This Rustik modification adds many different decorative blocks and items to the game, with the help of which you will make a more beautiful look of your buildings. The possibility of producing alcoholic beverages appeared. Farm items and alchemy appeared there too.
Now, this is your only guide in this mod. To enter the interface, you should click on the right mouse button. Three tabs will appear on your display, which are the main additions to this mod, such as – decorations, farming and producing. You can craft this almanac of olives, three pieces of iron and a regular book.
You can use this as a decorative item. It has the ability to change its appearance, and for this you need to use shift and mouse scroll wheel. You will see there are six different options for changing your view. By putting the pitcher in, you can use it as a chest if you click on it by the right mouse button. One pitcher has the same number of items storage cells as a chest. You can craft a pitcher of six terracotta blocks.
There are two types of barrels. The regular barrel is used as a block to store any items, and it has the same number of cells as the chest. You can craft it with four painted boards, two plates of any wood and two iron bars. The liquid drum is used as a block for storing water and similar liquids. You will not be able to store combustible liquids in it, such as lava and other. You will be able to hold only sixteen buckets in one barrel. During the rain, the barrel is able to fill up with water. You can craft itfour boards of any wood. The main thing is that they are of the same type. Also, you will need a stove made of any wood, and two iron bars.
You can use this as a decorative block to decorate your home. In addition, you will see an interface like a chest where you can store things when you click on the right mouse button. You can connect tables, but the number of cells will double. You can do this if you place the table vertically. However, you will not be able to connect more than two tables. Create this from a hatch and seven boards of any type.
This is an alternative for ladders. To install them, you need the block at the top, as it is what creates the beginning of this. Place them both vertically and horizontally. You can craft a three-thread rope and a chain of three iron bars.
This item is placed on the block at the top of the chandelier, in the opposite case, the chandelier will fall, and it will be about the same as an anvil falling from a height. This is the optimal item to set the lighting. Initially, the chandelier will not illuminate anything and you will need to place torches or similar items on it, such as candles. One chandelier can hold four torches. You can craft it with four iron bars and two chains.
This is an analogue of iron bars. They have another feature that allows you to cover it by sheets. To do this, you need to use the sheet by clicking on the right mouse button. You can do it with five iron bars.
These are analogues of regular boards, which are used for any crafting too. You will be able to do this with eight of any of the optimal color boards and dye. In addition, you can repaint the painted boards with a similar method. This can be done with any color and with all available dyes.
Вы можете найти это на некоторых деревьях, в лесах чаще всего. Пчелы, который живут внутри, не способны вас атаковать при разрушении гнезда. You will break such a nest and get bees and honeycomb in different amounts.
Users use this as a block by which honeycomb produced. You need at least one bee to start production, which you should put in a hive. To make honeycomb more efficiently, we recommend that you put as many bees as possible in one hive. You can create such a nest of any type of wood and two boards.
It is an analogue of arable land on which the growth of fertile crops is faster than usual. Moreover, this soil allows you to plant plants that need livelihoods like water. Among them is cane. You can craft this type of soil from the ground and bone meal.
There are only two types of vegetables — it is – tomato and pepper. To get their seeds, you need to destroy the grass, you get this drop with a high probability. You should plant them on the field, but the wooden pole from this mod should be on the field, which you can create from three boards. When harvesting, the root vegetables stay in the ground and you can harvest again after a while.
You can only find them in relatively warm biomes. It will grow into a bush, so you can break this bush and plant it in any area after that. For fast berry production, bone meal is used.
Here, you have to break the vines to get the grape seeds, which are where they fall with little chance. After you plant the grape seed on the field, you must create a framework of ropes at a height of two blocks. This is the framework on which the grapes will grow. Later, you will be able to harvest this. To accelerate growth, you should use bone meal.
It can be found in some biomes. Breaking leaves, with some chance will crumble olives and olive seedlings from which you can grow a tree.
Used in crafting of new items. Olive oil is created in mortar. Oil is used to impregnate any kind of food, after which, food will give great satiety.
It is used to squeeze juice from various vegetables and fruits. To start production, we advise you to add the necessary fruit to the kettle and make a few jumps to get fresh juice. You need to use a vial or bucket to collect this juice. You will easily create it from three slabs of any wood, two iron bars and two planks that are made of the same wood as the slab.
To get apple seeds, you need to use a morta. When you produce apple juice, seeds are formed in addition. You can plant them on the ground or on the ground with grass. This tree is no different from oak in its structure. To collect apples, you need to click on the right mouse button and click on the apple leaves. It will take you a little time to get the apples.
You can find this tree in all biomes, and quite often. It resembles oak in its appearance, but has a higher trunk. When harvesting leaves, you get a drop of seedlings and iron berries with little chance. When eating them, both positive and negative effects are applied to the gamer. You will not be able to move for ten seconds after eating this fruit because you will have a negative effect of weakness, fatigue and slowdown. Positive effects include increased bounce ability, damage resistance and fire resistance. Also, iron berries will allow you to extract juice from them. At the same time, iron dust particles are formed that will drop pieces of iron after the process of their re-melting.
There are nine medicinal plants, each of which grows in a particular biome and imposes special effects on the gamer. Aloe grows in deserts, savannas and mountains. Bloody orchid grows in the jungle. Chamomile grows in the forest, on the plains and marshes. Сloudsbluf is an edible plant that makes you levitate for twenty seconds.
These two blocks are one for the elixir production structure. The condenser must be in the middle, and the retorts are on both sides of it. You need coal, bubbles and water to start using this. This condenser will help you create only level one elixirs.
These are blocks for the production of complex alchemy elixirs. You should put three improved retorts here to make this structure work. You can boil elixirs using coal, water and bubbles.
This item you need for the cooking of alcoholic beverages. There are three types of drinks. You can create them from grapes, berries, honey, iron berries, apples and wheat. Initially, the quality of alcoholic beverages will be at a minimum, so that when you consume such beverages you will get one negative effect in the form of nausea. You should improve their quality to prevent this from happening. To improve them, you need to add juice to the appropriate type of alcohol. The maximum quality of such a delicious and healthy drink can reach 0.75 points. Each type of alcohol will have a positive effect on you and the effect of someonedrunken. So, we can give you an example like Hydra, which imposes a magic resistance effect on gamers for five minutes. If you drink too much alcohol, you risk getting extra negative effects such as nausea, slowness or even blindness.
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