BetterVanillaBuilding for Minecraft

  • Author: bettervanillabuilding
  • Popularity:
  • Updated: 16.08.2024
  • Last version 1.21.1

Review BetterVanillaBuilding

BetterVanillaBuilding: New Texture Types Related to Construction

Like to build something interesting in Minecraft? Constantly erect cool large-scale structures, buildings, and pixel art objects? A texture pack called BetterVanillaBuilding was created especially for you. It is as close to the vanilla game version as possible but still significantly transforms the standard textures. Generally speaking, there are not that many texture packs for Minecraft, faithful to the vanilla style but improving the game's graphics to the degree that you really want to use these textures.

Briefly put, the BetterVanillaBuilding texture pack was created to basically preserve the same Minecraft game design while modifying some game elements and giving a fresh coat of paint to various building blocks. By the way, the designer has changed not only the building blocks but also books, armor, and the appearance of many mobs, as well as diversified the biomes. All this looks cool and unusual, so we recommend that you either read our review in full or immediately start downloading these textures.


Let us start a review of the textures with the modified in-game GUI. At least you will see the changes in the hotbar. Compared to the standard version, it looks more interesting and convenient. A cell that is currently selected by the player is now highlighted. This is not a particularly important improvement but, of course, quite appropriate.

Books and Shelves

The designer has done a great job transforming the appearance of the enchanted books. While earlier, in the standard version of Minecraft, they were of the same type, now they differ from each other and even seem slightly voluminous.

Just take a look at the screenshot with the enchanted books. They look cool, do they? They have been completely reworked and now shimmer with different colors. So you will have no problems identifying the necessary book even without resorting to the search or automated sorting. And in general, we can say that their appearance has become much nicer, although their style still resembles the standard vanilla Minecraft.

This texture pack can boast one more unique feature. The fact is that the appearance of the bookshelves will directly depend on the block of wood you use. Thus, you will be able to place the bookshelves and put acacia blocks nearby, and their appearance will become identical. If you put oak or spruce wood blocks instead, the situation will be completely different. The shelves will automatically change their color, depending on which block is next to them, which looks very cool. It will now be possible to create different types of shelves from wood without having to install any extra mods.


The designer of this texture pack has added another interesting feature to the game: the in-game mobs will now look different depending on the biome you are in. Thus, if you have come to the jungle, the skeletons there will have one look. If you are somewhere in a dark forest or taiga, they will look completely different. He has thereby managed to diversify the Minecraft game world and add more variants of the mobs' appearance without resorting to any extra add-ons.

Even if you come to a desert, you will see a completely different design of some mobs there. Such an approach is peculiar to some texture packs, and in BetterVanillaBuilding, the designer thoroughly and competently thought through these points. The standard Minecraft world now looks even more interesting, and players who have fully explored all the locations and interacted with each mob many times will be able to walk through all the important biomes and see the same mobs with the updated textures in all their splendor once again.


As the developer claims, Minecraft will now feature even more biome varieties with new generation options. They include updated savannas, mixed forests, a large number of winter biomes, a sort of Japanese gardens, and much more.

New Ore Types

This pack changes ores and other blocks, but it makes no sense to dwell on them, as not that many elements have been affected compared to the standard version of Minecraft. Thus, when it comes to various ore types, the pattern of the particles on a block has slightly changed, but the textures have basically remained vanilla. The same principle applies to most of the in-game materials.

Updated Armor, Weapons, and Tools

Many tools, armor types, and weapons have been significantly reworked, especially the netherite, gold, and diamond ones. Thus, if you take, say, the diamond items, you will see that they have small gold inserts on the handle. The same can be said about the gold and netherite tools. However, the latter will have the diamond inserts, so when the player takes such a tool in their hand, it will be clearly distinguishable from all the others.

Among all the armor types, only the netherite one has been transformed by this mod. Other shades have appeared on it, and its color is now not uniform but with a certain variety. This looks attractive and unusual. Generally speaking, by no means all mods can boast such a feature, as designers often prefer just to use a single color.

Besides, the pack provides you with the opportunity to get the angel sword, which characteristics are the same as of the diamond one, but the appearance is completely different. To create it, you need to put a diamond sword on the anvil and change its name to 'Angel Sword'. After that, it will automatically change and become different. Its texture is quite attractive and uncommon.

