Dark Renaissance for Minecraft

  • Author: gusman88
  • Popularity:
  • Updated: 22.04.2023
  • Last version 1.19.4

Review Dark Renaissance

Dark Renaissance

Dark Renaissance – an exciting pack resource that contains unique textures that you will not see in other packs. Resource pack is created in different styles. In addition to bringing realism to the world, it will also return your game world to the medieval mode. But these textures are not as ordinary as you think, besides the fact that it will bring a medieval look, it will also make the world scarier and more terrible, thanks to its dark textures. Your game world will look darker, but at the same time, not a bit worse. The world will be unique, it is very beautiful with its new textures. The resource pack has one feature, one block can have several types of textures at once, it diversifies your game world. The author created it in a very high resolution, and it is equal to 256, so you should not worry about the detail, the author also tried well on this. In the game world, almost everything will change, blocks, objects, creatures and much more. This resource pack will definitely appeal to you. Dark Renaissance can be installed on all modern versions of the game, among which there are 1.16, 1.17 and many other versions.

The first change that is noticeable to the user when starting the game is related to main menu. Almost everything has changed in it, starting with the image of the background, and ending with the inscription of the name of the game. Paying attention to the image of the background, you can see that the user seems to be in a square sphere, on the sides of which there are different elements. On one side you can see a beautiful castle, on the other winter weather. Menu buttons have acquired a new edging, now they consist of frames that are painted in a golden color, they go well with the background. When you hover over a specific menu button, it will be black. The inscription of the name of the game has also changed, namely its color, it has become more pleasant, and its texture is smoothed.

The interface of your inventory in the game world looks different, for the most part it has become transparent, so you will see the world while you are in the inventory. It has become dark, and it has only noticeable black frames. The indicator of health and satiety has also changed, they are not at all similar to the previous forms. In general, the indicators of health and satiety are identical, they are flasks that are filled with a certain liquid. In the health index, these flasks are filled with red fluid, as if it were blood, and the health scale has blue flasks, as if it were water. To see if you're hungry, these flasks will be empty. If you are hungry or one unit of health has been taken away from you, then it will be almost empty, only with a small amount of liquid.

Moving on to the game world, you can see that the color scheme has changed, now dark shades prevail. Paying attention to the sky, you can notice a lot of changes. Cloud, which were below the blue sky, as if disappeared, but they are still there, if you fly up to them, you can see them. They just became transparent, and from a distance they are completely invisible. So your beautiful landscapes will no longer be spoiled by white, square clouds. But the blue sky is no longer so empty, because many clouds have appeared on it, which are made in different shapes and colours. Some clouds look very light, while others are dark, as if they are filled with rain. On a very bright and sunny day, they are practically not visible, and in general, it is difficult to look at the sky, because it is very bright, unlike the world. The sun, has also changed in the sky, it has become very bright, making it very difficult to look at the sky. Its color merges with the color of the clouds, it is very light and seems to be transparent. And the most important change is in its shape, because the sun has acquired a round shape, without which it does not look so beautiful.

There are many changes in the night sky too. Overall, the night sky isn't as dark as it used to be, but still, it's very frightening. Clouds that were during the day, with the approach of night, will not disappear at all, they will be repainted in a different color, will turn black, and will stand out against the background of the night sky. The sky will look a little frightening, but at the same time not to say that night has come, as if it were just rainy weather that is filled with many clouds. Stars in the night sky are no longer seen at all, because they are all hidden behind clouds, but at the same time the moon will be present in the night sky. The moon also has changes. It has acquired a round shape, this is perhaps the most important and necessary change in it, without which it does not look so beautiful. It has also increased in size, and shines much brighter.

Going directly to the ground itself, you can see that the block of grass looks different. Its top layer has become a darker shade, and in addition to the fact that it consists of green paints, yellow paints can be found in it. It no longer consists of square particles, because the block has become detailed, thanks to this, on the upper layer you can see quite well-drawn blades of grass, which have different colors in different places. The side layer of the grass block has many changes. Overall, it doesn't look so natural. It has very long blades of grass, they are almost to the very edges. These blades of grass do not look so natural, they seem to be plastered on a layer of earth that is visible right behind these blades of grass. The texture of the earth also has many changes. It has acquired a smooth texture, that is, it no longer consists of square particles. In addition, the earth has become a little lighter, and in its composition you can find other particles, for example, the roots of plants.

Special attention should be paid to the grass, because it is unique in this resource pack. Grass in the game world is found in different variations, you can see ferns, an ordinary grass bush, as well as some other plants. In addition to the fact that they differ in structure, all blades of grass have different colors. They oscillate between green hues, and some approach the color yellow. Tall grass is an ordinary grass bush that has very thin blades of grass, but there are a lot of them. At the same time, tall grass now practically does not differ in height from ordinary grass, that is, it has become very low. Tall grass is found in the world only in one texture, it does not have a variety of species.

