The Forgotten Dimensions for Minecraft

  • Author: kyoukster
  • Popularity:
  • Updated: 14.01.2025
  • Last version 1.20.1

Review The Forgotten Dimensions

The Forgotten Dimensions

The Forgotten Dimensions is – mod that is still in development, but still successful in the game's new realm, with a lot of mobs, blocks and tools.

The world's permafrost

One full-fledged realm added in the game at the moment, such as – permafrost. To get into the new dimension, you don’t have to get anything and create anything. All you have to do is find a portal. There are a lot of portals around the ordinary world that are thousands of blocks away from the original spawn point in any snowy biome. Although such a portal is located on the surface, you will still find it difficult to detect it immediately, as it merges with the biome. Once you find a small den, you will discover a portal in there that serves to get into permafrost.

Permafrost biomes

In permafrost, there are three main biomes:

1. Snow biome

2. Snowy forest

3. Dead snowy forest

Snow biome

Snow biome is quite empty and consists of snow mostly on which the gamer is difficult to move. Sometimes, you will be able to see hills, dead snow trees and live snow trees in this rare biome.

Dead snowy forest

This is another rare and beautiful biome in which dead trees are a much more common object. This biome has the name of a – dead snowy forest. Dead trees consist of snow trunks that you can get and craft into snow-covered boards after that.

Snowy forest

It is a biome in which densely located live snow trees. Its name is – snowy forest.

The body temperature

You shouldn’t exactly be moving into a new realm without special gear. The fact is that the temperature scale was added in the game. If the temperature scale drops too low, you will have two negative effects, such as – slowdown and fatigue.


There is another feature of this realm which is that the speed of movement in the permafrost is very slow due to snowdrifts and cold.

Snowy mob

Now, fourteen new mobs have been added in the game. The first is – snowy mob. Snowy mob – is a completely friendly mob of small size, which is very similar to a sheep. From time to time, a snow mob makes bird-like sounds. This mob has eight health points, and after death it drops some experience and a bright snow coat. This wool is – the main component in the process of creating a new armor.


Mushriam – is a small walking mushroom that is a friendly mob. This mob has twelve health points and a very beautiful appearance. After Mushriam dies, it will drop you some experience and edible mushrooms. However, you can fry this mushroom and eat it like a full meal.


Pygmy – is a small and aggressive man with a sword in his hand. Once the Pygmy sees you, it will run towards you and start hitting you with a sword that will burn you further. Also, you should consider the fact that the pygmy is hunting not only you, but also other mobs. Pygmy has a lot of damage, but it does have a small amount of health, so you won’t get a big threat from this creature. After this mob dies, it will drop its sword. Unfortunately, the same sword does not set fire to other mobs.

Ice ghost

Next new mob is an – ice ghost. The ice ghost has fifteen points of health and is very aggressive against the player. Upon seeing the player, the ice ghost will start attacking him by firing small ice blocks, inflicting considerable damage. However, you can not be afraid of an ice ghost as almost all of its attacks will not hit the target. However, you will not be able to defeat it without difficulty because the ice ghost is able to fly. That is why it will be difficult to catch it. After the death of an ice ghost, it drops a very large amount of experience.

Tundra wolf

One of the main inhabitants of the new realm is – tundra wolf. This is a very common and aggressive mob. It will be difficult for you to escape the tundra wolf through the snowdrifts, and it will be very difficult for you to defeat this creature as wolves travel in packs almost always. Tundra wolf has great damage, but only fifteen health points. After its death, tundra wolf drops a lot of items, as well as – some experience, skin, snow fur, lock and meat.

Ice ghoul

Ice ghoul – is a frozen zombie with a very interesting skin. The ice ghoul has twenty points of health and significant damage thanks to the sword. In addition, this mob has a more efficient movement speed. After ghoul’s death, this sword will be dropped. Also, after the death of ice ghoul, it drops a small amount of experience. Although ice ghoul is undead, in the new realm it is not flammable due to special weather conditions during the day.

