The Lord of the Rings for Minecraft

  • Author: crafter
  • Popularity:
  • Updated: 19.05.2022
  • Last version 1.16.5

Review The Lord of the Rings

The Lord of the Rings

The Lord of the Rings – is a global modification that adds the «Lord of the Rings» universe to the game. The mod doesn’t absolutely change the vanilla world in any way – all the novelties are located in a new dimension. However, you can notice the first change as early as on the main screen of the game.

How to get to the Middle-earth

To get into a new dimension, you’ll need a small lava lake and a newly introduces golden ring, which you can craft using 8 gold nuggets. All you need to do now, is to throw the golden ring into the lava, which will trigger a powerful explosion. A giant golden circle will appear at the explosion site, making up a portal. To get to Middle-earth, you need to climb to the center of the ring, and only afterwards the teleportation will begin. However, you can omit all these troubles and choose the «Middle-earth» game type when you begin creating the world, and you’ll immediately appear in the new dimension.


Middle-earth– a giant dimension with an incredible number of different new mobs, blocks, tools, food, and so on. The world of Middle-earth resembles the vanilla world, however the former looks much brighter and richer.

If for any reason you want to return to the ordinary world, all you need is to go to the spawn site in Middle-earth. This is where the portal is located.

In addition, upon appearing in the new dimension, you’ll immediately discover that the interface has changed. First, a scale will appear at the center top, which indicates the degree of friendliness of the Middle-earth hosts towards you. Initially, Hobbits are neutral, and you are just a stranger for them. Depending on your actions, the scale can approach either the enemy level or the guest level. If you become Hobbits’ enemy, they’ll turn hostile to you. Second, a ring-shaped map will appear, which you can use to navigate in Middle-earth.

The Map

The main button that shows you very important information – M (you can change this button in the game settings). This button opens a menu where you can find the key factions and the map of Middle-earth. The map of Middle-earth is rather broad, and you’ll need a large amount of real time to explore it. The territories of Middle-earth are divided into different sections. The map is rather convenient – you can put marks onto it, scale the map, remove or add inscriptions on the map, center it on the player, and even change the type of map.

The plot

According to the plot, after a certain amount of time you spent in Middle-earth, Gandalf will approach you and say, «Do you want to go on an adventure [name]? Our world offers many adventures, it’s extensive, and full of various dangers… So let me give you some tips first!». After these words, you can either ignore Gandalf or continue talking to him. If you agree, he’ll give you a special book. This book contains absolutely all the quests of the mod. You can accept quests and explore the world by moving through various villages and towns located on the map of Middle-earth.

Villages, towns, and structures

Wide roads cross throughout Middle-earth, leading to all parts of the world on the map. These roads will help you to successfully get from one location to another without getting lost. Roads pass through different places – rivers, mountains, forests, and gorges. There are numerous towns, villages, abandoned villages, and so on in Middle-earth.


Mordor – a dark dangerous place where you will be in peril at every step. Mordor is located roughly in the center of the map. Like in the rest of Middle-earth, there are roads, towns, and villages in Mordor, but they are far more dangerous and scary.


There are over 50 unique mobs in Middle-earth. Most often, you’ll meet the key mobs – Hobbits. The Hobbits are very small relative to the player, but also have 20 health points. They won’t beat you under any circumstances, because they can’t cause any damage like ordinary peasants. After hitting a Hobbit, the scale level won’t move either towards the guest or towards the enemy. However, killing a hobbit will bring you 1 point closer to the enemy level. Hobbits have a rather wide range of appearances.

The Mordor Orc

One of the most common Mordor inhabitants is Mordor orcs. Of course, this mob is aggressive towards all peaceful mobs. However, the orc is initially neutral towards you and will only attack if provoked. The Mordor orc has a few varieties – fully armed, a fully armed orc without a helmet, an orc without a helmet with a pickaxe. However, the Mordor mob isn’t particularly dangerous by itself, since it has only 20 health points and 3 damage points per hit. After the orc dies, you’ll get a certain amount of experience, rotten flesh, a few orc bones, and with some probability, a wormy bread and a bag for items (there may also be various items inside that the dead Morder orc kept). In addition, for one dead orc, you’ll get a 1-point increase in your own reputation.

The Gondorians

The Gondorian – a common inhabitant of most villages and towns of Middle-earth. In terms of appearance, there’s a huge variety of the Gondorians. The Gondorians are peaceful mobs, but they can stand up for themselves and will find weapons in case of danger. The Gondorians are completely friendly towards you, even when provoked. The Gondorian has 20 health points and drops a certain amount of experience and bones after death. However, you shouldn’t kill any of the Gondorians, because it will reduce your reputation by 1 point.

