Epic Adventures for Minecraft

  • Author: t0by1o9tt
  • Popularity:
  • Updated: 09.01.2025
  • Last version 1.21.4

Review Epic Adventures

Epic Adventures – a new style of realistic Minecraft

Use the Epic Adventures texture pack to change the external and internal Minecraft world. The name of this pack and the author’s ambition speaks for themselves: the adventures in the game won’t be long in coming. You will always run forward to explore a new biome, caves, locations, visit the Bottom World and the Edge, and fight all the bosses. Even if you have already completed Minecraft, with these textures the entire environment will seem very different, however, it will maintain the common game style.


When downloading the game, you are greeted by a pleasant wallpaper created specifically for the Epic Adventures texture. The game interface and all the buttons are made in a dark style. It somehow resembles a medieval version, but it’s hard to judge by the first feelings. It looks stylish, comfortable, and unusual.

The design of the cells on the fast slots panel at the bottom of the screen has completely changed. They are more contrasting, have separate frames, and fit into the general atmosphere of this design. Even when you hold the shield in your hand and it lies in a separate cell, it looks harmonious.

Let’s open the character control menu as once, where all his items and inventory lie. Here we see the medieval style, as if we are playing another game about knights, kings, eternal battles, and wars. Seamlessly switch to the armor appearance…

New armor textures

I want to say «thank you» to the author for such a job. He reworked all the armor textures, and it looks just gorgeous. Let me remind you that the resolution of the Epic Adventures texture pack is 32*32 pixels, and it looks as if it were 64. Just look at the character wearing the Netherite armor: dark brown shade completely changes the perception of the armor; it adds confidence and allows to play it in different ways: creating unique medieval servers, shooting cool Minecraft videos in YouTube, making colorful screenshots, themed projects, and much more.

Now let’s change the Netherite armor to the diamond one. Recognize it? An absolutely different style, isn’t it? Here, the texture pack once again show us that the Minecraft world has changed a lot. Various items and weapons from different materials look almost the same. This pack version resembles a kind of Stronghold. I recommend looking at the scissors. Finally, they look like scissors in the game, but not a fake object. Leads, watches, compasses, and other items have also been redesigned, and we can keep listing them indefinitely, but you’d better download it and see with your own eyes.

Precious metals and blocks

Diamonds now look like a real faceted stone in Minecraft, although it’s hard to get used to this texture at first. Don’t like the diamond ore in the inventory? Never mind! It looks like that on preview only. Below, you can see a screenshot of what this ore looks like in caves or just as a block on the ground. Cool done, isn’t it? A great texture with voluminous edges. Not many packs use these effects, and it’s another advantage of Epic Adventures.

Other types of ores have also been completely reworked and made slightly smeared, so the first time the player visits the mines it will be difficult for him to understand what he sees. But after a while you get used to this style and no longer want to switch back to vanilla Minecraft. In fact, all the blocks have been changed here, and it’s hard to single out any particular for comparison.

Appearance of the mobs

Since almost everything has changed in this pack, each mob’s appearance will change as well. The cows now look like buffalos, their texture has completely changed from top to toe. The brownish animals have become a little wider, but generally look nice. Sheep now look very funny in the game. The texture looks much better than in the standard game version, but the animals are really funny. They have curly hair – not only in adults, but in youngsters as well.

The wolf models have remained almost the same, but their appearance has significantly changed. They look darker, can have different shades, and their eyes look evil. The ocelots have more pleasing appearance, but the model remains the same. They look more harmonious, especially in the jungle or savannah. The texture of the wandering merchant is surprising. It has drastically changed: rich garments, an unusual mask on his face, and a large backpack on the back. This version looks much more interesting than the standard one.

The pandas have changed a bit, so have the rabbits. In general, almost all mobs have been redesigned, both neutral and hostile. Turtles have got cool textures. Indeed, it’s not quite standard for them, but they look unusual. You’ll surely want to have a pet like that and breed them so that little turtles are born.

Creepers are extremely scary: whether it is a spider or a creeper. It’s not quite clear. But tastes differ. The standard Minecraft version looked better. Ghasts have changed as well, and now they are of blue shade. Zombie peasants, ordinary zombies, and piglins have funny textures. We can go on for eternity; you’d better download it and see with your own eyes.

