It is a mod that radically changes the snow-related mechanics in Minecraft. Tired of the snow still being useless or even clearly obstructive block? Try this mod, and you will never consider snow boring again.
The snow now covers all the blocks, including the blocks under a fence and the fences themselves, as well as plants that look very realistic from under the snowdrift. Snowdrifts now increase in four stages, which can be adjusted.
The snow layers now have gravity. So if you break the block under them, they will fall like sand or gravel. That does not apply to the full-blown snow blocks, though.
If snow gets into the water, it will turn into ice. And when a hurricane happens, you will witness snow gradually accumulating in snowdrifts.
SnowRealMagic-1.20.1-Forge-10.5.4 | 17.01.2025 | neoForge, forge | B | 343 KB | 1.20.1, 1.20 | 340 | Download |
SnowRealMagic-1.20.1-Forge-10.5.3 | 15.01.2025 | neoForge, forge | B | 339 KB | 1.20.1, 1.20 | 42 | Download |
SnowRealMagic-1.21.1-NeoForge-11.0.13 | 25.11.2024 | neoForge | B | 3 MB | 1.21.1 | 32 | Download |
SnowRealMagic-1.12.2-0.7.2 | 21.11.2024 | forge | R | 920 KB | 1.12.2 | 387 | Download |
SnowRealMagic-1.21.1-NeoForge-11.0.12 | 06.11.2024 | neoForge | B | 3 MB | 1.21.1 | 8 | Download |
SnowRealMagic-1.21.1-NeoForge-11.0.10 | 23.10.2024 | neoForge | B | 3 MB | 1.21.1 | 0 | Download |
SnowRealMagic-1.21.1-NeoForge-11.0.9 | 23.10.2024 | neoForge | B | 3 MB | 1.21.1 | 15 | Download |
SnowRealMagic-1.20.1-Forge-10.5.2 | 10.10.2024 | neoForge, forge | R | 343 KB | 1.20.1, 1.20 | 905 | Download |
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