This texture pack fits the style of Christmas Eve. The pack changes some textures of swords, turning them into Christmas items. Besides, it decorates some blocks and changes the texture of certain armor. Thus, they look similar to Santa Claus and Elf costumes. This texture pack is compatible with several versions: 1.7, 1.8.
When you enter the game, you will see that the original title screen has changed. The developers should have used the winter landscape as the background. But unfortunately, only the menu buttons turn red, and the color of the title resembles the well-known Christmas caramel. The interface of your inventory will also slightly change. Some cells will be red-circled. The main slots will be of a caramel color, and the experience bar will turn red. But the most interesting thing is that when you enter the inventory, it will be transparent. Thus, you will see what happens to the world when you are in the inventory.
This resource pack will make your world look brighter. The grass block will become bright green. The sun will completely change and turn into a Santa Claus head. At night, the moon will be even more beautiful. The moon will also take on the shape of Santa Claus. It will be much more visible and glow purple.
The сhest will also be retextured to look like gift wrapping. If you take one chest, it will be red. But if you combine two chests into one, it will be green. The interior interface will stay the same. The texture of the workbench will also change. It will look more colorful and festive.
The appearance of some hostile mobs also changes. The creeper has a red hat on its head, the skeleton’s bow becomes red, and its string is green. The skeleton is also wearing a red hat, just like zombies.
The texture of some passive mobs also changes. The cow becomes redder. Besides, it’s wearing a red hat – one of the Christmas symbols. The pig is also wearing a red hat. Other animals have nothing new.
If you want to get a Santa Claus costume, you need the diamond armor. The fact is that the texture pack changes its appearance. But you needn’t worry – this texture looks vanilla. The pack also changes the textures of the diamond tools. Their tips turn red, and their sticks are green. The diamond sword will have the shape and color of candy.
The iron armor will look as the outfit of Santa’s elves. The helmet and chestplate will be green, while the greaves and boots will be red. If you open the inventory, you’ll see that the iron armor is green. The iron ingot will also turn greenish. The texture of the iron sword will be different. The sword will become much smaller and change its color to green.
The appearance of the snowman will also slightly change. After all, the snowman is the symbol of winter. It will be wearing glasses, and an icon with its name will appear on the right side of its body.
! §c§lC§f§lh§c§lr§f§li§c§ls§f§lt§c§lm§f§la§c§ls §f§lP§c§lA§f§lC§c§lK§0 | 27.11.2019 | ANY | R | 48 MB | 1.14.4, 1.14.3, 1.14.2, 1.14.1, 1.14, 1.13.2, 1.12.2, 1.12.1, 1.12, 1.11.2, 1.11, 1.10.2, 1.10, 1.9.4, 1.9, 1.8.9, 1.8, 1.7.10, 1.7.2, 1.6.4, 1.6.2 | 767 | Download |
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