Minecraft has always lacked such design options that would pleasantly strike the player just after they enter the game world. That's why various additional texture packs began to appear, each of which with particular advantages and disadvantages, a certain style, different types of changes and innovations, and a special message and purpose. Sometimes designers create texture packs that are such in name only, modifying only some blocks. However, there are also mods that completely change the appearance of the game world so that Minecraft is transformed beyond recognition.
A texture pack called LIMITLESS PRISM falls into the second category. The designers of this mod have done a great job achieving the desired result, which you can now see on the screenshots. The one thing should be noted from the outset, though: we have reviewed the 16x16 version, whereas the Internet is full of screenshots from 64x64 and 256x256 versions of the pack. These versions are paid and available on the official website of Limitless Designs, so you should keep in mind this difference.
As the player spawns in the game world or joins a server, they will immediately notice that the graphics of Minecraft has significantly transformed. However, it is at first difficult to understand whether the changes are for the better or worse. Then you will begin to gradually realize that absolutely everything has changed in the game world, and the vanilla style disappeared. Take, for example, the appearance of grass and dirt. There are now more different extra particles in them, and in general, the dirt now does not look as perfect as it was in the standard version of the game or in the Faithful texture pack, which we have already reviewed.
If you take a look at the dirt, you will notice that it is now not as attractive as before. While earlier you could cover an area with it and thus get a golf course, with the LIMITLESS PRISM texture pack installed, this will not be possible. However, all this looks even more interesting, especially if you often play Minecraft, and the standard textures make you a bit tired.
If you take a look at any tree, you will notice completely new types of foliage, which has become much fluffier and more voluminous. The foliage is now not just a square block but something quite close to reality, which, by the way, will perfectly sway if you install some shader pack. So we recommend you use one of such mods to transform the game's graphics even more.
Each and every tree type has been affected by the changes, beginning with the ordinary oak and ending with the warped trees. Moreover, the designers have adapted their add-on for version 1.19, so you can expect a complete transformation of all the blocks in accordance with the style of this pack.
The in-game grass has also changed. However, it is now more difficult to notice among such blurred dirt textures. Even so, you will gradually get used to it and perceive it as if it were the vanilla one. After all, many users have appreciated the Prism texture pack because all the blocks here are both unique in terms of structure and not modified to the degree that you could confuse them. That is, a certain connection with the vanilla style still remains.
Other important plant textures have also visually changed. They include the ones of lianas, flowers, underwater plants, mushrooms, moss blocks, bamboo, ferns, and much more. In general, a unitary style has been ensured, which features the same clarity level and focuses on adding more pixels with a certain proximity to the vanilla design.
At first glance, it seems as if the designers of these textures have made them hastily since their appearance leaves much to be desired, and all the items from these categories are very similar to each other. But if we were to judge them according to the criteria of the cubic world, we can say that the designers have come as close as possible to such a style and deliberately focused on blurriness and pixels. Still, you sometimes don't even understand what exactly you're holding in your hand.
This applies to almost all the types of weapons and tools, be they netherite, diamond, iron, etc. All of them are very similar to each other, in fact differing only in color — but even the latter is hardly distinguishable given such pixels.
The new armor is an entirely different story. It cannot be said that the developers have reworked all the types of the in-game equipment but still most of them. The diamond, netherite, iron, and gold armor has dramatically changed compared to the standard appearance. They are made in a minimalist style, where most of a piece is filled with a unitary color without transitions, gradients, and highlights. However, some shade differences are still in place.
The iron armor now looks much more interesting, although you will have to get used to such an appearance, which is not an easy task. The same is true of the golden armor: while earlier it indeed looked like gold and shone, now it can only be called diarrhea brown. The netherite armor looks very cool, though, and deserves high marks. It is somewhat similar to the vanilla one but looks stylish.
The appearance of the ores has also drastically changed. Some ore types have become more attractive, some have remained at about the same level but become more clear, while other options will not be appreciated by everybody. Just look how beautiful the diamond ore has become! At the same time, the deepslate diamond ore has basically remained intact, having simply become clearer.
