Would like to give the blocks in the Minecraft game world a more detailed appearance? Then we suggest you install an add-on called Classic 3D, which will help you in this task. It is a popular texture pack that adds many elements to the blocks, making them look nice and elaborate. It can boast more than one million downloads on the official web page, which suggests that this mod is quite popular in its category. The designer has tried to change almost all the in-game blocks so that the game world looks more detailed and beautiful. But that is not all — he regularly updates the resource pack to make it possible for players to enjoy 3D textures for more and more blocks. We are going to examine the main changes in the Minecraft game world to allow you to evaluate the textures without installing the resource pack. And if you like this resource pack, be sure to install it to give the game environment a lively look!
To begin with, let us consider the ores, which will change after installing the Classic 3D resource pack. We can see that the precious particles in the ore composition will now bulge out of a block, making it look less square. This looks very beautiful, so you will surely appreciate the 3D models of precious particles in the ore. All the ores have been changed in this way, not only those in the Overworld but also the ones in the Nether. All of them have undergone similar changes, namely have acquired the 3D models of precious particles.
Let us now take a look at the planks, which have changed only slightly. As for the logs, perhaps you might not even notice the changes in them if you do not thoroughly examine them. The fact is that only a layer of the bark has increased in these blocks, and no 3D elements have been added to them, so let us better return to the planks, which have acquired more significant new elements. Indeed, they now do not look flat as before because 3D elements have appeared on them. All the plank types have changed, acquiring similar features. Small planks have appeared on the surface of these blocks, giving them a more voluminous look. So structures made of them now look more attractive and elegant than in the vanilla Minecraft.
The grass block has also been affected by the changes, but they are not particularly significant. On its side, you can find a more voluminous layer of grass, which is also noticeable on its top if you look closely. However, on the side, the blades of grass are most clearly pronounced and bulge out of the block — not as in the vanilla Minecraft where they are just a part of the texture. They are now a separate element, so the block looks more beautiful than before. Podzol has undergone similar changes. The Nether soil has also changed, namely the warped and crimson nylium. On the side of these blocks, you can find extra elements in the form of the relevant blades of grass. Thanks to this, the netherite in the blocks has become more colorful.
With this texture pack, your medieval-style structures will look even more epic, provided, of course, you use cobblestone. This block has acquired 3D stone elements, which give the cobblestone a delightful appearance. You will surely appreciate the texture of this block, as it is truly amazing.
Jack o'Lantern has also acquired a special texture that will strike you with its beauty. The designer has made it so that this pumpkin is empty inside and there is only a torch. The block looks very realistic and can boast high-quality and neat carvings. You can also see a 3D element in the upper part, which is also made separate and additional to the block itself.
The sandstone has also not been forgotten and will be no less useful in the construction of various structures. It has undergone similar changes, namely acquired 3D elements in the composition of the block. Small fragments of sandstone will stick out from it. The carved sandstone has acquired a more beautiful image of the creeper's face, which is now also a separate element. You can notice similar changes in the slabs, steps, and other blocks suitable for them.
§6§lClassic 3D v15.2 - 1.20 | 29.06.2023 | ANY | R | 7 MB | 1.20.1, 1.20 | 207 k | Download |
§6§lClassic 3D v15.2 - 1.19.4 | 29.06.2023 | ANY | R | 7 MB | 1.19.4 | 31 k | Download |
§6§lClassic 3D v15.2 - 1.19 | 25.01.2023 | ANY | R | 7 MB | 1.19.3 | 46 k | Download |
§6§lClassic 3D v15.1 - 1.12 | 24.07.2022 | ANY | B | 7 MB | 1.12.2, 1.12.1, 1.12 | 149 k | Download |
§6§lClassic 3D v15.1 - 1.13 | 24.07.2022 | ANY | R | 7 MB | 1.13.2 | 1 k | Download |
§6§lClassic 3D v15.1 - 1.14 | 24.07.2022 | ANY | R | 7 MB | 1.14.4, 1.14.3, 1.14.2, 1.14.1, 1.14 | 5 k | Download |
§6§lClassic 3D v15.1 - 1.15 | 24.07.2022 | ANY | R | 7 MB | 1.15.2, 1.15.1, 1.15 | 7 k | Download |
§6§lClassic 3D v15.1 - 1.16 | 24.07.2022 | ANY | R | 7 MB | 1.16.5, 1.16.4, 1.16.3, 1.16.2, 1.16.1, 1.16 | 176 k | Download |
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