In the same way, you can get the new angel armor. Just change the name of a diamond equipment piece to 'Angel'. For example, instead of 'Diamond Chestplate', type 'Angel Chestplate', and so on. The system will automatically change the items' appearance.

Generally speaking, this texture pack has rich potential. However, the designer has decided to focus on adding more individuality to mobs to diversify them in various biomes and on providing hidden and custom options for users so that each player can change an armor by typing a certain name. Thus, there is also the crimson armor. So be sure to try it, and you will see how much the appearance will change.

In general, the in-game textures began to look more decent and not as blurred as it was in the standard version of Minecraft. They are far from the Faithful texture pack in terms of clearness, but BetterVanillaBuilding has a specific style. Moreover, the designer constantly releases updates, adds some features, and fixes bugs.

There is another interesting feature of this mod — more than 200 different blocks available on the official server. The designer developed his project precisely to show modified versions of blocks and textures there. All of them preserve the vanilla Minecraft style but are peculiar to other structures and biomes. So you will have to explore the new game world to understand the principle by which all these blocks appear and how to interact with them.

Images BetterVanillaBuilding

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Available for next versions: 1.21.1, 1.21, 1.20.6, 1.20.5, 1.20.4, 1.20.3, 1.20.2, 1.20.1, 1.20, 1.19.4, 1.19.3, 1.19.2, 1.19.1, 1.19, 1.18.2, 1.18.1, 1.18, 1.17.1, 1.17, 1.16.5, 1.16.4, 1.16.3, 1.16.2, 1.16.1, 1.16, 1.15.2, 1.15.1, 1.15, 1.14.4, 1.14.3, 1.14.2, 1.14.1, 1.14, 1.13.2, 1.12.2, 1.12.1, 1.12, 1.11.2, 1.11, 1.10.2, 1.10, 1.9.4, 1.9, 1.8.9, 1.8.8, 1.8
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V3.5 17.08.2024 ANY R 4 MB 1.21.1, 1.21, 1.20.6, 1.20.5, 1.20.4, 1.20.3, 1.20.2, 1.20.1, 1.20, 1.19.4, 1.19.3, 1.19.2, 1.19.1, 1.19, 1.18.2, 1.18.1, 1.18 11 k Download
V3.4.2 10.08.2024 ANY R 4 MB 1.21.1, 1.21, 1.20.6, 1.20.5, 1.20.4, 1.20.3, 1.20.2, 1.20.1, 1.20, 1.19.4, 1.19.3, 1.19.2, 1.19.1, 1.19, 1.18.2, 1.18.1, 1.18 2 k Download
V3.4.1 09.08.2024 ANY R 4 MB 1.21.1, 1.21, 1.20.6, 1.20.5, 1.20.4, 1.20.3, 1.20.2, 1.20.1, 1.20, 1.19.4, 1.19.3, 1.19.2, 1.19.1, 1.19, 1.18.2, 1.18.1, 1.18 1 k Download
V3.4 09.08.2024 ANY R 4 MB 1.21.1, 1.21, 1.20.6, 1.20.5, 1.20.4, 1.20.3, 1.20.2, 1.20.1, 1.20, 1.19.4, 1.19.3, 1.19.2, 1.19.1, 1.19, 1.18.2, 1.18.1, 1.18 13 Download
V3.3 27.07.2024 ANY R 4 MB 1.21, 1.20.6, 1.20.5, 1.20.4, 1.20.3, 1.20.2, 1.20.1, 1.20, 1.19.4, 1.19.3, 1.19.2, 1.19.1, 1.19, 1.18.2, 1.18.1, 1.18 1 k Download
V3.2 17.07.2024 ANY R 4 MB 1.21, 1.20.6, 1.20.5, 1.20.4, 1.20.3, 1.20.2, 1.20.1, 1.20, 1.19.4, 1.19.3, 1.19.2, 1.19.1, 1.19, 1.18.2, 1.18.1, 1.18 1 k Download
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V3.0 05.07.2024 ANY R 4 MB 1.21 24 Download
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The mobs are still the same, why it's not working?
why i have glitched animals like: cows horses wolves?
YE, this is art
I really liked this texture packed and it does work for eagle craft
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