The Twilight Forest mod adds a new storyline to the game, as well as another dimension with new mobs and bosses.</ p>
If you want to get into a new dimension, you need to build a small portal. To do this, make a pool 2 by 2 blocks in size and fill it with water, thereby forming an endless source of water. Then plant flowers along the edges of the pool, no matter if the flowers are the same or different. To activate the portal, throw one diamond into the water, move back a couple of blocks and wait for lightning to strike the water. After everything is done, the water will take on a purple color, similar to that of the Nether Portal.
You can return from this dimension in 2 ways. The first one is the easiest. After you get into another dimension, there will be an identical portal, which is an exit to the Overworld. Another way is to die and end up in the normal world. If you want to spawn in a new dimension even after death, you need to sleep on a bed.
The Twilight Forest mod has a wide variety of biomes in it. One of them is the twilight forest. There you can find two new types of trees. For example, there is a twilight oak, which is about the same size as a regular oak, and a twilight pine, which is simply huge in size. On oak trees, you can often spot new mobs, namely fireflies. In addition to them, the forest is illuminated by special lanterns on trees and the ground that consist of jars with fireflies. You can craft such jars yourself by combining a glass bottle with a firefly.
The forest consists of several parts. In the habitat of a large number of fireflies, you can find small meadows of two-block-high flowers, such as lilacs, roses, and peonies. In the dense forest, there is a large amount of one- and two-block-high grass. Plus, the leaves on the trees here have a lighter green color.
In the mushroom forest you will find huge mushrooms that are much larger than the mushroom trees from Overworld, and glowing mushrooms growing on the ground. This biome is called Deep Mushroom Forest. It differs from the usual one in that it has a lot more huge mushrooms and a new tree-like mushroom. The Dark Forest is a place where players can see orange trees and Jack o'Lanterns used as lighting. The pines in this biome are just trunks without leaves. Near the edges of the biome there are dark trees with a lot of cobwebs on them. The Enchanted Forest is notable for its variety of colors. To be more precise, the trees here can change the color of the leaves, while the color of the ground can vary from green to teal. Somewhere in the middle of the Enchanted Forest, you can find a structure made of stone bricks.
This place has a lot of streams without any mobs in them. The streams lead to a large lake, where players can try to catch some fish with fishing rods. Another biome that you can find in the mod is the Oak Savanna, a place with uneven ground and caves.
All the wood that is presented in this mod can be used to create standard blocks and items, such as stairs, fences, sticks, and so on.
From time to time in the forest you can come across huge caves visible from the surface. They contain ores and lava pools. Unlike Overworld, ore spawns no matter what layer you are on, which means you can find diamond ore even in the upper layers of the caves. Another thing you can find in caves is new types of roots that grow in both their upper and lower layers.
The Torchberry Plant is a plant that usually grows on the bottom side of a dirt block and slightly illuminates the cave. If you destroy it, it will drop «Torchberries», but if you break it with shears, you will get the plant itself. Another item that can be found in caves is hanging roots. When simply destroyed, they won't drop anything, but if you use shears, you will get them as items, which you can later use to craft sticks. There are also root blocks. The fastest way to get roots is to use an axe. When broken, these blocks drop sticks. In addition to regular root blocks, there are also Liveroots that drop one Liveroot. These blocks spawn not only in caves but also under any Twilight Forest tree.
Torchberry can be used as a crafting ingredient. For example, you can use it to craft a torch. By combining 3 torchberries, you will get the Moonworm Queen. Use Torchberries, a Raven Feather, and Glowstone Dust to get the Magic Map Focus.
The Liveroot is one of the crafting ingredients for Raw Ironwood Materials. The recipe includes an Iron Ingot, a Gold Nugget, and a Liveroot. By smelting the resulting item, you will get an ironwood ingot, which you can later use to create some standard items, including swords and armor.
In terms of their properties, tools and swords made from ironwood ingots are identical to those made from iron. The difference is that ironwood items have greater durability, which is twice as high. In addition, tools have innate enchantments. Swords are enchanted with Knockback I, shovels have Unbreaking I, picks have Efficiency I, and axes have Fortune I. All tools are crafted in the standard way.
Ironwood ingot armor provides more protection than regular iron armor. For example, the Ironwood Chestplate, when worn, has an armor rating of 7. Each part of the armor set also has its own enchantment. Boots are enchanted with the Feather Falling enchant, helmets have Aqua Affinity, chestplates and leggings have Protection.