The same applies to the lapis lazuli, emerald, and redstone ore. Each of them has undergone certain changes, but there are now more pixels and extra particles in all the ores. Thus, the lapis lazuli ore now looks not as perfect and smooth as before. So whenever you visit mines with the Prism texture pack installed, it seems to you that a diamond you found is rough and needs to be processed to become a beautiful gem. This is true of all the other minerals.
This mod provides plenty of room for creativity for architects and builders. The wool here looks different and much more interesting than in the vanilla Minecraft. Even though the designers simply use a single color as the texture, there is something unique and fascinating about this. With such textures and shades, you can create different types of finishes inside your buildings, build beautiful art objects in singleplayer mode or on a server, and erect cool large-scale structures.
One also cannot but appreciate the modified glass texture. While earlier it was mostly transparent regardless of the color, now each square block is divided into strips along and across, which creates an additional pattern of four more squares on each side. It is better to see it once to understand what we are talking about. This looks really uncommon, doesn't it?
The concrete has also undergone changes, which can be compared to those of the wool. These block types still retained certain differences, but they were much more easily distinguishable in the vanilla game version even from a far distance. In contrast, you now will have to come close and examine each pixel through a spyglass to understand whether you see the wool or concrete. It is up to you to decide whether this is good or bad. You always have a choice as to install a particular texture pack or not — we are just trying to provide you with detailed screenshots showing all its pros and cons.
The only thing that surprises us in the Prism texture pack is the beds' appearance. By default, they are all of the same color, whichever option you choose. It is unclear whether this is a bug or not, but this may well be a feature of the 16x16 version. Indeed, if you download the paid version with a higher resolution, you will see completely different textures.
Generally speaking, the mod changes a lot of things, and its developers have put a lot of effort into creating it. We are used to seeing that this or that block features roughly the same style, but here we can enjoy a completely different look. And the fact is that even a single block can significantly change the entire game world. This, for example, applies to the chiseled blocks and sandstone. They have become completely different. And while earlier you could see the face of some mob on the sandstone block, now the situation will change.
Everything is made in a unitary style featuring blur, a high contrast level, and pixel admixtures of different textures. Such a design option looks unusual and stylish. Moreover, it emphasizes the diversity of approaches peculiar to Minecraft mods and ensures smooth transitions between various biomes, locations, and structures.
If you are going to download the Prism texture pack, please note that we have reviewed the 16x16 version. On the official website of Limitless Designs, the developers offer two other paid options: 64x64 and 256x256. Their visual side is radically different from what you see in the screenshots. As for which version to use and whether to consider the mod noteworthy at all, it is entirely up to you. It is quite possible to run this pack together with OptiFine and some shaders to bring the graphics to a whole new level.
Prism-2.0.0-64x | 27.01.2024 | ANY | R | 33 MB | 1.20.2 | 74 | Download |
FREE-Prism-1.3.3-32x | 03.09.2023 | ANY | R | 31 MB | 1.20.1, 1.20 | 1 k | Download |
FREE-Prism-1.3.2-32x | 02.09.2023 | ANY | R | 31 MB | 1.20.1, 1.20 | 13 | Download |
FREE-Prism-1.3.0-32x | 01.06.2023 | ANY | R | 57 MB | 1.19.4, 1.19.3, 1.19.2 | 578 | Download |
FREE-Prism-1.2.8-32x | 20.04.2023 | ANY | R | 56 MB | 1.19.4, 1.19.3, 1.19.2 | 211 | Download |
FREE-Prism-1.2.7-16x | 18.04.2023 | ANY | R | 30 MB | 1.19.4 | 10 | Download |
FREE-Prism-1.2.6-16x | 09.04.2023 | ANY | R | 30 MB | 1.19.4 | 74 | Download |
FREE-Prism-1.2.3-16x | 27.10.2022 | ANY | R | 25 MB | 1.19.2 | 11 | Download |
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