Mutant Beasts for Minecraft

  • Author: chumbanotz
  • Popularity:
  • Updated: 11.12.2021
  • Last version 1.16.5

Review Mutant Beasts

Mutant Beasts – New Mutant Bosses in Minecraft

Minecraft has a large number of modifications that allow you to add new hostile, neutral, and friendly creatures. But not all of them can boast of extremely nice dynamics, features, animations, or some valuable loot. One of the greatest mods we’ve reviewed before is Mutant More, while this article is about its companion Mutant Beasts. They can work together and complement each other, so we highly recommend installing both modifications and getting some cool functionality.

The main feature of Mutant Beasts is the addition of mutant bosses, which are a partial copy of the original vanilla mobs. However, they have a slightly tweaked design and completely different attack and defense mechanics. And the most interesting thing is their loot. Almost any boss you have to face has unique loot, which gives you lots of benefits and certain skills. That is why each player will agree to go to a bloody battle to knock out valuable loot and get these very skills.

Mutant Skeleton

Mutant skeletons in Minecraft are many times larger than their original «counterparts». This mob looks like a giant. The boss holds a huge bow, from which it will deal damage to the player. So, you need to immediately understand one rule for yourself: fighting a skeleton at close range is no good, and the outcome of the battle will largely depend on your accuracy and jumping ability.

The skeleton looks rather cool. You can even see some elements of armor it uses for protection. They somehow resemble army«chevrons», which is the developer’s idea. The mutant has 150 health points, as well as unusual attack and movement animations. Defeating it will not be easy since it uses several different tactics.

Battle Tactics

1. Standard archery. Similar to regular skeletons, these mutants can shoot their weapons: the mob pulls the string, shoots, and deals you some damage. However, the boss shoots you with arrows that can deal certain effects, such as «Slowness II» and «Hunger II»;

2. Chest bite. Yes, the skeleton has a certain feature: it can bite you with its chest, although it consists mainly of bones. It usually bites you when it tries to push you back. As a result, you may take two types of damage at once: one from the bite, the other from the knockback;

3. High jumps. This boss can jump high, which creates even more problems for the player. It is hard to aim at the mob since it can immediately occur in a different place.

In general, you better try to move from one point to another and not get close to it. Be sure to get enchanted armor and a sword since you cannot win without these items. By the way, it is best to cast all possible spells if you have to fight in close combat. Besides, you have to enchant the bow.

The mob is not immune to arrows, so you can shoot both normal and any other arrows with different effects. As soon as the mutant starts to run out of health, it will start shooting «poison» arrows. They will additionally take away a certain amount of health and create various problems.

What does it drop upon death?

Once you kill the skeleton boss, it will shatter into a large number of pieces. In general, everything you see on the ground is its body parts. You can collect them to make a unique set that has certain properties. Be sure to collect all the loot from the mutant. To do that, you only need to approach any part of the body and click RMB, after which it can take the loot.

How to make armor:

  • The helmet can be obtained from the skeleton’s head, which drops upon its death. You don’t need to craft anything;

  • The chest plate is made from ribs and arms, as shown in the screenshot below. Arrange them in the same order, combine the two items, and you get a full-fledged armor for your character;

  • The leggings are crafted from its legs and pelvis;

  • To make boots, you only need to use limbs.

Set Unique Abilities

As we have said before, the skeleton set gives certain abilities to the player. Thus, it is one of the best types of loot in Mutant Beasts. So, we highly recommend crafting it. Its main characteristics:

  • Helmet– wearing a helmet increases the speed of arrows and the damage they deal. Besides, you don’t need to pull the string. You only have to wait for half a second and make a shot;
  • Chest plate– this item increases the speed of the character’s shots;
  • Leggingsgive you the «Speed II» effect, and even more if you’re sprinting;
  • Boots allow you to jump higher, but they only give 1 level.

Important Tip! If you find the skeleton armor or knock it out in battle, you can use it to fight other mutants in Minecraft.

