It’s hard to find nice, high-quality, and solid textures for Minecraft that will be «eye-pleasing», will retain the common vanilla style of the game, but at the same time will improve many graphic issues related to blocks and items, will fix all the «bugs», and will be just pleasing for a user. After all, thousands of different packs have been developed for Minecraft, but only few them correspond to all the selection criteria and can become the basis of your build, right? Today, we’ll talk about A Little Taste of Jerm pack, which adds pleasant textures to the game and complements it.
Retaining the common style of the game is most players’ main task, since many of them are used to a certain appearance of ore blocks, building materials, and various items. However, the vanilla version of Minecraft has a lot of «bugs», and when you have a wide selection of different textures at your disposal, you see all the game’s drawbacks literally in the first minutes, and you feel like changing the standard pack. We invite you to look through our material and see the main advantages of this pack.
In this texture pack,almost everything is different, starting from items and blocks, and up to GUI of various elements’ interfaces, and the main menu of the game. The only problem is that the pack was developed and last updated for Minecraft 1.16.1 version, so all the blocks and items released after that will remain unchanged. You can replace them with other textures, but it will be hard to find such a specialized mod.
We’ll start our review by looking at the building blocks in Minecraft, which we have many to craft any type of buildings in the vanilla version. Not all blocks can boast of a colorful texture, but it looks generally good. The brickwork has been significantly changed, and now it has brown shade instead of a reddish one. Fans of building brick houses will be very surprised, although this is what this material should obviously look like so that all the buildings resemble real-life ones.
Some masonry blocks have also been changed, and if you decide to install polished diorite and other rarer materials, you’ll see that their texture partially moves to the neighboring block, thus creating a smooth transition. It looks colorful and uncommon. However, such mechanics create a lot of new opportunities in Minecraft, add ideas for buildings’ design and decoration, which the vanilla version has always lacked. We have already posted the Uncontrolled Grass, texture pack, which makes it possible to add Uncontrolled Grass to the game to create smooth transitions.
Valuable ores are used not only to craft tools, but also to make blocks used for construction, decoration of, for example, a lighthouse that is used for new effects, higher performance, and health regeneration in Minecraft. And A Little Taste of Jerm texture pack adjusts the game by making these materials more colorful. From now on, most of them have become lighter, have reflections, and are more pleasant. However, for example, Netherite material won’t change in any way, although these types of blocks are rarely used by players, since it’s hard to save to buy even one.
There is a wide selection of wood and wood blocks in Minecraft. Moreover, in Minecraft 1.19.4 there are even more of them. Here, even without using third-party mods, you can choose options to suit any taste, but A Little Taste of Jerm texture pack makes it even more interesting, as it slightly transforms the game graphics. Just look at how all the models look, how thoroughly their rings are worked out on each block. At the same time, all models are made in the vanilla Minecraft style and offer 16*16 pixels resolution only.
For it to operate correctly, it’s recommended using the OptiFine extension, which almost all packs in Minecraft need. Almost the same applies to wood: it has become a little nicer, retained its vanilla style, and at the same time looks rather decent. Indeed, it is far from detailed HD textures, but this pack allows you to have a stable FPS in the game, without extra load on the launcher and computer, so you can play on almost any PC assembly without any problems.
It’s hard to notice any changes in the ore from the very first minutes, but there are a few. Everything is designed in the vanilla Minecraft style, tiny details have been improved, and each block has become generally more pleasant. If you return to the standard texture version, you’ll immediately see how «awful» and «clumsy» they are, and the author of A Little Taste of Jerm has done a great job to achieve this effect. We have posted a few screenshots for you to show how beautiful these versions are, how they look in the game, and what’s the texture pack advantage. Not bad, isn’t it? Additionally, you can install the Ore overhaul texture pack, which transforms ores in Minecraft only and makes them look amazing…
This texture pack significantly changes the appearance of leaves in Minecraft, and if you often used them for decoration, you’ll see how these materials have changed: the foliage pushes out, the block volume has become larger, but generally looks colorful and has become more interesting. It’s far from the most popular material; however, it was worth mentioning, since quite a lot of users use foliage as a decoration or somewhere in an improvised garden. Look at the screenshots and you’ll see the differences compared to the standard version.