All biomes have different structures. Since this place does not have enough water, the most common structure here is a well. Wells come in both small and large sizes. If a well is filled with ordinary water, then somewhere at its bottom you can find a chest with an item, usually it is some kind of food. If it is filled with any other liquid, then there is nothing special in it.
The Twilight Forest also has various structures made of mossy cobblestones, and ruins that often hide chests with some loot underneath.
There are many types of Druid huts, and they are all different from each other. They are usually made from mossy cobblestones and wooden planks of various kinds. Huts do not have doors, instead they have a huge passage on one of their sides. Inside you can find a fireplace, chests, and a table where druids spawn. To get to the second floor, you can walk up the new iron stairs crafted with 2 iron bars and 4 iron nuggets. If you see stairs or slabs under the table, it means that they hide a huge basement under them. But be careful, such basements have many traps.
Skeleton Druid is a hostile mob that typically holds a golden hoe. It has 20 health points and is fairly easy to kill. Killing a Skeleton Druid usually yields bones, torchberries, and sometimes its hoe. They have two types of attacks. If you get too close to them, they will attack you with their hoe. If the enemy sees you at some distance, it will attack you with green particles that deal damage and inflict poison.
In the Deep Mushroom Forest biome, you will find the Mushroom Castle, which is a set of towers connected by bridges. There is nothing particularly interesting inside.
Quest Grove is a clearing that spawns in the center of the Enchanted Forest. It has a structure made of mossy stone bricks with a giant Questing Ram inside. To complete the quest, you need to drop on the ram one of each of the 16 colors of wool. Completing the quest will grant you a lot of valuable items, including blocks of Gold, Iron, and Diamond, as well as Questing Ram trophy and its horn. You can use the trophy as decoration or put it on your head. The horn can be used to destroy nearby blocks.
Under the hills you can find a dwarven hideout. Inside it there are many caves full of various ores, chests, and treasures. There are 3 types of hills that differ in size. In the largest one, you can find diamonds and different types of ores. In addition to dwarves, this place also contains the usual hostile mobs, including zombies, spiders, and creepers.
Kobolds are small, blue dwarf-like creatures. Despite their small size, a group of these mobs can easily kill you. When killed, Kobolds drop gold nuggets and sometimes wheat. Another dwarf that you can meet here is the Redcap Goblin. They always wear Iron Boots, carry an Iron Pickaxe, and make sounds of laughter. They are hostile mobs who, when killed, drop Coal and occasionally a pickaxe and boots. In the larger hills, you can find another version of Redcap Goblins, namely Redcap Sappers. The boots and pickaxes of these creatures are made from ironwood ingots. The mobs can not only attack you with their pickaxe, but also drop TNT. In addition, there is a chance to encounter Twilight Wraiths in the hills. These creatures can pass through blocks without damaging them. When killed, they drop Glowstone Dust.
In medium and large hills, you can come across various beetles. One of them is the Pinch Beetle. It is a yellow mob with very long pincers that it uses to deal damage. After attacking, Pinch Beetles can grab you by the body and drag you around, dealing damage. To free yourself from the pincers, simply press Shift. The mob has 40 health points and does not drop anything when it dies.
Another beetle you can find is the Slime Beetle. It has a rather unusual appearance and is neutral toward players. If you try to attack it, it will run away and start throwing slimeballs at you from a distance, thereby causing you damage. It can only attack from a distance, so if you try to approach it, it will run away again. The beetle has 30 health points and drops a few Slimeballs if killed.
The Fire Beetles have 26 health points. They are hostile mobs that can attack you from both long and short range. If your character is too far from them, they release particles of fire, if it is close, they attack with pincers. If these particles hit you, you will not only take damage, but also start burning.
The chests in the hills contain new useful items. One of them is the Ore Magnet. The item brings ore from the ground closer to the player. Moreover, it brings exactly the ore that they point to. To use the magnet, hold the right mouse button down. But keep in mind that this item is not eternal. If it breaks, it cannot be repaired.
A Peacock Feather Fan will help you push any mobs away for a short distance. In addition, if you use it under you, it will help you to jump high without taking damage from falling. Another item you can find in chests is Transformation Powder. You can use it to transform one creature into another. For example, a deer can be turned into a cow and then turned back into a deer. You can use the time in Overworld as well.
