Longer Following Time for Minecraft

  • Author: Lupin
  • Popularity:
  • Updated: 26.11.2024
  • Last version 1.21.1

Review Longer Following Time

Animals Follow You

To tame an animal and make it follow you, players use different tactics in Minecraft. For example, dogs are tamed with bones, ocelots (cats) are treated to fish, but if the player needs to bring home a sheep or a cow or a pig, then you need to hold wheat in your hands until the mob reaches the required point. However, the vanilla mechanics aren’t as perfect as we’d like it to be. For example, here is a list of problems that the player faces when trying to bring a mob home:

· If the player accidentally removes the wheat from his hands, the animal often turns around and quickly moves away; sometimes, it can even run away;

· If you are at different heights, for example, you are 2 blocks lower than a sheep or a cow, the creature may simply not look at the wheat and ignore the player;

· If you lead several cows and sheep at once, then some of them can easily «get lost» in the process;

· If the player wanted to open the door, take something quickly, or kill a hostile creature, then the animal that was being led home is also simple «lost» starts to run away.

And this isn’t a complete list of problems that all Minecraft users have to face. And that’s where such mods as Longer Following Time come to your rescue. It adds a longer following time for a mob. That is, now the creature will follow you even if you accidentally or intentionally removed the wheat from your hand. This is typical for sheep, cows, mushroom cows, pigs and other mobs, even from third-party add-ons.

The main task of the Longer Following Time mod is to extend the time of the mob following you, and it doesn’t matter whether you are holding wheat in your hands or not. But the action time is limited, so even if you opened a door, killed a mob, or were distracted by something else, you’ll need to switch back to the active slot with wheat so that the mob keeps following you and wheat. By default, the parameter of this add-on is 4 seconds, and if you remove the hand with the active item and return it to its original place within this time (so that the character keeps holding wheat in his hand), then the animal will follow you anyway.

The new system provides a large number of advantages in Minecraft and corrects «vanilla flaws», which exist in large quantities even in such a simple action. The standard mechanics change to the Longer Following Time functions, and if you find this option suitable, then all you need is to install this add-on and start using it. The players can change the parameters in the configuration file if they want to increase or decrease the duration of the following. For example, you don’t like 4 seconds and want to change it to 6 or 10.

The Longer Following Times mod is relatively new and is being developed by Lupin, who’s a popular user among mod creators and has created many interesting add-ons, some of which we’ve already reviewd in detail:

· More Bows and Arrows – adds a lot of new bows and arrows to the game, and each weapon features its own unique characteristics, abilities, and appearance;

· Wider Ender Chests – new types of chests that you can carry and use through the Ender chest, sending all the contents home in any dangerous situation;

· Stackable Stew and Soup – an extremely important mod for Minecraft, which allows you to stack different types of soups to save free space in your inventory.

And his Longer Following Time add-on brings important functions to the game of Minecraft, as many users have faced problems of now being able to bring home a cow or a sheep only because it runs away, doesn’t recognize wheat for some unknown reason, since the player was distracted or accidentally flipped through an active slot in the inventory. Now you won’t have to worry that the animal will run away, because you’ll have a certain period of time, during which you can take wheat again and show it to the animal. And it doesn’t matter what actions you perform during the specified time.

As a result, we’ve got an interesting and well-thought-out mechanics, despite the fact that Longer Following Time is a highly-focused mod. These functions will allow you to bring any game animals faster without wasting extra time on this procedure. We recommend taking a closer look at another mod related to cows and sheep – Reaping. It allows you to collect all available loot from a mob without killing it, by simply turning it into a cub. Very interesting and unusual mechanics for the game of Minecraft. Keep in mind that you can always increase or decrease the time period in the configuration file if 4 seconds are too little for you or, vice versa, is too much.

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Available for next versions: 1.21.1, 1.21, 1.20.1
Game versions
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Show only last mod versions
longer_following_time-merged-1.21.1-1.0.0 26.11.2024 neoForge, fabric R 240 KB 1.21.1, 1.21 10 Download
longer_following_time-forge-1.21.1-1.0.0 26.11.2024 forge R 211 KB 1.21.1, 1.21 13 Download
longer_following_time-merged-1.20.1-1.0.0 26.11.2024 fabric, forge R 228 KB 1.20.1 29 Download
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