What do you think is missing in Minecraft that would make it even more realistic? You can install shaders that change the visual picture, add saturation, and bring different effects, shadows, a new sky, and weather conditions. You can also install datapacks to transform some structures, such as villages, or the generation of biomes. What else remains? There are also different mods that bring new content, mobs, blocks, ores, and crafting recipes. Besides, the visual side of Minecraft can be changed with the help of texture packs, but most of them just affect the textures themselves and nothing more!
In this article, we are going to examine a texture pack called Fresh Animations, which will enliven the in-game mobs by adding unique animations to them. After all, perhaps you also would like to see the villagers smiling and being capable of moving realistically, not like robots, right? The same applies to zombies, golems, pillagers, and other living creatures you have to interact with in the game. So if you are ready to change the mob movement mechanics and want to see how it works in general, read on.
One of the problems of the vanilla Minecraft is the crude mobs, which behave like robots. Indeed, they lack plasticity, cannot boast much emotions, and move too awkwardly, although modern game engines have long allowed to implement all that, and any project supported or released in at least 2020–2023 has all these basic features. We should not blame the developers from Mojang, though, as these guys are constantly adding something new, fixing thousands of bugs, and perhaps simply do not have enough time for the visual side of the game. Moreover, why bother with that at all, given a huge multi-million fan community creating tens of thousands of different add-ons?
This is where the Fresh Animations texture pack comes to the rescue, as its main goal is to revive most of the Minecraft mobs and add new moves, emotions, and animations to them without making you install any extra mods and hundreds of libraries. All that is required for its correct operation is the latest version of the add-on itself and OptiFine, which is a default extension in many texture packs. And if you also add shaders with a lot of different effects, not only the behavior of creatures will be transformed, but also the graphics as a whole.
The developer of this texture pack systematically releases new versions in which he adds animations for animals and mobs in Minecraft, so about 80% of the in-game creatures have already acquired unique types of animation and movement mechanics for now. During this time, the developer released more than ten full-fledged versions of the pack, where he refined the models and added new ones, taking into account all the nuances and bugs found. Thanks to the huge popularity of the pack, it is constantly being supported — indeed, this add-on was downloaded almost ten million times.
As for the animations themselves, they are different for each character and mob. Thus, creepers can sway, move smoothly, and have several different types of moves. When it comes to the villagers, they have become more lively and now move their legs, especially children. Their eye animation also looks cool, even when any of them just looks at you and moves their eyes back and forth. Moreover, the same animations look slightly different for every profession, and this adds even more interest both to the project and Minecraft as a whole.
For sure, you often interacted with the standard animals that drop loot, such as cows, sheep, and pigs, to get some valuable resources or just bred them. By default, they all looked too crude, especially in terms of movement. Now the animation of each creature will become better and more detailed. Even getting on a horse or saddling a mule with the Fresh Animations texture pack will be nicer than in the standard version of Minecraft. And that is true of almost all the in-game mobs.
All kinds of the in-game golems have acquired cool moves and unique animations. And given that the developers have added a spawn egg for these mobs, you can launch the game and see the difference in a couple of clicks. Even so, we have added some screenshots depicting their animation of fighting, moving, and swaying. If you happen to live near a village or create your own settlement, be sure to create golems for protection, as they will not only defend you but also complement the gameplay with their moves.
The pillagers' manner of behavior has also changed, and are they one of the categories of Minecraft mobs that are constantly on the move. Any fight with them is quite lasting, especially when the player farms them. Accordingly, the Fresh Animations texture pack will help you in this regard and add new animation options for all the pillagers, witches, and other hostile mobs. The same applies to the creatures from the Nether and the End. So we recommend that you launch Minecraft and try to spawn some mob yourself or at least walk around the game world to see how they move.
Be sure to examine villagers and pillagers and look at their faces and the movements of their eyes. They are now just cool and funny, and that diversifies the Minecraft atmosphere. Moreover, if you play with mods that add different types of NPCs, the overall situation and the game environment will be greatly transformed, and most living creatures will become more vivid and realistic. You should also visit the Nether and the End to see how the dragon, blazes, and ghasts are now moving. Indeed, they already had an unusual appearance and behavior, but now they have become more realistic. And given the impressive size of the dragon, you can imagine what it has become…
So we can say that the texture pack has proved to be cool, elaborate, and high-quality. It allows you to change the behavior of animals and all the mobs in a couple of clicks, add wholly different mechanics to them, and just revive them. The best part is that the Fresh Animations texture pack works great with other add-ons or packs, requires only OptiFine, and practically does not load the system. The size of its latest versions is just 0.5 MB. It is periodically updated and refined, and the developer tries to add animation for each and every in-game mob.
The only drawback of the Fresh Animations texture pack is the lack of support for other add-ons that feature different mobs. However, adding animations is very painstaking work and constitutes a difficult task even in the vanilla version. So in some cases, there may be issues if you install Fresh Animations together with other texture packs, especially when user add-ons bring some changes regarding the behavior of mobs. Be sure to read the descriptions of all mods you add to your build.
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_v1.9.2 | 02.07.2024 | ANY | B | 517 KB | 1.21.1, 1.21, 1.20.6, 1.20.5, 1.20.4, 1.20.3, 1.20.2, 1.20.1, 1.20, 1.19.4 | 1 mln | Download |
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_v1.8 | 23.01.2023 | ANY | B | 471 KB | 1.19.3, 1.19.2, 1.19.1, 1.19, 1.18.2 | 952 k | Download |
_v1.7 | 04.08.2022 | ANY | R | 336 KB | 1.19.2, 1.19.1, 1.19, 1.18.2, 1.17.1 | 116 k | Download |
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