The Twilight Forest is also home to ordinary friendly animals, equivalent to mobs from the Overworld. They can give you some items and blocks that you may need. One of these animals is the Wild Deer. In this dimension, they are equivalent to cows from the Overworld and only have 10 health points. When killed, they drop meat and leather. You can cook meat to make steaks. Wild Deers can be bred if fed with Wheat.
Bighorn Sheep come in a variety of colors. They are the equivalent of ordinary sheep, as they also drop wool. The only difference is that they have long horns. The color of the Bighorn Sheep's wool can be changed to any color with a dye. They have 8 health points and can be bred with Wheat. When killed, Bighorn Sheep drop Mutton and wool if they have not been sheared.
Wild Boars are the equivalent of regular pigs and have all the same properties.
The Twilight Forest is also full of small creatures. One of them is squirrels. They have very little health, only two points. They are friendly creatures, and slaying them yields nothing. Other friendly animals you can meet are Dwarf Rabbits. They have 4 health points and come in a wide variety of colors. Killing them yields Raw Rabbit and Rabbit Hide. Tiny Birds have 2 health points and come in a variety of colors including red, yellow, blue, and more. They drop Feathers when killed. There are also Forest Ravens that are very important for improving the character, as they drop Raven Feathers needed for crafting.
Once you get the Raven Feathers, you will be able to create a Magic Map Focus, that can later be used to make the Blank Magic Map. This map will help you explore the entire dimension by showing you all the biomes and bosses found in different areas.
One of the places you can find on the map is a green area with a snake's head. This entire territory is surrounded by walls. From the inside, everything is covered with various plants, trees, and tall grass. If you try to enter the place, you will encounter an unusual and aggressive serpent, namely the Naga. It is a hostile creature and is one of the bosses in this dimension. You will have to try hard to defeat it. When the Naga becomes aggressive, it starts destroying any scenery it runs into inside the courtyard. If you manage to kill the serpent, it will drop Naga Scales which can be used to craft some other items.
For example, you can use Naga Scales to make chest plates and leggings. This armor is similar in its characteristics to diamond armor but has a lower toughness rating of only 0.5. Besides, set pieces have innate enchantments. The chest plate comes enchanted with the Fire Protection III enchant, and the leggings have Protection III enchant. These enchantments can be removed and some other enchantments applied instead.
Another landmark you can find is the huge towers that are the lair of the Twilight Lich. On the map, the place is represented as a skeleton in a golden crown. You cannot enter this place until you defeat the Naga. If you try to approach it before killing the serpent, you will find it surrounded by a force field. The towers have no entrance, so you need to make it yourself. Once inside, you will see a huge number of hostile mobs, including zombies and skeletons. The fortress itself is almost empty, its most important thing is located on the very last floor. To walk up, use the stairs.
Another enemy that you can encounter in the fortress is the dangerous Death Tomes. This mob is invisible and only has books coming from it. The creature is hostile and, in addition to damage, its attacks impose a slowness effect on players. When killed, it drops books, either common or enchanted. The last floor is different from the rest as it has a glass floor. This is where you can find one of the bosses, the Twilight Lich.
The Lich has several life phases where it changes its attack patterns. In the first stage, it wields a scepter that fires Ender Pearls. Then it summons its duplicates, who also start attacking the player. The Lich scepter has two types of projectiles, these are fireballs and Ender Pearls, which players can reflect back. The mob only takes damage when it uses attacks, otherwise it is invulnerable. When the first stage ends, the enemy's shield and duplicates disappear. In the second phase, Lich summons an army of zombies to attack the player. When everyone is defeated, it enters its third phase, where it attacks the player with a golden sword. This is the last stage, at the end of which the Lich dies and drops various items. Players can get a few Ender Pearls and Bones, its golden sword, a random piece of golden armor, the Twilight Lich Trophy, and one of its four scepters.
The Scepter of Twilight deals 6 damage on each hit and uses Ender Pearls as projectiles. It holds 99 charges and can be recharged by combining it with Ender Pearls. The Scepter of Life Draining is a weapon that drains health from an enemy and restores it to the player. It can be recharged with Fermented Spider Eyes. The Zombie Scepter summons zombies loyal to the player, each with 40 health points. After some time, these zombies start to burn and die. The scepter can be recharged with Rotten Flesh and a Potion of Strength. The Scepter of Fortification makes the player immune to several hits. To recharge the weapon, use Golden Apples.
