It is no secret that an abundance of new ores for Minecraft usually brings merely a cosmetic effect. That is, the player can find an ore and extract it, but it will virtually have no application, as in the case of copper. But that is not true of an add-on called Oreganized.
The developers have been able to ensure unique and fascinating gameplay that allows one not only to get immersed in the new content but also to enjoy the standard survival peculiar to vanilla Minecraft. If the official updates featured such content, everybody would perhaps welcome that.
The Oreganized mod adds two new ore types to Minecraft: silver and lead. Each of them can be found in certain biomes and have specific crafting options. Let's dwell on this point.
The first material to consider is silver. Many mods have already featured silver as the main material. However, they have never offered such a broad sphere of application thereof as in Oreganized. The new opportunities will literally blow your mind.
Silver ore usually generates within the deepslate layer at the level of -5 to 160. It is a matter of chance. You can mine it with different pickaxes. It will be much faster to do that with diamond and netherite tools with certain enchantments. The ore itself features an attractive and unusual texture. It will not be difficult to find such a block, given its unfamiliar color and quite a high frequency of occurrence across different biomes in the mines.
Silver ore can be smelted into a silver ingot in a furnace. Even the standard one from vanilla Minecraft will be apt for this.
A silver ingot can be used for crafting a silver block. It features a pleasant silvery shade and can be used to detect hostile undead mobs. Thus, you can install such a block in a cave, and it will turn blue as mobs begin to approach it. The closer a mob comes to it, the stronger this shade will be. As a result, it will be possible to quickly realize when hostile creatures are nearby.
However, it is not necessary to install blocks to detect evil mobs. You can also craft a special silver mirror that works almost in the same way as the block. If you take it in your hand, it is silvery by default; however, as soon as a mob approaches you, it will automatically begin to become blueish like the above block. The mechanics are almost the same, but you can always take this item with you to any dimension, biome, or location.
For fans of various electrical circuits, the developers have prepared and added such a device as the Exposer. The main purpose of this device is the automatic detection of the undead by making use of connected redstone circuits. The closer a mob comes to you, the greater signal the device will emit. Its level can be from 0 to 3, depending on the distance to evil mobs. With the help of such a device, you will be able to create cool mechanisms to detect evil mobs at any time, combining all this with farms, automated systems for protecting your house, and other facilities.
Another metal type added by the Oreganized mod is lead. It can boast even more properties, and the developers have added unique mechanics of its behavior, depending on the shape.
Lead mainly generates in savannas, various field biomes, and mountain meadows within the deepslate layer. It can be found at the level of -5 to 80. However, as you can see, the layer here is two times less than that of silver.
It can be mined with any metal pickaxe; the better the tool's material, the faster lead ore is extracted.
Besides lead ore, there is another variant of this metal in the Oreganized mod: the raw lead block. It may contain nuggets, which can be subsequently smelted into an ingot. However, to obtain them, you will have to resort to an unusual procedure called washing out. There is also a kind of glance — a new block, used mainly as a decoration.
You need to bring water to such a block, and nuggets will drop out of it after a while. As soon as they are all washed out, the block is destroyed.
Besides, this block can be used as a decorative element; for this, you will need to apply another interesting technique called waxing. Just smear the block with honeycombs so that lead nuggets cannot be washed out of it, no matter from which side water contacts this block. The same principle will work for concrete powder, as will be shown below.
Then, you will be able to create ingots from nuggets. As usual, you will need to use nine nuggets to get one ingot.
Lead has a large number of applications in the Oreganized mod, one of which being the possibility of crafting the bush hammer.
Thanks to the bush hammer, you will have a unique opportunity to engrave any stone block. The principle is similar to the typing of a text on plates:
· Just approach a block, hold the RMB while having the hammer in your hands, and start typing what you want.
However, the text proves to be dim, and no means, such as using other symbols or glowing letters, will help. In general, the function is cool, but you should decide how to apply it in the game world and whether it can diversify the gameplay for yourself.
If you cannot engrave a text on a block, this means it is not smooth enough, as the corresponding notification will show.
Besides, the game will now feature crystal glass — a new kind of glass in Minecraft with unique patterns and design options. Thanks to such blocks, you will be able to significantly expand your potential in terms of decoration and erect really cool structures, say, temples with all sorts of mosaics and innovative hi-tech buildings.
It is crafted quite simply: lay out around any eight stained glass blocks and put one lead ingot in the middle. At the output, you will get a crystal glass of the same shade but with patterns. You can create both glass blocks and glass panes.
By the way, the structure of crystal glass in the Oreganized mod resembles the design of glazed terracotta.
That's not all. A characteristic feature of the lead is that it can change its state. It can thus turn into a liquid, receiving new properties. To obtain the molten lead, you need to put a lead block in a cauldron. By default, if no forces act on it, the block will retain its usual shape, and you will be able to take it out. To change its state, you will need lava:
· Put a lead block in a cauldron by clicking the RMB;
· Dig a single-block hole under the cauldron and fill it with lava or another heat source, say, a campfire;
· Wait a few minutes until the lead turns into a molten substance.
You will have to wait for some time until the lead turns into a liquid since there are several stages of changing its color, and until it turns pinkish, it will not be possible to take it.
