A mod called Wyrmroost adds a new dimension, various types of armor, tools, and weapons, as well as nine types of dragons and a few more interesting items to the game.
The new platinum ore now generates in the game world. You can craft the platinum armor, sword, and tools from its ingots. The platinum items are better than the iron ones but slightly weaker than the diamond ones. Thus, the damage level of the platinum sword is 6.25, and of the diamond one is 7. Unlike the iron pickaxe, the platinum one can break obsidian.
The mod adds three types of geode ores: blue, red, and purple. The blue ore can be found in the Overworld at a depth of the mines. The red one generates in the Nether. The purple one is found in the End. The blue ore is mined with any pickaxe that is better than the iron one. The red ore is extracted exclusively with a pickaxe made of the blue or red ore. The purple ore can be obtained using a pickaxe made of the red or purple ore. You can craft armor sets, swords, and tools from them.
From the red ore, you can craft the dragon staff, which allows you to control tamed dragons. With its help, you can order a mob to stay in place and set a dragon's house point.
The soul crystal allows you to absorb a dragon of any size, provided it is tamed. You will thus be able to bring it anywhere in the world.
A dragon called Rooststalker is very small and resembles a giant lizard. It is neutral by default, but if you hit it, it will attack you. If there are other dragons nearby, they will accompany it. It can be tamed using eggs — you will need about ten of them. After the taming, it will attack hostile mobs, and you will also be able to take it on your shoulder or head. Wild rooststalkers drop eggs, from which the baby dragons will subsequently hatch. To get these eggs, you need to give two dragons a golden nugget each. A wild dragon will steal your gold from chests.
Little Desertwyrm poses no danger to you. This little creature usually lives in deserts where it buries itself in the sand and waits for a victim. They are almost invisible there, except for the mouth. They drop meat, which can be cooked in a furnace.
The canari wyvern can usually be found in swamps and be of various colors. They have poison, so when a wyvern senses danger, it bites the victim, thereby poisoning it. After death, it drops the meat and feather. The wyverns are tamed with the help of sweet berries. However, their breeding is slightly different than one of the ordinary mobs. The fact is that wyverns have two sexes. After the breeding, an egg appears, and after five minutes, if you put the egg in the grass, a small wyvern hatches.
Silver Gilders are passive small dragons. They do not attack anyone, and you can find them near water bodies. They have small spots of different colors on the wings' edges and the tails, which are especially visible at night. Late at night, the gliders sleep. These dragons can be tamed with the help of fish. They can be flown, but the altitude will be extremely low. The gliders can be bred with the help of fish. As a result, a baby dragon will hatch from the egg in ten minutes.
The overworld drake is an aggressive mob. It is capable of slowing down anyone by merely making a sound. This creature can be tamed, though, but this is extremely difficult, as you will need to sneak up unnoticed and try to ride it. But if you succeed, you will be able to move on the ground at a higher speed. These dragons are a bit faster than horses but cannot jump. The drakes are bred with the help of wheat. A baby dragon hatches from the egg in 15 minutes.
Dragon Fruit Drake usually lives in the tropics and can sleep day and night. It is usually aggressive, but there are times when it does not touch anyone. These dragons are bred using wheat, and you can also tame a baby, which is green. You will need sweet berries for that. The salient feature of these dragons is that they can be cut with scissors to get apples.
The butterfly leviathan lives in water. It is the biggest dragon of the mod. They swim at an incredible speed. You can tame them, but it is a difficult task. To do this, you will need to somehow make this creature leave the water and feed it with the dragon meat. The tamed mob can strike lightning bolts at your enemies. These dragons are bred with the help of dried kelp. When you put the egg on the ground, a baby leviathan will appear after 33 minutes.
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