There are a lot of items and blocks that have been created to work with Redstone, thus allowing you to create a variety of circuits and logical chains. Besides, in the latest versions of the game it has got a separate category so that users could quickly find the necessary blocks or elements. Here, A Little Taste of Jerm texture pack has also made a lot of changes in its appearance. For example, pistons and chests have become by times smaller, but more contrasting; the items are now darker, and they look really good.
although in many ways it resembles the usual vanilla style. For example, the iron armor is now dark instead of light, and it looks logical: the metal is mostly dark even if it’s processed, so the developer added his updated version. The gold and diamond armor has become lighter with a slight glow and reflections, which look beautiful even without shaders. All types of weapons and tools remained at about the same level as they were.
The enchanted books are a different case. In this section, the author has designed every book, complemented it with glow, animation, and completely different types of textures. They differ in color, depending on the enchantment and level, and now it’s much easier to search for the one you need. Do you remember how you had to point at each element, since all the books look 100% identically in the vanilla version? In A Little Taste of Jerm texture pack, you can see the one you need by the color.
One of the most popular item categories in Minecraft is potions used in battles to quickly restore health, boost performance, speed up movement, and many other effects. However, they didn’t look particularly attractive in the vanilla version. But this texture pack fixes the problem by adding an animation and glow effect to all the potions, as well as a slightly altered appearance. If you look at any bottle, you’ll see how it has transformed. It looks as beautiful as possible, without loading your PC with animation. Moreover, you don’t have to install shaders to get these effects.
We’ve done our best to overview most of the items and blocks that will be changed in A Little Taste of Jerm texture pack, although the author has redesigned almost all the game elements here, including the interface, GUI panels, and many other details. The latest version of the product was released for Minecraft 1.16.1, but this doesn’t prevent the add-on from being popular. At the time of writing this review, the textures have been downloaded more than 400,000 times, and this number is growing day by day. This texture pack works perfectly on most Minecraft versions, including 1.19.4. However, the content added after 1.16.1 won’t be changed.
In general, it’s a decent vanilla-style version of the graphics design in Minecraft. Most of the items and blocks are made in pixel graphics with 16*16 pixels resolution, which isn’t a particularly high quality. However, this is more than enough to transform all the elements and even improve the graphics compared to the vanilla version. The main advantage is the «lightness» of the pack, which makes it possible to run it on any PC. And if you want to upgrade the graphics and your computer is powerful enough, you can complement it with shaders.
V2.5_1.16 | 22.01.2021 | ANY | R | 5 MB | 1.16.1 | 3 k | Download |
A Little Taste of Jerm V2.5-1.16 | 26.06.2020 | ANY | R | 5 MB | 1.16.1, 1.16 | 2 | Download |
A Little Taste of Jerm V2.5-1.15 | 26.06.2020 | ANY | R | 5 MB | 1.15.2, 1.15.1, 1.15, 1.14.4, 1.14.3, 1.14.2, 1.14.1, 1.14 | 357 | Download |
A Little Taste of Jerm V2.4-1.14 | 25.10.2019 | ANY | R | 4 MB | 1.14.4, 1.14.3, 1.14.2, 1.14.1, 1.14, 1.13.2 | 275 | Download |
A Little Taste of Jerm V2.3-1.14 | 21.10.2019 | ANY | R | 5 MB | 1.14.4, 1.14.3, 1.14.2, 1.14.1, 1.14, 1.13.2 | 254 | Download |
A Little Taste of Jerm V2.2-1.14 | 05.08.2019 | ANY | R | 4 MB | 1.14.4, 1.14.3, 1.14.2, 1.14.1, 1.14, 1.13.2 | 252 | Download |
A Little Taste of Jerm v2.0-1.14+ | 01.07.2019 | ANY | R | 4 MB | 1.14.3, 1.14.2, 1.14.1, 1.14, 1.13.2 | 256 | Download |
A Little Taste of Jerm v2.0-1.12.2 | 01.07.2019 | ANY | R | 3 MB | 1.12.2, 1.12.1, 1.12, 1.11.2, 1.11, 1.10.2, 1.10, 1.9.4, 1.9 | 1 k | Download |
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