Gondor Soldiers

The residents of Gondor can defend themselves, but these are soldiers of Gondor for this purpose – well-equipped mobs with 20 health points and huge damage per hit – 6 points. Unlike the residents, the soldiers won’t tolerate your provocations and will immediately attack you whenever possible. At the same time, all the nearby soldiers will start hunting you. The soldier of Gondor is a very dangerous opponent, because in addition to good equipment, he can use a shield and block your attacks. Escaping from the soldier isn’t easy either, because he can move rather swiftly. Most of the soldiers are armed with powerful swords, but some of them have no less powerful spears. There is no point in fighting with soldiers, because they will drop only a certain amount of experience and a few bones after death. The soldiers of Gondor are more valuable than the residents, so by killing one soldier you’ll reduce your reputation by 2 points at once.

The Elves of Galadhrim

The Elves of Galadhrim – the most common inhabitants of Galadhrim. They have a wide range of skins and can be both women and men. The Elves are a bit higher than the previous mobs, including the player. The Elves also have a little more health – 30 points. Like the Gondorians, the elves are completely friendly towards the player, but aggressive towards the Mordor Orcs and other hostile mobs. The Elves have blue ice blades, which they can take out of their pockets in case of danger and hide back afterwards. The Elves drop a certain amount of experience and bones after death. However, you shouldn’t kill them either, because thus you’ll reduce your reputation by 1 point.

The Soldier of Galadhrim

There aren’t only ordinary elf residents in Galadhrim, but also Galadhrim warriors. The Galadrim warrior looks unusually, wears white armor, has shield and sword. This mob is very dangerous, both for you and for the Mordor Orcs. The Galadhrim warriors are neutral towards the player unless he has the reputation of an enemy. The Galadhrim warrior is rather hard to defeat, because in addition to 30 health points and a powerful sword, which causes 7 damage points per hit, the warrior has a bow. The Galadhrim warrior can easily cope with even the strongest Mordor Orc. After the Galadhrim warrior dies, you lose 2 reputation points and get a certain amount of experience, a clover, and his bones in returnи.

The Dwarf

Another Middle-earth inhabitant is a Dwarf. The Dwarves are rather common and have a very unusual appearance. The Dwarf has 26 health points and a powerful pickaxe – he can stand up for himself and defeat the Mordor Orc face-to-face. The Dwarf is friendly towards the player, but will attack you if provoked, causing 6 damage points with his powerful pickaxe. The Dwarves have rather diverse skins, which makes the mod more elaborated. The mob drops a certain amount of experience and its bone after death. That is, it’s pointless to kill dwarves, because simultaneously you reduce your reputation by 2 points.

The Dwarf Warrior

An ordinary dwarf can’t cope with armored Mordor orcs – for this, there’s a dwarf warrior. The Dwarf Warriors have the same arms – a shield, a sword, and full armor. Rarely, you can see the Dwarf Warriors without helmets. The Dwarf Warriors are initially neutral towards you, but provocation will result in an attack of all the nearby dwarf warriors. If you have the reputation of an enemy, the Dwarf Warriors will immediately attack you. The Dwarf Warrior is rather hard to defeat in a fight, because in addition to 26 health points and excellent armor, his sword deals more than 7 damage points, which means that he can defeat an unprotected player in 3 hits only. When dies, the Dwarf Warrior drops a certain amount of experience, bones, and with some probability either a book or an iron nugget.

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Available for next versions: 1.16.5, 1.15.2, 1.7.10, 1.7.2, 1.6.4, 1.6.2, 1.5.2
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5.5 19.05.2022 forge R 29 MB 1.16.5 5 k Download
2.13 19.05.2022 forge R 14 MB 1.15.2 598 Download
v36.13 19.05.2022 forge R 28 MB 1.7.10 5 k Download
renewed_2.8.1 08.01.2021 forge R 13 MB 1.15.2 12 k Download
v36.8 08.01.2021 forge R 28 MB 1.7.10 2 k Download
renewed_2.5 20.11.2020 forge R 11 MB 1.15.2 2 k Download
v36.6 20.11.2020 forge R 28 MB 1.7.10 2 k Download
v36.4_Retexture 01.08.2020 forge R 26 MB 1.7.10 2 k Download
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