Millenaire for Minecraft

  • Author: Kinniken Zoythrus 073theboss FireController1847
  • Popularity:
  • Updated: 20.07.2022
  • Last version 1.12.2

Review Millenaire

A mod called Millenaire adds many different structures inhabited by new villagers, which you can bargain with. The latter can do everything: build, get their own food, and engage in some special activities, say, shearing sheep to get wool for sale. You can improve your reputation. For example, if you give the villagers goods for free, they will trust you greatly. But if you sell some stuff, the reputation growth will be small. Besides, the mod adds various armor sets, tools, various food, and blocks to the game.

Configuring the Mod

By opening the menu and pressing the M button (you can change it in the mod's settings), you can find a chunk map, the settings, a travel book, and the in-built help.

Chunk Map

The chunk map indicates each chunk in the 2x2 pixel format. Green dots indicate a loaded chunk. The blue dots represent the chunk that is part of a village. The purple dots indicate separate structures. The white dots represent a chunk loaded by Millenaire or another mod. You can also check the coordinates of the player and the radius of the village loading.

In the Millenaire settings, you can adjust the world generator, user parameters, the structure of villages, the loading radius, and more. In the travel book, you can learn about the inhabitants of the interactive world, including the Japanese, Indians, Normans, Inuit, Byzantines, and Maya.

New Peoples

The Japanese people of the Heian era lived on a group of islands in a vast sea. They call their land 'Nihon', which means the place where the sun rises. This population is known for its skill, disciplined warriors, and great literature. In total, there are 31 varieties of residents of this culture, including ordinary villagers, singles, visitors, and leaders.

The Japanese have four leaders: Chōkan, Shukun, Kokushi, and Touji. Each leader lives in its own village. Chōkan lives in the village of Nouji Mura, Shukun in Gunjiteki Mura, Kokushi in Bukkyou Mura, and Touji in Bouekigyou Mura. There are 18 villagers, three visitors, and six single residents of the Japanese culture. The village of Nouji Mura is found in the taiga and the mountains, but other villages can also be come across there.

The Indians have their own leaders, residents, and entertainment. Indian villagers cook delicious food from rice and spices under the protection of mighty Rajput warriors. They seem very devoted to their numerous gods, although they regret the loss of their sacred river, the Holy Ganges. There are a total of 28 Indian residents. Their leaders are as follows. Gaanv ka Mukhiya is usually found in two villages, Mahal ka Gaanv or Gaanv. Raja lives in Mahal village, and Rajput Senapati lives in Qila. These villages can be found in the savanna. There are also 17 ordinary villagers, four visitors, and four singles. The screenshot shows what kind of activity each resident is engaged in.

The Normans have the greatest number of residents, ca 60. The Normans give the impression of hardy people with large kitchens and addiction to strong alcohol. When they are drunk, they talk about their lost homeland on the French coast, wherever it is. They also boast of their widespread conquests in such mysterious lands as England or Sicily. The Norman villages can be found on the plains and sometimes on the hills.

The Inuit are a hardy and resourceful people that has managed to survive in the harshest conditions. They are grateful to the spirits that give them a warm fire and delicious meat, thanks to which they remain strong in these frozen wastelands. The Inuit have four leaders, only 13 villagers, five visitors, and ten single residents. The Inuit villages can be found in the icy plains, frozen peaks, and cold taiga.

To easily find a specific village, press the V key. The chat will show the distance to some settlement as well as the direction of the player.

The Byzantines claim that they are the true descendants of the Romans. They are very proud of their peculiar architecture, disciplined warriors, and the masterpiece icons they make to praise the saints. They say they are a little proud. The Byzantine villages are usually found on the plains, in the savanna, and on the hills. They have three leaders.

The Mayans talk about a lost Golden Age, but their architectural art is impressive even today. Even though they cannot process iron, their stone-processing skills are second to none. Besides, they produce a delicious cocoa-based drink. They have 31 residents, including three leaders.

