Omnis for Minecraft

  • Author: sammysemicolon
  • Popularity:
  • Updated: 02.08.2023
  • Last version 1.19.2

Review Omnis


Omnis for Minecraft is a major add-on that not only offers to take advantage of new features related to the game content but also reworks the mechanics of raids. They will become more interesting, exciting, and simply elaborate. And so that you can thoroughly learn about them and evaluate the main features of this mod in advance, we are going to examine all its content and share with you the basic information regarding it.

Ravaged Scrap

To begin with, we should note an interesting new item called the ravaged scrap. Vindicators and ravager will now drop it with a small probability. Thanks to it, you will be able to craft unique and interesting variants of decorative stones. They have not only an attractive color scheme but also appearance.

You can craft new kinds of stones for construction, decoration, and fences similar to the ones present in the vanilla game version. However, at first, you need to get the necessary components and craft them using the ravaged scrap. Then you can safely engage in active construction and decoration of your structures.

Improved Mobs

The vindicators are well-known mobs, but because of their equipment, they did not pose a particular threat. This mod aims at improving their weapons, so they can now use a special vindicator axe. It is quite powerful and allows them to inflict more damage. So if the vindicators attack in a crowd with these weapons, the situation immediately becomes critical. Therefore, you should be extremely careful and not get into it.

Vindicator Axe

This axe has a unique feature, even though it looks like the ordinary axe. It comes down to the increased damage level and attack speed, which combined give a great advantage to the mob. Thus, it is much more powerful than the netherite axe, so a couple of blows with such an axe on your character will certainly kill it.

You can get such an axe after you eliminate a vindicator. However, it will not be that powerful and useful in your hands. A slow attack speed and not-so-high damage will not allow you to unlock its potential, whereas the vindicators handle it effectively and can destroy everything around.

Ravaged Metal

The mod allows one to craft the ravaged armor set. But first, you need to get the ravaged metal. To create it, you will need:

- four ravaged scraps;

- one iron ingot.

By the way, if you use the nine ravage metal ingots, you can craft a special decorative block. However, you can also use that metal to create whole new equipment.

Ravaged Armor

If you want to get the ravaged armor set, it can be done quite easily. It is enough to accumulate a necessary amount of ravaged metal and craft the equipment pieces according to the vanilla Minecraft recipes. This will not take much time and allow you to get a whole set at once. As for its characteristics, this set is better than the iron one but worse than the diamond armor. However, its appearance is quite attractive and will allow you to get maximum pleasure.

Weapon Set

Besides the armor, you can also craft a weapon set. It is also quite interesting, can boast useful characteristics, and offers unique features that will be helpful in battle.

Ravaged Broadsword

It is a sword with a massive blade crafted as follows:

- two ravaged metal ingots;

- one stick.

A unique feature of this weapon is the increased damage of the first hit, which will surprise the enemy. That is convenient and will immediately help you gain an advantage in battle.

Ravaged Hammer

The next weapon is the ravaged hammed. It has a unique icon and is crafted as follows:

- four ravaged metal ingots;

- two sticks.

Its unique property is the increased damage of the first blow, along with the imposition of the Stunned effect. So the enemy will not be able to move quickly, and its attack radius will decrease significantly.

Haunted Scythe

It is quite an exotic weapon that has a unique inventory icon and requires the following resources for its crafting:

- three ravaged metal ingots;

- two sticks.

Its unique feature is the increased attack radius, thanks to which it is capable of inflicting damage on several enemies at once. This is convenient and allows you to effectively defend against a large number of enemies.

Ravaged Spear

It is another unique weapon with the simplest crafting recipe:

- one ravaged metal ingot;

- two sticks.

It is quite an ordinary spear that causes not that much damage but can boast a unique property. Thus, the farther away your opponent is, the more damage this weapon does. And the closer the enemy is, the less damage is inflicted.