Rails, schemes, redstone

The textures of the rails and various circuit-making devices look quite different. They all have about the same style. These kinds of rails allow you to build cool railway tracks, stations, and small towns. Do you remember how these structures look like in Age of Empires? Now you will see something like that in Minecraft. You will see a character’s or animal’s face on one side of many mechanisms, such as a distributor, a thrower, and other similar devices. Looks uncommon, but a bit «creepy».

The note block and dynamite look beautiful. They aren’t very realistic but look very good in this style. In general, it’s hard to understand the entire style of the Epic Adventures texture pack at once. The author has a certain idea here, and he sticks to it.


We see many different changes in the environment. The first thing that catches the eye at once is a new texture of the leaves. Perhaps, this is one of the few mods where you can see such fluffy and at the same time realistic foliage, be it dark wood, oak, or acacia. It looks beautiful from the distance, and even better at close hand. The entire game style is selected to suit every biome. In case of the savannah, there will be one set of colors and shades; if it’s the snow biome or dark forest – it'll have a completely different environment.

The flower textures have changed – of all the flowers. They look not so «quare», as it was in the vanilla version of Minecraft, although they don’t even resemble those 3D models with HD textures. But don’t forget that the quality of this pack is 32*32, and you shouldn’t expect high detalization here.

The game got a beautiful huge moon. It looks great and realistic, so you won’t feel like missing the nights in Minecraft any longer. The same is true for the sunrise. You literally «get stuck in» the sunrise, whose bright rays cover everything around. All this is complemented by interesting and quite voluminous clouds. From time to time, you can see birds hovering in the sky above you amidst all this fuss.

In this texture pack, the developer provided a smooth transition from one biome to another, so the grass can be green in one place, then change to slightly greenish, yellow, and then smoothly change to another background color. It looks great. Again, whichever biome you’re in, there’s something special, something different compared to the vanilla version of Minecraft. This pack changes many aspects for the better, and there are no drawbacks to refuse to use it.

Even the weather is different here. If it rains, you’ll see a lot of drops on the screen, torrential rain, as if copied from our real lives. The same is true for thunderstorms, both at day and night. The weather is perfectly imitated.

Underwater world

Reviewing this texture pack, we decided to dive into one of the ponds to see how much the underwater world has changed and what the player can see in this Minecraft. After all, many fans of the cube game prefer to swim, extract various types of resources, breed laminaria, collect clay, look for tridents, and many other important items.

By the way, the underwater world has changed as well. Water has become darker, although its transparency and density differ depending on the biome. If it’s a river, it’s transparent, and if it’s an ocean, it’s darker. Numerous of fish and other mobs surround the player in the underwater world, and all of them have been as updated as possible. The sprouts’ appearance has changed, the texture of the drowned has completely altered (at last, we can see them in the water when there isn’t enough light, although they resemble the long-dead captain Jack).

Other changes in the game

Anytime you teleport into another dimension in Minecraft, you will see a picture of this world, which gives you some idea of what locations and mobs you’ll find there. In the Nether, fire animation has been reworked and many mobs have been changed. The striders, ghasts, and piglins look quite different. Indeed, the ghast’ appearance is not to everyone’s taste. The look of efreets, spawners, and fortresses has changed as well. In fact, it can be said that you’ll have to study everything from scratch here, since it’s impossible to get used to this environment in a few minutes.

The Edge world now has a completely different atmosphere that has nothing to do with the vanilla version of Minecraft, although it’s also the colors that lay stress on the player: there’s too much lilac. The choruses look completely different now. They aren’t as clumsy as they used to be. The Endermen have become darker, got angrier eyes, and a more expressive look.

The habitat of the Shulkers and the towns of End have significantly changed as well. They are developed in the same medieval style as all other elements of this texture. The Shulker’s appearance is very surprising: their box is now framed by different patterns.

In general, we can conclude that the Epic Adventures texture pack changes many aspects of the game, almost everything. Here you have a completely new kind of armor, tools, books, alternating days and nights, vegetation, all biomes, various mobs, different types of blocks, and many other important aspects. The author has done a great job to create this pack and keeps updating it. Despite the low resolution (32*32), this is one of the most interesting versions of Minecraft.

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very very nice, shi looks so fantasy. Kinda make me feel like im in the medieval with the minecraft song. RS