Sophisticated Wolves is a relatively small but old modification available on game versions 1.8.9, 1.9.4, 1.10.2, 1.11.2, and 1.12.2. The idea of this modification is to change the behavior of vanilla wolves and make them more functional and realistic. Now your pets will become smarter and more useful.
The first innovation is types of wolves. In total, there are 3 types of new wolves. However, they differ only in color. In addition to white wolves, there are light-beige, dark, and reddish-brown wolves. Wolves of different colors are most often found in packs and tamed in the same way – using a bone. Classic wolves, which look vanilla white, are usually found in the taiga. Beige wolves live in other forests of various types. And the last two wolves are rarer. The dark wolf and the red wolf can be randomly found in every biome, but you won’t meet them too often.
If you worry for your sheep, it is enough to illuminate the area to scare off wild wolves. Wild wolves will not spawn in lit areas. However, this does not apply to standard white wolves. It is also worth considering that vanilla wolves are not initially smart. To make a wolf smart, you first need to tame it and then feed it dog treats. You can create a dog treat using vanilla meat and wheat. Besides, you can also use dog treats to breed smart wolves since there is no way to breed them with regular meat.
However, these wolves become smart for a reason – you won’t injure them by mistake when fighting with monsters. If you specifically want to hurt a tamed wolf, hold down the SHIFT key and then hit. Injured wolves can pick up food from the ground to heal themselves. You can also train the wolf and thus indicate what kind of food it can pick – to do that, take a bone in your hand and click it on the wolf. This will open a simple interface where you can mark the food that your wolf is allowed to pick up.
When fighting, your pet can regenerate health by retreating to food. Besides, wolves will no longer get stuck in doorways or other narrow gaps.
Cacti are no longer dangerous for your wolves. Their spines deal no damage to pets. But these properties can be disabled in the configurations. However, fire and lava pose a danger to smart wolves – prolonged exposure to these fluids will kill your pet. Smart wolves can also extinguish themselves – by just brushing the fire off.
Another great skill of smart wolves is to stay away from creepers. Once the creeper comes closer, the smart wolf will growl and then run away. The wolf won’t approach the creeper closer than 3 blocks. If the creeper starts to explode, the wolf will run away from it. Smart wolves can also drive away wither skeletons.
Another unique skill added by the mod is the ability to recall the wolf during an attack if, for example, you accidentally hit some animal. To make your wolf temporarily stop attacking – just sit down. If you sit, the wolf will stop its attack. To completely drive the wolf away from the victim, hold down the SHIFT key for 5 seconds.
Also, smart wolves do not get under your feet, unlike vanilla ones. As soon as you start to break or chop something, the wolf will move away and won’t bother you.
In addition to the improved behavior of wolves, the modification also adds several interesting innovations. The first one is the pet name tag. This tag is quite easy to create, and you can hang it not only on wolves. The maximum number of characters for the name is 16. The set name is also quite functional. For example, when the pet takes damage, its name turns red thus indicating a reduced amount of health. After the pet replenishes its health, the name will turn white again. This is very helpful in identifying injured wolves.
If you don’t want to worry about replenishing your pet’s health, namely whether it finds food on the ground or not, it is better to create a feeder. You can put any meat products into the feeder. Now, if the wolf gets hurt, it will surely find the food. The feeder is quite easy to create. You can put it on the ground and then open the interface by clicking RMB. To load food into the feeder, just place any meat in the first slot. After that, other slots will be filled with special dog food.
Another no less important accessory is wolf whistle. The whistle is crafted with some iron and gold. You can use the whistle to summon all the wolves that are within a 35-block radius, even if they are busy. If you whistle sitting in a crouch (SHIFT), you will also call all sitting wolves.
As for pet grooming items, this mod adds the animal cage. This cage is needed for easy transportation. As the name implies, only pets can be carried in this cage – dogs, wolves, parrots, and rabbits. The modification also adds a dog kennel, which is currently not functional – it is just a decoration.
The modification also affects villages. Now they will randomly spawn pet shops, in which you can see various pets sitting behind the glass. You cannot just pick them up – you need to buy them from the seller who may not be present in a shop or may be walking around the village. However, it is quite easy to find the seller who’s wearing white clothes and has the wolf symbol on his back. The pet will be sold in a cage so that you can easily carry it to any place you need. In addition, the pet shop seller has some other devices added by the mod. Thus, you can even buy a tamed ocelot if you wish.
Sophisticated_Wolves-1.19.2-4.1.3 | 05.07.2023 | forge | R | 449 KB | 1.19.2 | 1 k | Download |
Sophisticated_Wolves-1.19.2-4.1.2 | 28.03.2023 | forge | R | 449 KB | 1.19.2 | 360 | Download |
Sophisticated_Wolves-1.19.2-4.1.1 | 31.12.2022 | forge | R | 449 KB | 1.19.2 | 270 | Download |
Sophisticated_Wolves-1.19.2-4.1.0 | 26.12.2022 | forge | R | 449 KB | 1.19.2 | 95 | Download |
Sophisticated_Wolves-1.19.2-4.0.0 | 19.11.2022 | forge | R | 388 KB | 1.19.2 | 357 | Download |
Sophisticated Wolves 4.0.0b3 | 12.11.2022 | forge | B | 388 KB | 1.19.2 | 75 | Download |
Sophisticated_Wolves-4.0.0b1 | 07.11.2022 | forge | B | 374 KB | 1.19.2 | 136 | Download |
Sophisticated Wolves 4.0.0b | 02.11.2022 | forge | B | 364 KB | 1.19.2 | 76 | Download |
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