Zombie Mutant

The next mutant on our list is a zombie. It is somewhat similar to the regular mob. However, this boss has a huge size, cool animation, and a more formidable and impressive look in general. Thus, it can scare you even before you start fighting it. This zombie can be defeated using different combat tactics, although it also has different skills.

Zombie mutants spawn in different biomes, but it is extremely rare with the standard generation. You will have to go through a large number of locations to meet this boss in the game. It has 150 health points and spawns mostly at night, although it is immune to light compared to regular zombies. However, this allows you to fight it during the day and use different tactics.

Battle Tactics

1. Summon baby zombies. During the battle, it can summon baby zombies that will help attack the player and other mobs. They mostly appear in groups of 1-3 zombies;

2. Earthquake. It often uses ground-slamming tactics to cause an «earthquake», thus dealing an additional negative effect of «Hunger II», which will last 7 seconds. During this time, you lose hunger points and have to constantly replenish your health so as not to die. But there is one little secret: to avoid damage, just jump up when the mob hits the ground;

3. Melee attack. The zombie approaches you and knocks you up with its first hit, which takes you away «into space». The zombie flies after you and literally «rolls» you back to the ground. As a result, you take different types of damage and can even die when you fall.

Be sure to take golden apples with you to counter these mobs. In this case, you can quickly replenish your health. The boss uses different tactics, so it is best to have melee and ranged weapons. Besides, you should enchant your armor and take a large amount of food to replenish your HP.

You cannot kill the zombie from the first time. It has 150 health points, but if you count how many times it can resurrect, you get more. The fact is that after you «knock the zombie out», it will resurrect after some time with 40 health points. Thus, you will have to kill the boss several times to completely win and get some unique loot.

What does it drop upon death?

Zombies will give you a unique Hulk Hammer. It is perhaps one of the most formidable vanilla-style weapons in Minecraft. The hammer deals 9 damage and gain + 1 attack speed.

However, the hammer has another unique feature: if you click RMB, you can cause a kind of «seismic wave» or an earthquake that damages all mobs around. This effect also drops the top layer of grass, flowers, and other types of plants. So, it is an extremely exciting effect and a cool ability that will help you fight against other mutants, of which there are plenty in this mod.

Enderman Mutant

If you want to fight an unusual and cool mutant, feel free to choose an enderman. It is probably one of the hardest bosses in Mutant Beasts, so you have to be smart to kill this mob. Remember that it spawns exclusively in the End dimension.

It strongly resembles the regular enderman, only bigger. It looks cool and has different kinds of unique and attractive animations. It has 200 health points. Similar to standard mobs, it does not attack the player by default. However, if you gaze into its eyes, it will attack you.

Right before an attack, there is a sort of «warning» in the sky, when everything around grows dim and you hear various hums. After that, the enderman grows two more arms and finally begins to attack the player.

Battle Tactics

1. Telekinesis and throws. This boss has quite a standard ability, thanks to which it can take any block from the surface and throw it at you (often unexpectedly);

2. Teleportation. It can suddenly teleport the player far «into space», after which you fall and take a lot of damage. The mob eventually finishes you off, causing damage with different tactics;

3. Summon ghosts. The enderman will sometimes summon its copies. However, they have no appearance, but only a «shadow». You can kill them with a single blow of a sword, but you need to be careful since a large number of mobs often do a lot of damage;

4. Freeze. The mutant boss can freeze you by forcing you to bow before him. He growls, freezes, and then looks at you. At the same time, you start looking at the floor, standing in one place. In this case, you can do nothing.

To defeat a mob, you need to use a bow and arrows. Besides, be sure to have a good enchanted sword and armor. In the End, it is difficult to fight mobs without proper equipment, so make it a rule. We also recommend taking golden apples with you as they help a lot.

What does it drop upon death?

If you are lucky enough to finally kill this mob, it will drop a large amount of experience, an Eye of Ender, and another unique item, which is the Ender Gauntlet.

