Would like to add realistic mobs to the Minecraft game world? Well, we have a great option for you: you can install the Rats add-on, which will help in this task. This mod adds rats, along with some items and blocks related to them, to the game. Besides, it can boast many other innovations, which we are going to dwell upon.
After launching the game, you will notice that the main menu has changed. Two chests appeared on both sides, and a rat is constantly running into these chests looking for cheese.
Any village now has quite a large garbage pile with a stone fence. Large flies live there, but they will not cause any harm to you, so you should not be afraid of them. This pile contains the new garbage block. But this pile is not as simple as it seems. At night, rats spawn there. Of course, they can also appear without this garbage pile, but the chance is very small. The pile thus increases the chance that a rat will spawn, so you should take this into account. After the rats have appeared on this pile, they begin to quickly scatter in search of beds with wheat or any other crop. Later, we will describe all the properties and behavior of this creature.
In the middle of any village, there is now a large building called a pet shop. Its owner also works there. There you can tame various animals, such as parrots, rabbits, and ocelots, for free. There is also a chest that contains everything for taming certain animals. You can trade with the owner. The second floor of the shop is inhabited by the rats.
A new resident now lives in villages — the Plague Doctor. It has a separate house. A couple of the doctors, along with their houses, appear in each village. You can trade with them, buying bones and emeralds from them. The doctor's shack is small: there are two bookshelves inside, a chest with the new items, such as poisoned food, and a cauldron with a block of cheese, which can be taken.
The rats can be of different colors, including black, brown, dark green, and white. Sometimes, you can encounter the most harmful plague-infected rat. The latter type is very dangerous not only for you but also for the ordinary rats. These rats will differ from the latter in appearance. Firstly, they have red eyes instead of black. Secondly, the entire body of this rat is covered with green spots. Thirdly, it is under the Plague effect.
As we have already noted, the plague rats are very dangerous. The fact is that these creatures will infect ordinary rats with the plague, thereby making them similar to themselves. The infected rats are also dangerous for the player. They not only inflict damage but also impose the Plague effect on the main character. But there is salvation for the infected rats: a Plague Doctor can cure them.
The rats are afraid of you by default and often run away when the player approaches them. So you will have to earn the trust of a certain rat if you want to make it a pet. At first, you will have to drop the cheese at longer distances, as the rat is afraid of you and will not approach you, even if you drop it cheese. Therefore, it is worth dropping the cheese a little further away from yourself than usual. When the rat is full, it will become your pet, and you will be able to interact with it. The tamed rats can be taken on one's shoulders. A tamed rat is very useful and will help you in various activities. Thus, it can pick items for you. But to make this possible, you will need to craft the cheese staff. With this item, you can specify the chest where the rat will put your stuff. So the rats will now be able to harvest crops for you, and you will be able to save a lot of time. The rats eat not only cheese but also other food types, such as rotten flesh, potatoes, and carrots. They need to be fed from time to time so that they restore their health.
A tamed rat can be upgraded — there is a separate slot for this. There are different and numerous types of upgrades. Thus, a rat can be given a status that it enjoys in creative mode, and it will not receive damage. A rat can cut precious stones with the help of a gemcutter. When a rat mines ore, it will leave two ore nuggets, which can be smelted to get a whole ingot. There are a lot of such upgrades, and you will be able to thereby improve a rat's health, attack, armor, and speed.
This type of rat will not only infect other rats but also cause damage in another way. Thus, if a plague rat finds a vegetable garden, it will immediately run to it to eat all the crops growing there. So you should now be careful and protect your beds; otherwise, the infected rats will eat everything you have. However, they are very cautious. They hear your every step, so when you approach, they will start running away. By the way, they run very fast, so it is very hard to catch them. When a plague rat picks some crop planted in the garden, it will begin to look for shelter to quickly eat it.
To prevent your tamed rats from a flight, you can craft a rat cage in which they will live as long as you want. It is created from five iron bars, two iron ingots, and wheat. Its functionality is quite broad. But you can expand it by increasing the width and height of a cage. Besides the rats, you can put other animals, such as rabbits, there. If you would like to add more interesting functions to the cage, you can create a hammock. Then a rat will not be so bored, and there will be a place where it can relax. It is crafted from three wool blocks, two strings, and cheese. Moreover, you can use the wool of any color, but there should be one color for one item. The color of the hammock will depend on the wool's color.
The easiest way to get cheese is to rob a pet shop. There is a lot of cheese in this structure, especially on the second floor, where rats live. But if you want even more cheese, you can ensure your own production. There are two ways of making cheese, and it is up to you which one to use. The first way is not particularly effective because it takes a lot of time. You need to pour a bucket of milk into a cauldron, and over time, a block of cheese will appear in it. For more efficient cheese production, it is necessary to craft a curding station. By pouring a bucket of milk into it, you can get a block of cheese very quickly.
There are several ways to get rid of the wild rats. You can get a cat that will hunt for these rats. If you have a tamed rat, don't worry — the cat will not touch it. The ocelots will also kill the wild rats. Another way of fighting them is a rat trap. You can place as many as you want so that the rats do not encroach on your vegetable gardens. But do not forget that you need to put cheese in these rat traps; otherwise, the rats will ignore them. There is no doubt that a rat will die immediately after getting into a rat trap.
In fact, the Plague Doctor treats not only rats but also other infected mobs. Moreover, it can even cure you if your character has caught the plague. But there is also a way to get rid of the plague by improvised means. You can create some items that will help you. You can create several items that will help you. A bundle of sweet-smelling herbs removes the plague effect with a 10 percent probability. The probability of the old treacle is 25 percent, and of the plague leech is 50 percent. But there is also a super medicine that will cure you with 100 percent probability. You need to combine all these ingredients to get the plague stew. It is guaranteed to cure you.
If you think that this doctor has only positive traits, you are dead wrong. If lightning happens to strike it, the doctor turns into the Black Death, and you will get into trouble. This creature will kill everything in its path, including mobs and players. The Black Death is a mini-boss, so when it is near you, you will see its health bar on the screen. It is hard enough to kill it if you are not equipped with good weapons and armor. All because it has as many as 400 health points. However, it deals merely 4 damage points. However, the Black Death has other ways of attacking you. When it finds that its damage is not very effective, it will summon an infected beast that looks like a rat but of a large size. Sometimes it summons black clouds, from which lightning strikes and causes damage to you. But if you manage to kill this creature, you will get very valuable items. You can get a mask, a scythe, and a bundle of sweet-smelling herbs.
The scythe has a broad application. Besides the fact that you can use it as a weapon, it can also boast some special properties. With the help of the scythe, you can summon black clouds that will cause damage to your enemies. As for the Black Death Mask, if you put it on, the plague rats will no longer touch you, considering you their ally.
You can spawn the Black Death in another way. To do this, you need to get a Plague Tome, which is very rarely dropped after you kill a plague rat. Having obtained this book, you need to approach a plague doctor and click the RMB holding the tome in your hand.
Of course, you can find it in villages, but if that is not enough for you, you can spawn it yourself. You will need a special item, which is crafted of four plague essences and the usual paper. The plague essence is dropped by the plague rats with a small probability.
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