this texture pack. Mobs, the sky, the interface, and other game elements will have the same textures.


Many of the most common blocks will change. So, the environment will no longer be the same. Trees, plants, dirt and stone blocks, etc. will look different. First, let’s take a look at the ground. The grass becomes a little darker. You may even think that the world looks darker, although it is barely noticeable. What’s more, the grass is highly detailed and does not have any square particles in its top layer. Thanks to the pack’s high resolution, you will even be able to see separate blades of grass. Regular dirt also becomes darker and more detailed. However, it has no special properties.


Let’s take a look at the vegetation that is found all over the world. Let’s consider regular grass growing on dirt. The grass becomes very lush and does not look transparent. In addition, it looks lighter than dirt. Thus, it stands out against the background of dark dirt, which is very noticeable. You cannot say that’s a drawback since you can quickly get used to it. The tall grass is given a more appropriate texture. Its color matches the color of dirt, so it is not particularly visible at short distances. The blades of grass are not as straight as they used to be, which gives the tall grass a more realistic look.

Ferns and dead bushes will also change. By the way, these are the most common plants in the Minecraft world. The fern becomes incredibly detailed and bright, which makes it look realistic. Its leaves look so beautiful that you can even see their small details. The dead bush becomes more magnificent. Besides, all its branches are interconnected.


One of the advantages of this texture pack is that it redesigns trees to make them look beautiful and realistic. The pack changes not only their woods but also their main distinguishing feature – leaves. In vanilla Minecraft, trees look square. This is due to the shape of leaves and the structure of trees. With this resource pack, everything will change. The shape of trees will remain the same, but the shape of leaves will become completely different.

This resource pack will introduce nice shapes of leaf blocks, which will no longer look square. You can even notice that the author has extended leaves to make them stick out of the square shape. Besides, they are not as tight as they used to be. Unfortunately, there are no real-life branches, but the trees look far more realistic. We would also like to say some words about the wood, which is highly detailed. Thus, all parts of the tree look rather realistic.

Resource pack feature

This resource pack has one peculiarity. When connecting some different blocks, their faces meet at certain points thanks to specific block particles. For example, if you connect dirt and grass, you can find a small line of grass on the block of dirt. And if you connect the sand and the grass, the opposite will happen. Thus, the sand particles will enter the grass block. You can try other combinations, but in general, only sand and grass are involved.

Stone and other blocks found in the Nether world

An equally important part of the world is the Nether world, which the player often visits in search of minerals. The author has also improved this part of the world and changed some of its blocks. The stone is a block that the Nether world mainly consists of, which is why the author has modified it as well. This block becomes much darker than before. In addition, it becomes smoother and has no more square particles. Due to the change in the texture of the stone, you may find that the mountains also look different: they become darker. Andesite, diorite and granite all take similar changes and a smooth surface.


It is quite necessary to mention ores – something for which players dig in the mines. The author has also updated them so that you can enjoy their appearance. All ores change, but for some reason, the emerald remains the same. Previously, you could notice small squares of valuable particles in the composition of the ore, but now its structure is different. Each type of ore is individual. Therefore, these valuable particles are arranged differently and have various structures. The diamond ore has almost no stone and looks amazing.


This block looks colorful and beautiful. Each piece of wool is individual and differs not only in color but also in pattern. Yes, you heard right, wool blocks will have different patterns. Only 5 colors of wool do not acquire any changes – these are black, light blue, blue, pink, and gray wool.


The glass is an important part of any building, which inevitably has a window. So, it also needs to be updated. The glass becomes more transparent due to the absence of excess particles. In addition, there are light brown frames along the block edges. However, things are different with stained glass. Just like wool blocks, stained glasses take on various patterns. Because of this, stained glasses cease to fulfill their main functions since they are not transparent at all. What’s more, not all stained glasses change. Some of them will remain the same.


Many items will have the same textures, so they won’t blend in with the high-resolution environment. Of the items, only tools and swords will change. Thus, you won’t notice any more changes. Let’s start with the swords, which look amazing. The swords are more colorful and you can see that the blade looks a bit thinner. The diamond and netherite swords look the most impressive, while others do not change much. Besides, these swords have additional colors, for example, the diamond sword has a small purple line located in its very middle. The netherite sword becomes more transparent along the edges and its blade is a bit orange. In general, the swords are not as square as they used to be, which looks nice when fighting.


Similar to swords, tools also become thinner and more colorful. Besides, their parts do not look as square as they used to. In addition, each tool has a different handle. It corresponds to the material from which the tool is made. These items look a little longer than before, which gives them a bit of realism. In general, you will surely enjoy using the tools from this resource pack. Unfortunately, the author has not added textures for a shovel and a netherite hoe, while all other tools have new textures.


This add-on is perfect for those players who don’t like vanilla blocks and items. However, the old-textured vanilla mobs don’t blend well with the new block textures designed in high resolution. But you can easily get used to it since the problem is not that critical. Of course, the texture pack has a lot of benefits, which is clear from the detailing of its blocks and items.

Images Luna HD 64x

This element has no dependencies.

Download Luna HD 64x

Available for next versions: 1.21.3, 1.21.1, 1.21, 1.20.6, 1.20.5, 1.20.4, 1.20.2, 1.20.1, 1.20, 1.19.4, 1.19.1, 1.19, 1.18.2, 1.18.1, 1.18, 1.17, 1.16.5, 1.16.4, 1.16.3, 1.16.2, 1.16.1, 1.16
Game versions
Show only last resourcepack versions
Luna_64x_1.21.3 20.11.2024 ANY R 11 MB 1.21.3 51 Download
Luna_freepack_1.21.1 20.10.2024 ANY R 11 MB 1.21.1 114 Download
LushGrass_addon_1.21.1 17.10.2024 ANY R 578 KB 1.21.1 0 Download
Luna_64x_1.21.1 10.10.2024 ANY R 11 MB 1.21.1 0 Download
Luna_64x_1.21 24.07.2024 ANY R 10 MB 1.21 286 Download
Luna_freepack_1.20.6 09.05.2024 ANY R 8 MB 1.20.6, 1.20.5 933 Download
Luna_freepack_1.20.4 06.02.2024 ANY R 10 MB 1.20.4 591 Download
luna_64x_1.20.4 28.12.2023 ANY R 8 MB 1.20.4 595 Download
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