Features of the New Peoples

Each culture can boast unique food, weapons, activities, and structures. Take, for example, the Normans. They eat steaks, black pudding, cake, carrots, bread, chicken, eggs, and fried pork, and drink cider. The Norman tools and weapons are even better than those made of diamonds, but you cannot craft them and have to buy them from the residents. The Normans mostly sell various dyes, armor, and weapons. The village of Manoir can boast a huge 35x35 square town hall serving as its center. Sénéchal and his wife live there. Inside each Norman house, there is not just one bed but also another one made of timber frame. Their villages are not very rich in terms of structure types: there is only the town hall, house, well, and farm. Your default reputation there will be neutral, but over time, by completing the tasks of some village, you can become the head of the whole people.

The Byzantines almost always have military settlements. One of the villages is called Stratiotiki Chorio, and the town hall here is Frourion. They usually trade carpets of different colors, food, armor, and weapons. Wooden, iron, and stone tools are used for work. They eat bread, eggs, olives, lambs, and olive oil, and drink wine.

Criminal Places

You should be careful, as you can come across lonely houses in the woods with bandits inside. Most often, there are three of them, and they have wooden axes.

Images Millenaire

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Download Millenaire

Available for next versions: 1.12.2, 1.12.1, 1.12, 1.8.9, 1.7.10, 1.7.2, 1.6.4, 1.5.2
Game versions
Version type
Show only last mod versions
millenaire-8.1.2 20.07.2022 forge R 13 MB 1.12.2 129 k Download
millenaire-8.1.2-beta.2 28.12.2021 forge B 13 MB 1.12.2 271 k Download
millenaire-8.1.2-beta.1 09.11.2021 forge B 13 MB 1.12.2 366 Download
millenaire-1.12.2-8.1.1 17.07.2021 forge R 13 MB 1.12.2, 1.12.1, 1.12 110 k Download
millenaire-8.1.1-beta.3 13.07.2021 forge B 13 MB 1.12.2, 1.12.1, 1.12 1 k Download
millenaire-8.1.1-beta.2 08.07.2021 forge B 13 MB 1.12.2, 1.12.1, 1.12 3 k Download
millenaire-1.12.2-8.1.1-beta.1 02.07.2021 forge B 13 MB 1.12.2, 1.12.1, 1.12 3 k Download
5.1.3_1.5.2 17.06.2020 ANY R 6 MB 1.5.2 58 k Download
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this mod is good seeing a village build house is most cool thing in my life
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The norman culture is broken a lot. It's 2 missions are broken. The alchemist doesn't detect the hole you need to dig and the workers stop working in notre dame when it's almost done
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1.16.5 update pls
Мод то по сути хороший, раньше часто с ним играл, но нынче он не обновляется по версии, как застрял на 1.12.2 так и остался на этой версии, когда уже 1.20 пошёл. Обновили бы хоть до 1.16 что-ли...
Автору вообще интересен этот мод? Хотя бы до 1.14.4 обновились бы!
Авторы уже задумывались на этом - в дискорде отвечали на часто задаваемый вопрос: а когда новые версии? когда 1.16.5+ Дело в том, что проект никак не хочет переноситься, из за чего придётся всё переписывать с нуля, А ЭТО ОЧЕНЬ ДОЛГО, пока они обновляют 1.12.2, в ближайшие пару лет возможно выйдет для 1.14, а потом 1.16 и т д
bro my house they broke my house
You must to build your house far from the town's limit to avoit them to broke it. Then you can buy a house inside the town with enough reputation and coins.
Да фиг, этот мод особо не обновляется и живет на версии 1.12. А жаль, с археологией в 1.20 можно было что-нибудь интересное придумать.
ivan gusev
мод топ всем советую
Hello. Does anybody know how to make an obsidian axe in 1.12.2? Because i need to complete a task from a lumber that asks me to get the resources to craft and obsidian axe but i tried stick and obsidian and nothing happened...
ivan gusev
ля чел не знаю как помочь я его не крафтил даже
did they leave the mod like that bruh
ivan gusev
хоть исходник выложили бы
Very cool
Very cool
the best mod though how do you make them build you a house??
You must to win reputation with their cultures, selling items to them or a daily quest, there is 3 houses for each culture.