When you enter the swamp, you will be attacked by mosquitoes that will inflict a level 3 hunger effect on you. To get rid of them, you have to defeat the Twilight Lich. After that, mosquitoes will continue to attack you, but they will no longer be that dangerous and you will be able to kill them. Somewhere in the middle of the forest, there is a small hill with an entrance. But be careful, this place is guarded by sinister Minotaurs. On the map, this hill is represented by a green square icon. Your goal is to get into the cell located in the center of the hill.
Jump inside to enter the Labyrinth. The labyrinth itself is almost empty. From time to time you can come across Minotaurs guarding the place. The area has many rooms with both treasures and TNT traps. Minotaurs are hostile mobs who, when they die, drop Raw Meef that can be cooked. Minotaurs use one of the two weapons, a Golden Axe or a Golden Minotaur Axe which deals 7 damage and can deal additional damage to an enemy when the player sprints.
In the Labyrinth, you can also meet unusual Maze Slimes. These creatures seem to be covered with stone, but in general, they are almost identical to regular slimes. The Labyrinth has two floors, and your goal is to get to the lowest one. Simply mining down will not work as there is a layer of bedrock between the floors. When you find a special entrance and get to the lower floor, all you have to do is get to the lair of the Labyrinth's boss, the Minoshroom. It has only 60 health points, so it should be fairly easy to defeat. Killing the enemy will get you the Minotaur Trophy, Meef Stroganoff, and the Diamond Minotaur Axe that deals 10 damage. The Meef Stroganoff will help you explore the Fire Swamp without taking damage.
In the very center of the Twilight Forest there is a place marked in red on the map. It is home to one of the game's bosses. This biome called Fire Swamp has ash particles in the air that will damage you if you are caught in it. When you reach the center of the swamp, you will see a huge hill with a lot of different ores inside. This is where Hydra lives.
The creature has three heads. It can attack from both close and long range. If the player is close, it deals a lot of damage with its bite attacks. For ranged attacks, Hydra uses fire breath. When it is low on health, it grows two more heads, which it also uses to attack. When defeated, Hydra drops its trophy and very nourishing Hydra Chops. This food item not only eliminates hunger but also gives you regeneration powers. Hydra also drops Fiery Blood, which can be used to create new ingots.
A Fiery Ingot is a new item that can be crafted by combining an Iron Ingot with Fiery Blood. The ingot can be used to make a pickaxe, a sword, and armor. In terms of their properties, items made from fiery ingots are similar to those made from Netherite. The Fiery Sword, however, is innately enchanted with the Fire Aspect II enchantment. The Fiery Pick also has its features. For example, it can set fire to any creature you hit with it. Moreover, it has the ability to automatically smelt the mined ore. This means that when mining ore, you will get ready-made iron ingots. Fiery Armor also has some special features. The most important one is that it makes hostile mobs burn if they try to attack you.
If you enter the Dark Forest without killing the Twilight Lynch, this place will be full of darkwood trees causing you blindness and preventing you from doing damage to any creatures. Your goal here is to find the Goblin Knight Stronghold. You can use the Magic Map to speed up the search process. Walking through the dark forest, you will come across many dangerous creatures inhabiting it.
These include Mist Wolves, who, despite having low health, can deal a lot of damage. You can also meet King Spiders which are much larger than normal ones. These spiders not only deal damage themselves but also have a Skeleton Druid riding on their back. If the Mist Wolf and the King Spider meet, the wolf will start attacking the skeleton on the spider. Although the Goblin Knight Stronghold is located underground, it is quite easy to find, as the ground there is covered with Underbricks. Once in the stronghold, you need to find the central room. Inside you will see a barrier made of new blocks called Stronghold Shields.
If you want to remove the barrier, you only need to place a trophy taken from one of the bosses on the pedestal nearby. This will open the entrance to the fortress full of new creatures. This place has a lot of rooms inside, including a feast hall, a training room, and a treasure room. One of the creatures you can meet here is the Helmet Crab with 14 health points. When killed, it drops Armor Shards. There are also Block and Chain Goblins who can attack you with their spike blocks. One of the most dangerous creatures, however, is the Goblin Knight. The mob does not take damage if you attack it from the front. Instead, it should be attacked from behind as it swings to strike. In fact, this enemy consists of two goblins stacking up together. If you kill the top one, the second one will become defenseless but will continue to attack you. The main thing you should find in this fortress is a room enclosed by a barrier of iron bars. There is a group of 6 Knight Phantoms inside. Each of them has its own type of weapon, which corresponds to one of the existing tools. Once you kill them all, you will receive a chest with valuable rewards, including armor, weapons, and a trophy.