The leaves of the trees no longer look square, but at the same time flaws are visible, they look like some kind of triangle. If you take a separate block of grass, and put it, you can see that it really is a triangle. It has one apex, on which twigs with leaves are attached. But in general, the trees still look very beautiful. Each foliage of the tree is unique, it has very beautiful and realistic leaves. Similar textures of leaves you will not see in other packs, they are very exciting. In the leaves of the oak you can find real leaves, which in shape coincide with realistic ones. In addition, in some blocks of foliage, acorns can be found near oak, which are very realistic. The foliage of the oak is painted in a dark color, as if it will soon fall out. Birch foliage also has realistic leaves. In needles you can find realistic branches with needles, they are all unique, it is a pity that cones are not noticeable in it. In addition, the trees have changed their wood. At spruce, it became a gray shade. Birch wood has darkened, it has more black particles. Oak wood also looks darker, only in the middle it is a little light, as if due to sunlight.

The mountains will become darker, and all because of the changed texture of the stone. Carefully inspecting the block of grass, you can see that its upper part is dark, and from below it looks lighter. Its texture has become smoothed, and in addition to the fact that it consists of stone, you can find green particles in it, as if they were mosses. The texture of the cobblestone, has also changed, now it has become light, and it consists of stones that have different shapes. Its texture looks photorealistic. In its texture, various chips and cracks are noticeable, as in reality. Ores have also changed. They differ in their composition of the stone. In the texture of the ore, the stone is light, and looks different. In addition to the texture of the stone, precious particles in the ore have changed. Now each ore has its own shape of precious particles, they are not so similar to each other. For example, a diamond block consists of fragments that have a very beautiful color. In addition to the fact that their shape has changed, their color is completely different. In emerald ore, the precious particles are colored orange, and they sparkle. In lapis lazuli ore, they are colored black, blue particles are visible in them, which coincide with the diamond color.

Also changed precious blocks, that is, diamond, lapis lazuli and others. The lapis lazuli block has become very beautiful, it is painted in blue, which is better suited to the diamond block, but still. On the side surfaces of the block you can find medieval statues and constructions. The two sides are identical, and the other two too. On one of them we can find a statue of 4 horses. Another surface depicts a medieval construction. Redstone has gone dark and it is now painted brown. The sides depict the heads of some creatures. The emerald block consists of many squares and rectangles that have different sizes. In addition to sizes, they have different colors, it fluctuates between green shades. The iron block has become dark, and various patterns can be found on it. A gold block has similar patterns, its coloring has also become a little dark. The diamond block also has changes, it is now more suitable for construction, for example, you can make floors from it, because its upper part is very beautiful.

In the glass block, there are now completely no distorted particles, now the glass looks more transparent. But the area of glass in the composition is now very small, because the glass has acquired additional particles. Dark frames made of steel appeared along the edges of the block. Inside the glass, you can find iron bars that have a lighter shade than these frames. Painted glasses also have these frames, only they are very thin, and they have a dark brown color, as if they were made of wood. There are patterns inside, too, but they’re much smaller, so more light is passing through. Painted glass differs from each other. For example, turquoise glass is not transparent at all, and it does not have turquoise particles, it is painted white.

The sand became darker, and acquired a smooth texture. It no longer has the former square particles, now it consists of many grains. Sand consists of light and dark tones, which are painted in a yellow tint. The cactus became lighter, and yellow colors were added to it. The spikes in it look different, they have a different shape and color. The water has become clearer and brighter, but square particles are still visible on the upper layer. Near the water, you can see an animation in which the waves move smoothly.

Images Dark Renaissance

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Download Dark Renaissance

Available for next versions: 1.19.4, 1.19.3, 1.19, 1.18.2, 1.18, 1.17.1, 1.17, 1.16.5, 1.16.4, 1.16, 1.15.2, 1.15.1, 1.15, 1.14.4, 1.14, 1.13.2, 1.12.2, 1.12.1, 1.12, 1.11.2, 1.11, 1.10.2, 1.10, 1.9, 1.7.10
Game versions
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Dark+Renaissance+v2.6.0 23.04.2023 ANY R 212 MB 1.19.4, 1.19, 1.18, 1.17, 1.16.5 443 Download
Dark+Renaissance+v2.5.2 30.03.2023 ANY R 210 MB 1.19.4, 1.19.3, 1.19, 1.18, 1.17, 1.16.5, 1.16 212 Download
v2.5.1 20.03.2023 ANY R 217 MB 1.19.4, 1.19.3, 1.19, 1.18, 1.17, 1.16.5 67 Download
v2.5.0 09.03.2023 ANY R 216 MB 1.19.3, 1.18, 1.17, 1.16.5 35 Download
v2.4.2 25.02.2023 ANY R 215 MB 1.19.3 19 Download
v2.4.1 20.02.2023 ANY R 216 MB 1.19.3, 1.18.2, 1.17.1, 1.16.5 205 Download
Dark+Renaissance+v2.3.1 20.07.2021 ANY R 245 MB 1.17, 1.16.5, 1.15, 1.14 3 k Download
Dark+Renaissance+Grass 28.03.2021 ANY R 258 KB 1.16.5, 1.15, 1.14 1 k Download
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