The gauntlet has 2 unique abilities that are better than those from other drops:

1. Telekinesis. You get the ability to pick up items and can act just like the boss. You can pick up any blocks or items from the ground and then throw them. But keep in mind that the category of «any» includes mainly «light» blocks. For example, you cannot throw adminium or obsidian;

2. Teleportation. You can teleport to where your cursor is pointing. You only have to hold down Shift + RMB to teleport the character to the point where he is looking. This ability takes a little cool-down time. You can use it again in a few seconds. Quick slots will show you when the cool-down time is over.

The Ender gauntlet is a unique and rather rare item since it’s not easy to kill the boss. If you can somewhere find or get this element, be sure to take it. You can use it to fight against other mobs, including in combination with other unique items, for example, the «Hulk Hammer».

Creeper Mutant

The mod also adds creeper mutants, thus providing you with a separate version of «green mobs», which have their unique abilities and characteristics. The creature looks formidable and differs from its vanilla counterpart in that it has 4 huge legs and a more elongated body. By default, it has 120 health points, which is enough to destroy a player who comes in its way.

By the way, it is not so easy to find the creeper mutant in the Overworld since its spawning rate is too low. Even if you create a flat world and see how these creatures spawn, you will see very few of them on the map. It has no immunity to arrows. However, it moves many times faster than a regular creeper. This is important to consider, especially in close combat where the boss can use different combat tactics to kill you. The mob is aggressive. As soon as it sees the player, it will immediately begin to attack.

Battle Tactics

Like most other bosses, it has a large number of different abilities, thanks to which it can kill the surrounding mobs and players.

1. Explosive jumps. One of its frequent tricks is high jumps, as a result of which it also deals damage with its explosions. Even if the creeper is far from you, it can jump up to you and in another second blow up everything around you. You will take a large amount of damage. The mob will remain intact since it is invulnerable to such phenomena. Although you may remember that standard creepers die after explosions;

2. «Sucking», or «black hole», effect. The creeper will use this skill when it is almost dead and there is one hit left to kill it. In this case, it acts like a «black hole». It pulls everyone into its whirlpool and explodes, dealing massive damage to everyone it can reach. As a result, there is a large funnel from the explosion. So, be careful since the bosses can smash your whole house;

3. Companion minions. Creeper bosses have another distinct variety of mobs called minions. They are so small that they look like bugs against the background of the boss. They are the mutant’s living force. The mutant spawns several small creepers at once. As soon as they approach the player, they will explode, thus causing a certain amount of damage. However, they can be tamed, which we talk about in the next paragraph;

4. Health regeneration. And the last unique feature is the ability to recover HP. The boss can sometimes «freeze» by simply standing in the same position. Don’t let it do this since it is regenerating health. If you miss the moment, you will have to fight the mob non-stop.

What does it drop upon death?

Once you kill a creeper boss, it will drop a green egg. It looks similar to the dragon egg in Minecraft but is designed specifically for creepers. The egg hatches into a small minion creeper, which you can finally tame.

You can also speed up the hatching process by creating explosions near the egg. The more explosions next to it, the faster the new mob will hatch. Later, you can tame the mob by right-clicking on it.

If you need to move the egg, you have to right-click on the item to put it on the character’s head. If you press F5, you will see how it lies on your head. To put the egg from your head, hover over it and click RMB again. That’s such a strange way to transfer an egg.

Besides, you can break this item to get another unique artifact – the creeper shard. You can use it to create huge explosions without causing damage to yourself. Everything around will explode, including mobs. Thus, you completely take control of one of the mutant creeper abilities. It is a cool item that allows you to deal a lot of damage to other bosses.

Minion Creeper

It is a small mob that spawns from an egg dropped after killing the boss. It is generated during a boss fight and is quite aggressive. It can also be spawned from a separate summon egg, accessible through the admin panel.