Ice armoured ghoul

Also, in the new dimension there are armoured ice ghouls – these are more serious opponents that occur less often. They are no different from standard glouls, except wearing armour, increased damage and increased health to fifty.


Sometimes you can see the real Yeti in the mountains of the new ice realm. Yeti – is a pretty dangerous enemy that has 35 points of health and very much damage. However, Bigfoot will ignore you at first. This will continue until you start provoking it and showing a threat to this creature. You should not provoke the Yeti as it can protect you from other hostile mobs in case you become friends. After its death, Bigfoot drops a few points of experience and snow wool in large amounts.

Ice flying golem

There is one more mob. It is a boss called ice flying golem, which has 350 points of health. This boss has a very big damage as well as it imposes a slowdown effect and freezing effect on its opponent.

Ice golem

The flying ice golem has several alternative mini-bosses. The first is– ice golem. Ice golem has 480 points of health and very much damage. Ice golem is very dangerous because it is able to replenish its health, as well as spawn regular ice golems.

Strong ice golem

It is a mob that is weaker than previous bosses and it has such a name as a – strong ice golem. This boss has health – on a 260 level. Defeating a strong ice golem is a very simple task as it does not make spawns of helpers. After its death, boss drops a small amount of experience and a fragment of the key.

Ice golem core

Another small boss is – ice golem core. This small boss is much stronger than all the previous ones because it has 650 points of health and very much damage, which imposes negative effects on the target additionally. In addition, when the level of health of this golem drops below half, it will begin to quickly restore its health. When the boss health level drops below 100, it will restore its health to another hundred points permanently.

Permanently frozen animal

Permanently frozen animal – is another mob that lives in caves. It is an alternative version of tundra wolf, but more dangerous. The permafrost animal has 50 points of health, fast movement speed, and very high damage. After its death, it drops a small number of experience points.

Permanently frozen beast

Permanently frozen animal has its unique alternative version of – boss. It’s called a permanently frozen beast. This terrifying mob has 750 health points and it’s just huge. If the gamer doesn’t have any equipment, this beast will kill the gamer with one hit, however, even if your equipment is pretty good, it will be very difficult to beat this beast. The fact is that the shield will not protect you from damage if the enemy strikes you very hard. Also, you will not be able to both run or hide as there is a very high speed movement and jump height of five blocks of this mob. In addition, you should consider that 750 health points – is not all its strengths because after you lower almost all points of its health, it will instantly recover. But in that case, if you can still defeat this beast, you will get a huge amount of resources, such as essence of the beast, real pieces of ice, mycelium, bars of metal snow, a very powerful sword and an ice heart.

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Available for next versions: 1.20.1, 1.19.4, 1.19.3, 1.19.2, 1.18.2, 1.15.2
Game versions
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TFD v1.44 Release MC1.20.1 Forge 15.01.2025 forge R 24 MB 1.20.1 71 Download
TFD v1.44 Beta2 MC1.20.1 21.12.2024 forge B 24 MB 1.20.1 59 Download
TFD v1.43 R MC1.20.1 14.10.2024 forge R 24 MB 1.20.1 10 Download
TFD v1.43 Beta MC1.20.1 21.09.2024 forge B 24 MB 1.20.1 207 Download
TFD v1.42.1 Release MC1.20.1 01.09.2024 forge R 24 MB 1.20.1 1 Download
TFD v1.42 Release MC1.20.1 26.08.2024 forge R 24 MB 1.20.1 0 Download
TFD v1.42 Beta4 MC1.20.1 12.07.2024 forge B 24 MB 1.20.1 399 Download
TFD v1.42 Beta3 MC1.20.1 29.06.2024 forge B 23 MB 1.20.1 6 Download
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how do i become a void being or god so that i can use void sword
it says yu need 1.19.2 why?
would you guys be able to make this mod into the 1.16 /1.17 versions?
How to make the portal
You cant make portal, but you can find it in snow biome.
But how to leave the dimension?