Spell Blade

It is a unique weapon added by this mod, which the vexes are armed with. So if you manage to defeat these enemies, you have a chance to get this weapon for yourself. It not only looks nice but can also boast unique characteristics. Even though its damage level is not that high, this weapon has a noteworthy property that allows you to deal both physical and magic damage. So while in the vanilla Minecraft, magic damage could be done only using potions, now this also applies to weapons.

Magic Proficiency Potion

If you hunt for vexes, you can get the tear of vex. It will be useful to you in alchemy and allow you to make the magic proficiency potion. To do this, you will need the following ingredients:

- one tear of vex;

- three mana potions.

After using this potion, the values of your character's magic attack will increase several times. Thanks to such an effect, it will be possible to deal increased damage, so the potions and spell blade will become much stronger than before.


It is a unique plant that allows you to grow the tear of vex on a farm. To do this, you will first have to craft it according to the following recipe:

- two Nether warts;

- one tear of vex.

After that, you will get a vexwart and will be able to use it to multiply this valuable resource. But you should keep in mind that you can grow this plant only on the soul sand. Besides, you can craft them into a block using nine vexwarts for compact storage.

Haunted Items

The mod features another interesting equipment set crafted using the haunted steel ingot. To get the latter, you will have to apply a rather expensive recipe, which includes four gold ingots, four tears of vex, and the netherite scrap. Besides, you can craft a block from nine such ingots for compactness. It will surely come in handy, so be sure to make it.

As for the set itself, the first thing to take notice of is the armor. To craft it, it will be enough just to craft the above ravaged armor set and mix each piece with the haunted steel ingot. As a result, you will get an improved version of the armor for further use in adventures. Its unique characteristic will be the increased protection from magic.

Similarly, you can improve the weapon set, which will receive increased damage after mixing with the haunted steel ingots. Thanks to this, you will increase your chances of winning any battle.

Improving the Vindicator Axe and Spell Blade

However, it is better to consider more interesting weapons, including the Vindicator Axe and Spell Blade. They can also be improved in the same way, thereby making them much better.

Even though that axe is not craftable, you can get it during your adventures and improve with the help of the haunted steel ingot. Unlike the original axe, it will have increased damage and a unique property that allows you to destroy pillagers and other players even more effectively.

Haunted Spell Blade

The spell blade can also be improved with the help of the haunted steel ingot. You should not expect something special, though. The blade will become slightly weaker but receive improved effects of hitting. So this improvement is recommended for those who value the visual side.


It is another decorative option for your structures. It is created according to the vanilla recipes and can boast a unique appearance. The only difference is that the above tear of vex is used in its crafting. A large number of the gloomstone variants will allow you to effectively decorate any building. Be sure to consider crafting a pressure plate and three unique options for a fence.

That is all the content available for use, which will surely come in handy during your adventures. So be sure to take advantage of the diverse decorative design elements for your structures, and do not forget to actively use the sets of weapons and armor. As for us, it remains only to wish you good luck in these adventures and more discoveries. The modder continues to work on his development but focuses rather on fixing minor bugs for now.

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Available for next versions: 1.19.2, 1.18.2, 1.18.1, 1.16.5, 1.16.4
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omnis-1.19.2-1.4.1 03.08.2023 forge R 1 MB 1.19.2 590 Download
omnis-1.19.2-1.4 02.08.2023 forge R 1 MB 1.19.2 13 Download
omnis-1.18.2-1.4 03.11.2022 forge R 1 MB 1.18.2 849 Download
omnis-1.18.2-1.3 02.06.2022 forge R 1 MB 1.18.2 744 Download
omnis-1.18.1-1.2.1 22.03.2022 forge R 1 MB 1.18.1 55 Download
omnis-1.18.1-1.2 19.02.2022 forge R 1 MB 1.18.1 5 k Download
omnis-1.16.5-1.2.3 12.02.2022 forge R 1 MB 1.16.5, 1.16.4 4 k Download
omnis-1.16.5-1.2.2 09.02.2022 forge R 1 MB 1.16.5 33 Download
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