If you manage to tame a minion creeper, it will be your pet mob, which will protect you from different creatures by causing damage to them. You can even give it a name and see its characteristics. Feel free to craft a remote to control your minion. Use RMB to see the amount of its current health and how many explosions are left before its death (yes, it will die after a certain number of explosions). If you don’t want to lose your mob, just put a tag on it and leave it at home, where it will be invulnerable to other evil creatures.

By the way, you can enable or disable the ability to destroy blocks in this menu. It is convenient, for example, when you are at home and do not want the minion to destroy your house. In this case, just set the parameter «Destroy blocks» to the «Off» state. You can also turn on or turn off the animation when the minion sits on your shoulder, which also looks nice and interesting.

Friendly Mobs

The developer of Mutant Beasts has also added another unique feature: several friendly mobs that are designed to protect you using their unique abilities. With them, fighting against bosses is much easier and more exciting. In some cases, you can even arrange large battles. You can make a snow golem and a spider pig. To do that, you need to create a certain potion.

To make a potion, you need any item from the boss loot, such as a skeleton head or any other items. You can get 3 X potions from one item at once. Remember this to save resources and make three mobs at once. Please look at the screenshot for crafting.

How to summon friendly creatures

Once you craft Potion X, you can use it to summon friendly creatures. Just walk up to the snow golem or the pig and throw the potion. With a certain probability, they will turn into new mutants and get a completely different look with new features and abilities.

If you use the potion for other mobs, such as sheep or cows, particles will float above them for a while, and then the animals will die. As a result, you will lose both potions and mobs. You need to use it only for these two creatures (snow golem and spider pig).

The snow golem attacks your enemies with a large amount of ice. It can generate ice in almost any biome, be it a savannah, a desert, or a snowy biome. If you right-click on it, it will get a nickname like yours.

The spider pig looks rather unusual and maybe even unpleasant. However, they are friendly creatures, so they will protect you wherever you go. To get such a mob, you will first need to feed the pig with pickled spider eyes and then throw the X potion so that the pig grows into a new mutant. By default, each animal will have 40 HP.

You can spawn these mobs in Minecraft by using regular spider eyes. If a spider pig sees another simple spider or pig, it will automatically infect it, thus turning it into a mutant. This is how you can create a huge army. However, keeping them is rather inconvenient since they take up plenty of space, move back and forth, jump, and require constant feeding.

These are all the features available in Mutant Beasts. If you don’t want to search for each particular mob, you can use the admin panel to simply summon them using summon eggs. This opportunity is provided for each creature from this modification. Besides, you can quickly get any item and test it. Currently, the mod has over 6 million downloads, which makes it one of the most popular add-ons to introduce mobs.

Images Mutant Beasts

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Available for next versions: 1.16.5, 1.16.4, 1.16.3, 1.16.1, 1.15.2, 1.14.4, 1.12.2
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1.15.2-1.0.9 11.12.2021 forge R 1 MB 1.15.2 2 mln Download
1.14.4-1.0.3 21.04.2021 forge R 1 MB 1.14.4 1 mln Download
1.12.2-1.0.2 03.03.2021 forge R 1 MB 1.12.2 1 mln Download
1.16.4-1.1.3 05.12.2020 forge R 1 MB 1.16.5, 1.16.4, 1.16.3 558 k Download
1.15.2-1.0.8 16.10.2020 forge R 1 MB 1.15.2 30 k Download
1.16.3-1.1.2 01.10.2020 forge R 1 MB 1.16.3 30 k Download
1.12.2-1.0.1 28.09.2020 forge R 1 MB 1.12.2 32 k Download
1.14.4-1.0.2 17.09.2020 forge R 1 MB 1.14.4 30 k Download
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BTW neat overview
This mod is available for 1.12.2 so i got metamorph mod and became a mutant
Best mod overview i read yet
king of gods
can you put a mutant zombie villager
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That mutants govern the minecraft FOREVEEEER! Long life to mutantssss!!!!
wow im Love mobs for new for Power
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Um, maybe non english enjoy this mod?
cara muito top
pongas un mutante del vindicador
traduction: put a mutant of vindicator
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