Any self-respecting Minecraft player must go down into the mines to extract coal, copper, gold, iron, and, of course, diamonds, since it’s impossible to survive without this material, because users need to craft high-quality armor, tools, cast spells, and so on. And one of the common digging mistakes is that we often leave «veins» of valuable ores when we don’t see them anymore. We dug up one block, saw nothing, and left. And there are probably a few more ores located diagonally or next to the wall. So, the Ore Excavation mod has been developed to dig more efficiently and quickly.
Another goal of the Ore Excavation add-on is fast resource excavation. For example, you’ve found coal deposits. Why stand and cut every block? All you need is to hit one element, and all the others will be collected automatically. This technology works not only with vanilla ores, but with all other types of materials as well if you add them to the list. And you can also quickly cut down a tree and any other elements. In general, the Ore Excavation add-on offers a really wide range of functions, so be sure to install this mod to give them a try.
How often do you go to the mines searching for resources in Minecraft? You have to mine iron, coal, and diamonds from time to time, since it’s impossible to exist in the cubic world without these materials, and often ores are spawned as «veins», that is, there are several ores located in one area. These can be either small deposits of 2-4 ores, or large ones, reaching 10-15 blocks. And if we are talking about coal, then there are a lot of «veins» here with 20-30 pieces of coal ore. And not to mine it manually, it’s easier to use the Ore Excavation mod, which allows you to collect all resources quickly and efficiently. And so that you understand how useful this mod is, we’ll list its main features:
· Opportunity to cut ore veins, both for the vanilla game version and for most mods that introduce new ores;
· Forest cutting in one click. There have been many similar add-ons developed, but here you get this function right away without installing third-party mods;
· Mass collection and digging of almost any blocks that you add to the configuration. For example, quick collection of ground, sand, or cobblestones;
· Black and white lists for tools. For example, you want to forbid mining with stone picks or allow everything but for Netherite tools. All you need is a couple of clicks in the configuration file;
· Opportunity to adjust the mining speed, distance, cost, and other parameters;
· If the player makes any adjustments to the configuration file, you don’t need to restart the launcher or mod;
· Flexible form of resource excavation;
· Customizable item groups;
· Built-in TPS protection to improve mining speed and general performance.
Ore Excavation has its own hotkeys, which allows you to control certain game options. By pressing Z, you’ll change the target radius, and the limits here largely depend on the settings specified in the configuration file. Also, you must always have the key pressed to enable the Ore Excavation mod, and by default it’s tilde. But if you want, you can always change it if this key is already assigned to something else or you just don’t want to reach so far with your finger to the last button on the keyboard. You can change all the hotkeys in the game settings.
As a result, any of you will be able to install the Ore Excavation add-on and extract different types of resources in a couple of clicks, be it ores in mines, ordinary blocks, both solid and loose. Even if you have many other mods installed, this add-on will integrate perfectly with them. And this tool makes it possible to quickly cut down and clean certain territories, add the opportunity to efficiently extract resources in mines, flexibly configure the list of tools that you can use to perform all these operations. And if you also have third-party mods that add new tools installed, then you can really do anything here.
Ore Excavation uses Forge as a loader, and at the time of writing this article it’s available for Minecraft 1.20.2. To date, this add-on can boast of more than 80 million downloads and is included in many assemblies and mod packs, is actively used in large Minecraft projects, and allows you to quickly extract different types of resources, whether it’s a vanilla version of the game or any third-party add-ons. We hope that our review helped you choose a high-quality mod for your assembly, because it’s really effective, features a lot of settings, and at the same time doesn’t really increase load on your PC, even if you have a weak one.
NeoForge-1.21.4-1.16.41 | 17.01.2025 | neoForge | R | 268 KB | 1.21.4 | 475 | Download |
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