The armor consists of a Phantom Helm and Phantom Plates. Their properties are identical to those of Netherite items. However, they have a special feature: they cannot be lost on death.
After you collect enough Armor Shards, you can use 9 of them to craft an Armor Shard Cluster. They, in turn, can be smelted into Knightmetal Ingots that allow you to craft tools, swords, and armor. The properties of this armor are also identical to those made from Netherite. The tools, however, are less effective and similar to diamond ones
When you reach the center of the Dark Forest, you will see a red area with a huge tower meandering high in the sky. You will not be able to get inside until you defeat the Knight Phantoms. The tower only has one entrance with Reappearing Blocks instead of a door. If you right-click on them, they will vanish and reappear a few seconds later. In the very first room, you will be met by new hostile creatures, Carminite Golems. Exploring the fortress you will find a maze with a wide variety of new mechanisms. Besides, you will have to solve a puzzle by building a path to the top of the fortress using Carminite Builder blocks. Once you reach the central part of the tower, you will encounter the next boss, the Ur-Ghast. It is a very large creature that first attacks players with three fireballs and then uses Ur-Ghast's tears to damage them. It can also summon small Carminite Ghastlings. Once you defeat the enemy, you will receive a treasure chest with a few pieces of Carminite, Fiery Tears, and the Ur-Ghast Trophy. Fiery Tears are the equivalent of Fiery Blood and can also be used to craft Fiery Ingots.
Carminite is an item that you can get by defeating Ur-Ghast or by crafting it yourself. In order to make it, you need 4 Redstones, Ghast Tears, and 4 Borer Essences. Borer Essence can be obtained after killing Towerwood Borers whom you can find by breaking Infested Towerwood in the Dark Tower. Carminite can be used to create mechanical devices like the ones in the tower, including Vanishing, Reappearing, and Carminite Builder blocks.
When you reach the Snowy Forest marked in white on the map, you will need to find a small hill among spruce trees that make up this place. On the way to the hill, you can meet two creatures. One of them is the always-aggressive Winter Wolf with 8 health points. It has two types of attacks and can either bite players or use its breath to freeze them. Yeti have 20 health points but are less dangerous. They have only one type of attack if it can be considered an attack at all. They simply pick up players and throw them, which causes them fall damage. When slain, wolves and Yeti drop Arctic Fur, which can be used to craft Blocks of Arctic Fur that reduce fall damage by 90 percent. You can also make good Arctic Armor, which is only slightly inferior in its characteristics to Diamond Armor. Besides, it can be dyed into any color.
Once you reach the hill, you will find the Ice-covered Yeti Lair. The lair is guarded by many Yetis that you need to fight. After that, the Alpha Yeti, a new boss with 100 health points, will spawn in the center. In the initial phase of the fight, the mob is immune to any arrow damage. It has different types of attacks.
The creature can throw blocks of ice toward the player. During this attack, it is vulnerable to arrow damage. It can also pick up the player and throw them, similar to how a regular Yeti would do. Players who defeat the boss will receive Ice Bombs that can be used as weapons and Alpha Yeti Fur. Fur can be used to craft new armor that is similar to Netherite armor in its properties. Besides, every piece of armor will be innately enchanted with the Protection II enchant while boots will additionally have the Feather Falling IV enchant. In addition, the new armor will freeze creatures that attack the player.
In the Snow Forest area, you can find huge slabs of ice. This place is home to the Snow Queen Aurora. Glaciers are made entirely of ice and have nothing inside, which means you will have to climb to the very top of them. There you will meet a lot of friendly penguins with 8 health points each. When you reach the center of the glaciers, you will see tall towers made from Aurora Blocks.
This huge fortress is the Aurora Palace. The Snow Queen lives at its very top, but on your way there you will meet many dangerous creatures. Among them, for example, the Stable Ice Core and Snow Guardians with upper parts of armor and swords. If you see ice-covered rooms, this is a sign that you are already approaching the queen. The Snow Queen has 100 health points. It can fly on ice blocks and summon ice crystals to attack the player. When defeated, it drops a trophy and either the Tri-bow or the Seeker Bow.
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