Loading Backgrounds for Minecraft

  • Author: lupiiin_ lupiiin_
  • Popularity:
  • Updated: 05.07.2024
  • Last version 1.21

Review Loading Backgrounds

Configure Your Loading Screen

In Minecraft, you can customize not only the game world, but the launcher as well, so that you can see a pleasant picture when you first log in to any server or map. And we can say for sure that Minecraft has almost one of the most convenient and flexible systems for changing the appearance. In this review, we decided to tell you about the Loading Backgrounds add-on, which allows you to change the loading screen in Minecraft and transform the game in a couple of clicks. In this article, we’ll show and tell you about all the features of this mod in detail. It has been downloaded from the official website of mod creators about 1.3 million times!

The Loading Backgrounds mod adds new loading screens to Minecraft, which you can configure, change, and customize the way you like. Moreover, the developer of this add-on recommends that not only ordinary users install his product, but also the creators of various mod packs to transform their mod builds and somewhat individualize them. The operating principle is simple here, but we’ve made brief guidelines for you on changing the loading screen in Loading Backgrounds, and described the features of this mod in the game.

Now, any of you can change the Minecraft loading screen in a couple of clicks and add a beautiful design. Just don’t take this mod for texture packs that were created by the same developer. To make it easier for you to understand this mechanism, we’ll tell you about all the available ways to change the background in the launcher in more detail:

1. Resource packs. You can use ready-made packs from developers, where it’s only the background images that mostly change when loading a new map in Minecraft. They change in the same way as all other textures in the game: through «Setting» - «Resource packs», where you select a required option;

2. Mods. In this article, we’ll tell you about one of them – Loading Backgrounds. It gives you the opportunity to use ready-made textures or create your own, which we’ll discuss below. With this kind of system, any user will be able to change the appearance of the game in a couple of clicks and add any images they want to see in the game.

How does Loading Backgrounds works as a mod?

You install the mod in the general build of your launcher. Nest, you’ll need to create your own texture pack, following a specified template. Accordingly, you should perform the following steps:

· Create a new folder, naming it after the future texture pack;

· Next, add the following folder path into it, creating each one from scratch - /assets/minecraft/textures/gui/backgrounds/

· Create a pack.mcmeta file in the Notepad and put the records of the format into it, which we post below.

Example of the code:

· {

· "pack": {

· "pack_format": 15,

· "description": «Loading background»

· }

· }

Now, all you need is to upload all photos or images in .png format to the backgrounds directory to use them later in your build! It can be either one image or several at once (for example, 10). Actually, all you remain to do is to pack it all into an archive and put it into the resourcepacks folder, where you have all the other textures from third-party developers. However, at the same time, you should understand that the new data changes only the background image of the maps loading, and they will change around every few seconds. Accordingly, the longer the map is loading, the more pictures will change while you’re waiting.

Besides, the developer of this mod posted separate texture packs, that is, ready-made datasets with images. You can download them and simply use them in your build along with the Loading Backgrounds mod. An example of such packages is Loading Backgrounds - Default Images, a separate texture pack created by the same developer so that you can download it quickly and add it to your build. By the way, you can simply delete all PNG files from it if you want and add your own options so as not to create a new texture pack and not to put all the paths in folders and directories.

We’ve added a few screenshots in this article for you, where one of them is just a screenshot from our website, where you are reading this review. It turned out not very colorful, since you need to select a suitable resolution, but it should be generally clear how this system works. Besides, the Loading Backgrounds review also include many beautiful pictures, and most of them are available in Loading Backgrounds - Default Images (that very texture pack offered by the mod developer). It looks nice and unusual, and whenever you log in and out the map, your background images changeя.

Now, any of you will be able to instantly install your favorite images as a background, for example, the ones from games, real-life pets, certain shoots from Minecraft (passing on the server, colorful pixel art, screenshots with buildings, parties with friends, and so on). Keep in mind that you’ll need to specify a particular path in the folder with all the images when creating your texture pack for Loading Backgrounds. If there is only one image, then it won’t change, but if there are several images, they will alternate every few seconds.

The Loading Backgrounds add-on has been downloaded about 1.3 million times, and it’s one of the most popular mods for customizing the appearance of your launcher and adding a background in Minecraft. If you wanted to change something in the game design for a long time, then it’s high time to try it now, deciding on Loading Backgrounds. Everything requires just a couple of clicks, and if you fail to add your own texture pack, just download Loading Backgrounds - Default Images and change the default images to your own, but be sure to convert their format to PNG.

This element has no dependencies.

Download Loading Backgrounds

Available for next versions: 1.21, 1.20.6, 1.20.5, 1.20.4, 1.20.3, 1.20.2, 1.20.1, 1.20, 1.19.4, 1.19.3, 1.19.2, 1.19.1, 1.19
Game versions
Version type
Show only last mod versions
loadingbackgrounds-forge-1.21-1.6.1 06.07.2024 forge R 55 KB 1.21 22 Download
loadingbackgrounds-neoforge-1.21-1.6.0 15.06.2024 neoForge R 55 KB 1.21 16 Download
loadingbackgrounds-fabric-1.21-1.6.0 15.06.2024 fabric R 54 KB 1.21 132 Download
loadingbackgrounds-neoforge-1.20.6-1.5.0 08.05.2024 neoForge R 55 KB 1.20.6, 1.20.5 6 Download
loadingbackgrounds-fabric-1.20.6-1.5.0 08.05.2024 fabric R 54 KB 1.20.6, 1.20.5 38 Download
loadingbackgrounds-neoforge-1.20.X-1.5.0 08.05.2024 neoForge R 55 KB 1.20.4, 1.20.3, 1.20.2 7 Download
loadingbackgrounds-forge-1.20.X-1.5.0 08.05.2024 forge R 55 KB 1.20.4, 1.20.3, 1.20.2, 1.20.1, 1.20 794 Download
loadingbackgrounds-fabric-1.20.X-1.5.0 08.05.2024 fabric R 54 KB 1.20.4, 1.20.3, 1.20.2, 1.20.1, 1.20 145 Download
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