Timeless and Classics Guns is quite a large add-on for the main mod Mr. Crayfish’s Gun Mod. It adds a large number of weapons that exist in real life. This mod adds the following weapons:
· M1911 – semi-automatic pistol
Of course, you need to install the main mod to play with the add-on. In general, the add-on is quite similar to the main modification, but there are still some differences in terms of functionality. All weapons are divided into special tabs, which are based on the types of weapons. In total, there are 7 types of weapons: pistols, submachine guns, assault rifles, sniper rifles, shotguns, heavy machine guns, and grenade launchers.
All weapons have unique characteristics – recoil, ammo spread, reload time, and so on. In the main modification Mr. Crayfish’s Gun Mod, bullets hit the same point with 100% probability. But if you install this add-on, your bullets will fly differently. This will make the shooting look more realistic. And the recoil displaces the weapon not only vertically but also horizontally – to the side.
Weapons also have safety catches. So, you cannot shoot until you take the safety off. You can take the safety off by pressing the G key. In addition, you can use the same key to switch the type of shooting. To see if your weapon is off the safety or to find out the amount of ammo, as well as the reload duration, just look in the lower right corner. A green crossed-out cartridge means that shooting is impossible – the weapon is on safety. A yellow cartridge means that the weapon is in single-player mode – shooting is possible. If the icon shows three red bullets, it means that the weapon will fire in automatic mode. It is the most effective and wasteful shooting mode. Not all types of weapons can be switched to automatic mode – mostly just machine guns, submachine guns, and assault rifles.
Each weapon has different shooting sounds that are highly realistic. Weapons are created in the same way as in the main mod – you need a special workbench, which is also added by the add-on. The interface is quite simple, but the appearance of the workbench is rather realistic. The interface is very easy to understand as it is similar to the workbench interface from Mr. Crayfish’s Gun Mod. To color a weapon or its modifications, take it in your hand and press the Z key.
To improve the characteristics of weapons, there are several types of sights, potato grips, as well as a light butt and a silencer. To insert these modifications into the weapon, just press the Z key. Thus, you will open an interface to install the corresponding modifications. However, it should be noted that not all weapons can be equipped with any options. If the slots are crossed out, this means that upgrading is impossible. Most modifications can be installed on assault rifles. It is also worth considering that several body kits will not only improve the characteristics of your weapon but also, in some respects, worsen it – you can find this out when you hover over the body kit.
The next innovation added by the mod is enchantment books that can also improve your weapons. The books are completely copied from the main modification Mr. Crayfish’s Gun Mod since you cannot use any of its effects for your weapons.
The first book describes the «trigger finger» enchantment. Use this enchantment to increase the speed you can fire weapons in automatic mode.
The «lightweight» enchantment is primarily designed for heavy weapons – like a machine gun. If you choose this enchantment, you will increase your ADS speed.
The next is the collateral enchantment. As the name implies, there will be some collateral damage, which means you can shoot through multiple enemies. Thus, if there is another enemy behind your enemy, it will also take damage. In total, you can shoot through about 5 mobs.
«Over capacity» is an enchantment that increases the ammo capacity of a weapon. You can enchant your weapon up to a maximum of level 3 and increase your ammunition by 70-80%.
The «reclaim» enchantment works up to level 2 and allows you to save ammo. So, there is a chance to shoot your weapon and not spend a bullet.
The «accelerator» enchantment increases the speed of bullets, thereby increasing damage. The «puncturing» enchantment works up to level 4. Use this enchantment to get a relatively small chance of dealing critical damage with one shot.
Weapons enchanted with «fire starter» start shooting fired bullets, which additionally deals fire damage to the enemy. In addition to enemies, fired bullets can even set fire to blocks.
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