Techguns is a Minecraft modification that adds a large number of weapons, armor, and new blocks. Besides, you can meet new creatures that look unusual compared to vanilla mobs.
You can mine some new ores: copper ore, tin ore, lead ore, titanium ore, and uranium ore. They can be processed into ingots to craft weapons. In addition to regular ores, the mod also adds ore clusters that generate in dungeons.
Besides, you can meet a new mob, which is a zombie soldier. It does not burn in the sun and may have a shovel and a gun in its hands. There is also a zombie farmer, zombie miner, stormtrooper, outcast, super mutant, alien bug, and attack helicopter, all of which will attack you.< /p>
Added new blocks: fabricated glass, sandbags, containers, panels, various types of nether metals, reinforced concrete, four types of stairs (glowing, rusty, iron, and carbon), camouflage netting, neon lights, and boxes.
To upgrade lighting, the mod adds yellow and white lanterns, as well as lamps of the same colors.
There are also blocks that you can interact with. You can use the upgrade table to improve armor, the repair bench is designed for armor repair, and the metal press is used to improve ammo and plates. The ammo press is used to craft ammo for handguns, shotguns, as well as assault and sniper rifles.
You have additional slots for ammo, medical supplies, gloves, and food. If you put food inside the slot, the saturation bar will be replenished when you get hungry.
There are 14 types of armor, such as a soldier’s suit, a bandit’s suit, a miner’s suit, a combat suit, a ranger veteran suit, an exoskeleton suit, etc. Each armor has its durability, effects, and power value: physical, projectile, explosion, energy, fire, ice, lightning, dark, poison, and radiation.
There are two types of grenades – a frag grenade and a stick grenade. They do not break blocks and emit smoke and fire when exploding.
A chainsaw – you can take it from zombie soldiers or you can craft it. You can use the chainsaw to quickly chop down trees, as well as cause damage. Besides, it needs to be refueled.
There are two revolvers – a regular revolver and a golden revolver. They both use handgun ammo. The damage of a regular revolver is 6-8, and the golden revolver has a damage of 14-16. The firing range is up to 40 meters.
There are three assault rifles – AKM, M4, and the Infiltrator. Their damage is from 5 to 8 per bullet. The AKM firing range is 40. It holds 30 rounds and its reload time is 2.25 seconds.
The mod adds a combat shotgun and a double-barreled shotgun. The damage ranges from 1.5 to 4, the magazine holds 2 rounds, and the range is up to 10 meters. If you shoot further, the damage will decrease.
Assault and sniper rifles – the sniper rifle damage may reach 32 (it all depends on the range). The sniper rifle uses AS50 ammo, its magazine holds 10 rounds, and its reload time is 4 seconds. The firing range is 90 meters. The SCAR assault rifle – its damage is from 10 to 12, its range is 75 meters, its magazine holds 20 rounds, and its reload time is 2.25 seconds. Rifles have a scope that can be opened with the right mouse button.
There are also special weapons – a flamethrower, machine gun, nether blaster, bazooka, biogun, grim reaper, grenade launcher, alien blaster, and TFG 10K.
Killing mobs with a weapon has an animation.
Techguns.beta.1.2_alphatest4.1 | 20.09.2024 | forge | R | 17 MB | 1.7.10 | 169 k | Download |
techguns-1.12.2- | 16.05.2020 | forge | B | 28 MB | 1.12.2 | 2 mln | Download |
techguns-1.12.2- | 30.05.2019 | forge | B | 26 MB | 1.12.2 | 144 k | Download |
techguns-1.12.2- | 19.01.2019 | forge | B | 25 MB | 1.12.2 | 135 k | Download |
techguns-1.12.2- | 16.01.2019 | forge | B | 25 MB | 1.12.2 | 132 k | Download |
techguns-1.12.2- | 08.01.2018 | forge | B | 24 MB | 1.12.2 | 132 k | Download |
techguns-1.12.2- | 05.01.2018 | forge | B | 24 MB | 1.12.2 | 134 k | Download |
.beta.1.2_alphatest4.1 | 04.06.2017 | forge | B | 17 MB | 1.7.10 | 274 k | Download |
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