How often have you seen cool medieval buildings in Minecraft? Or you have considered beautiful structures on servers where a large number of users play Minecraft? The fact is that the vanilla texture pack makes most such buildings look a bit «clumsy» and are unlike the original idea of an engineer or architect.
You can fix this! We offer you a cool Karmorakcraft texture pack, which has created a unique style similar to the Middle Ages. Here, literally everything is detailed, such as items and blocks, environment, creatures, player interface, weapons and armor, achievements and many other components. This option is suitable for those users who like high contrast, strict style and medieval era. If you still can’t figure out if you should download this pack, you should see our detailed description with all the screenshots.
The first thing you’ll notice immediately after Minecraft launching &ndash is a whole new style of interface. The developer of this pack has changed the panel with fast slots and now, they are all framed with a steel frame. It looks stylish, cool and unusual. When you pick up an item, the cell becomes active, and this style changes to a yellow fire frame that looks like lava. This allows you to quickly understand which slot you have stopped scrolling.
We suggest you take a look at the menu. The entire panel performed in a steel style, as if you see the hardened metal in front of you, performed in the form of a single plate with cells. Looks very cool and cool. Even now, you will look at all these items or blocks, they look «rich», and in general, not only does the style of each element change, but also the style of whole Minecraft.
Next, we would like to suggest you move on to one of the most interesting categories, especially when installing a new textbook. We mean armor, tools and weapons. In Karmorakcraft texture pack, all the details of each «set» are detailed as clearly and uniquely as possible. We invite you to look at the diamond armor. Is there such an element that reminds you of the vanilla Minecraft? There are no similarities, but there is a brand new texture drawn from scratch of high quality.
In principle, this type corresponds to this particular era. So the author tried to bring us as close as possible to this time and create all the necessary conditions for this. Now, you are invited to look at the iron armor. On the one hand, it is all in the same style but an iron «set» looks very different. Also, a diamond sword is different from a steel sword. And the most important thing is that – all textures performed in 64*64 pixels resolution, and it is a great design option for users who have long played Minecraft and want to transform the graphics fundamentally.
Picks, axes and other types of instruments look cool too, and they perform qualitatively and correspond to the medieval style. In addition, almost all components have been modified here. Have you ever seen a beautiful and clear lighter option? If you have not seen it, we suggest you take a look at it here! Now, the character is holding a real lighter, not the odd item that the developers offered us in vanilla Minecraft. Same for telescopes, compasses and scissors.
There is one more important category, such as – handouts, pistons, redstone and other logic components, from which we create different mechanisms in the game. If you are constantly interacting with such components, you will surely want to see some quality HD textures on your screen, so that you can enjoy not only the result of the crafting mechanism, but building too. Now, Karmorakcraft texture packs will give you such emotions too.
All models were fully detailed and modified. Sticky and conventional pistons, redstone, comparators and other elements to create circuits look very different. With high resolution, you can see every corner of the block, and it looks pretty cool.
We’d also like to tell you about the railroad trolleys. They are as detailed as possible and correspond to the given theme and style. Now, all the elements of the trolleys, railways and different components are visible, and now, they are in the form of lamps at the back and trolleys at the front, and you will see the interesting design of the boxes. In general, you can say that it performed very qualitatively, and you’d better look once in the game than watch many times reviews or read detailed articles with screenshots.
The appearance of the food in the game changed completely. Previously, it was like berries or chicken, now, each component is drawn according to the real prototype. If it’s a watermelon, you’re looking at a piece of watermelon. If we are talking about fried meat, then on the screen you see a roasted piece of meat, and roasted and raw ones are noticeably different from each other.
The developers have thoroughly altered the textures of fish, vegetables and berries of different types. Honey is similar to the bottle of skotch now, golden apple is actually golden, and berries look like real ones. Even if you leave the item on the street, you will be able to fully consider its texture. The only downside of this pack &ndash is that it’s 2D models, not 3D models, although we are sure that three-dimensional models of each type of food or discarded piston in the game would look much more interesting.
Mobs in Minecraft have undergone a remarkable transformation as the textures have completely changed the appearance of each creature, and this applies to both neutral and hostile mob. They look like HD models, but we think it’s not very beautiful, of course. Animals became a little «scary», and we think they look unnatural, like bears and pigs and horses. Yes, the resolution is bigger, and these 64*64 pixels give a lot more detail to the model itself, but all the beauty and aesthetics are gone.
This is the main weakness of this creator because the Karmorakcraft texture pack has very imperfect and even poor-quality character models. But it may well please you because this design style looks unique, but we are sure that some gamers will not appreciate this «style».
We have decided to notice these blocks and items in a separate category so that you can see how well the author has worked out the textures of these elements. Bookshelves look as realistic as possible, where you can even calculate how many books are located on each shelf. From all sides it looks beautiful, so with such blocks you are quite able to decorate your yards, make a home library or something interesting.
The author of this pack has remade all jars with potions. Each of them looks very beautiful on the list of items now, and you will probably think that it is liqueurs or wine poured into bottles. Moreover, if you throw an item to the ground, the 2D model will appear in front of you, although many gamers prefer its 3D version.
The last thing we want to tell you about in this category – these are ordinary books with enchantments. They are similar to each other and have the same textures, and their only difference is the type of enchantment. These books have beautiful and extraordinary animation that will show you the reddish color that waves in the other one at a certain time. You can look at the screenshot so you can evaluate the appearance of items and see if you should install this Karmorakcraft texture pack.
The new ores in Minecraft are so quality and beautiful that you will surely like them most in this pack. They have detailed textures and demonstrate the essence of every material you can find in mines of Minecraft or other biomes. Diamonds in diamond ore, gold and redstone have a beautiful appearance. What’s more, the red dust is illuminated in the ore block, so you’ll just notice it. I’m sure you won’t get used to these changes immediately, but you’ll be able to pass valuable materials in the mine after installing this pack, but you’ll get used to it over time. You will need several hours of continuous gaming in the mine – to become a real miner who can easily mine several batches of diamonds.
The color palette for wool and other blocks of uniform color has changed too. Now, each type of wool has a unique style besides hue. It will be difficult for you to see this pattern from a distance, but if you get closer, it will be pretty clear. Also, all types of wool become more bright and rich.
Wood blocks became more qualitative and detailed. Now, they look clearer and more contrasting, and each type of wood has a particular style. If you consider the block of wood, you will see all the fine details, patterns and differences between them. In this issue, the author has done a great job and created a really high-quality texture.
The amethysts and lapis blocks have a beautiful appearance. The diamond block has a texture that is very similar to the one that was often seen by us in vanilla Minecraft. But now, it has a higher resolution.
Screenshots were made especially for you and for dry cement. In the game, it has become brighter and richer, although it is a dry version of block, but the wet one looks even more interesting. By the way, Minecraft will help you to use a separate mod, which saves a dry version of block using waxing. It looks beautiful and allows gamers to save a block in a new version so you can diversify your playing.
Karmorakcraft texture pack has many changes. Some components have become more detailed and beautiful, but some are a little weak. However, each player will be able to decide whether or not to set the pack because this mod is very specific and not all gamers will like it. This is the reason why we post detailed screenshots for you so you can evaluate the appearance of textures and see if they will become comfortable for you before its installation. This texture pack has 64*64 pixels resolution, and your computer probably won’t freez on this pack, although even some high-performance PC make a situation in which block first has a transparent appearance, and after a few seconds it becomes full-texture.
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