You can collect molten lead from the cauldron with a bucket, but if you want to pour it out, you will see that the mechanics will not be similar to lava or water. Indeed, the molten lead will retain its square shape and will not flow.
In a similar way, you can collect molten lead with a bucket and throw it back into the cauldron. If this condition of the lead does not suit you, pour it with lava, and you will eventually get a lead block again.
There is no specific application for this metal, but it can be used to create unique schemes and traps. This block blocks the movement of players and mobs like adhesive tape, so a character just sticks, becomes incapable of jumping, and slows down on it.
If the player is without armor in such a situation (at least without iron boots), they will be constantly burnt, so it is actually a very dangerous material. But if you put on the boots, you can safely step on the block without taking any damage and slowing down.
Another crafting option with lead is the brewing of unique potions. It will be enough to add a lead ingot and a bottle of water to a brewing stand to get a unique magic set at the output.
With such a potion, you can slow down players. Roughly every 15 seconds, the player will stop without being able to move, and this will continue as long as the Stunning effect is active. You will see the corresponding icon in the inventory.
You will be able to use different versions of potions, both slowing and explosive, to make arrows to hit players or mobs with them, thereby slowing them down at a distance. The effects are very cool; they make the gameplay more dynamic, so the developers' approach to this metal is very interesting.
We left this item for last, and now it is time to tell you about its properties. You can make not only potions but also unique shrapnel bombs with the Stunning effect. As soon as the bomb explodes, the fragments that give this effect will fly away, and all players within the radius will suffer it.
The bomb actually does not cause any destruction, so it is pointless to craft it in order to break buildings or some structures. It is indeed a cool thing that can be activated with redstone. You will thus now be able to create several more types of traps in the game to protect yourself from both evil mobs and other players on a server.
In Minecraft, lead is a harmful material, so it is not worth putting it in the slots together with the food; otherwise, the latter will be infected, and as soon as you eat it, you will suffer the Poison effect. On the other hand, you can distribute such types of food to your enemies for free.
It is a whole new type of metal added by the Oreganized mod that can be obtained by alloying gold with silver. You will need four silver and three gold ingots. The main purpose of the electrum alloy is to serve as a crafting material for new unique types of armor, weapons, and items.
The characteristics of the electrum items and armor are basically not inferior to the netherite ones. However, the main effect imposed after putting on such equipment pieces will be an increase in speed. You will move much faster if you have at least one such piece of armor. The same applies to tools – their working speed will significantly increase. Moreover, along with this effect, you will also be able to apply the effects of the vanilla Minecraft potions.
The most pleasant thing is a completely new look of armor. Not only is it golden with unusual shades, but it also has wings on the helmet and boots. As a result, your character will look much more interesting and attractive than in netherite or diamond armor.
What else is needed? It seems nothing more. But no! The developers have added a few more unique features. You will now be able to take advantage of three new music disks created by a real musician, JamiesName. You can listen to his tracks on YouTube. He has even created a separate section where exactly the tracks recorded for the discs are uploaded, and the video preview shows their icons.
You can get them in the following ways:
· By finding them in an End City;
· By finding them in a Pillager Outpost;
· To create a situation when a skeleton kills a creeper.
We have already noticed that you can apply waxing (smearing a block with honeycombs) so that water does not wash nuggets out of it. The same applies to concrete powder, which turns into concrete after contact with water and changes its texture.
It will be enough just to smear each block with honeycombs using the RMB and then install it in any form, be it a structure or just a single block in some biome. Water will now be incapable of turning the powder into concrete. By the way, you can get a ready-made version of waxed concrete of any color via the admin console.
The last thing to touch upon is a new kind of material, i.e., the glance. It generates in approximately the same veins where lead does, and it will be possible to craft different blocks of it:
· Polished glance;
· Glance slabs;
· Usual glance, and much more.
This type of block is mainly used for decoration and can boast a very beautiful shade.
This is basically all that can be said about the Oreganized mod by now. It might seem like a simple mod that adds only a few ores, but its content is comparable to a global add-on for Minecraft. The developers are constantly updating their creation for most game versions, so be sure to install it and take advantage of the new content for vanilla Minecraft. Such mods perfectly diversify the game atmosphere without spoiling the original balance.
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Oreganized_Mod-1.18.2-1.0.4 | 15.08.2022 | forge | R | 5 MB | 1.18.2 | 78 | Download |
Oreganized_Mod-1.18.2-1.0.3 | 13.08.2022 | forge | R | 5 MB | 1.18.2 | 6 | Download |
Oreganized_Mod-1.18.2-1.0.3 | 12.08.2022 | forge | R | 5 MB | 1.18.2 | 5 | Download |
Oreganized_Mod-1.18.2-1.0.2 | 05.06.2022 | forge | R | 5 MB | 1.18.2 | 363 | Download |
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oreganized-1.18.2-1.0.0 | 08.04.2022 | forge | R | 5 MB | 1.18.2 | 24 | Download |
oreganized-1.16.4-0.5.1-beta | 28.07.2021 | forge | B | 5 MB | 1.16.5, 1.16.4 | 1 k | Download |
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