Have you explored vanilla Minecraft inside out? It’s time to install a few mods to try to survive in new biomes, meet different mobs, bosses, fight large and nighty creatures, mine new types of ore, craft interesting sets, weapons, and tools. Tens of thousands of add-ons related to hundreds of topics have been created for Minecraft, and plenty of content has been added to many of them. If there is no information on the mod’s functions on the Internet, then it’s hard for the player to comprehend such a mod, but there are small assistants, and Just Enough Resources is one of them.
The Just Enough Resources mod provides additional information about loot from different mobs, ore generation, probability of items spawning in dungeons, drop from plants, and much more. It works together with the JEI add-on, showing information in the same section. If you use different types of assemblies in the game, this is one of the most important and significant mods. It will show detailed information about all mobs and other items, and it’ll do it automatically. Accordingly, there is information about almost any creature, its drop, generation probability, and so on…
When installing new mods in the game, it’s hard for the player to explore new content. And they often release add-ons that lack a detailed description, a Wikipedia section, or some important features. These can be both global projects and small ones. And the Just Enough Resources mod will help you with this, revealing all the possible information. It automatically analyzes files of every add-on to the game, and if there is information can extract, it provides you with it in a convenient form. Considering the number of different products released for Minecraft, Just Enough Resources will come in very handy.
For example, you’ve installed a mod that adds a dozen new mobs, but there is no information about them. How can you know how many HPs an animal has? You can install ToroHealth Damage Indicators and see everything in a separate icon. However, to find out what kind of loot a mob drops, you need to kill it, which isn’t always convenient. This is where the Just Enough Resources extension helps, which allows you to open a separate tab and get all the information. And here are a few important sections to highlight:
· Drop from mobs. If you click on a certain resource in JEI, let’s say, ifrit sticks or gold nuggets, you’ll see which mobs you can get it from. Here, there’s also information about the approximate spawn quantity in different dungeons. You can click on the mob data tab to see how many HPs it has, where it spawns, and so on;
· Agricultural crops. In the game, you can see the type of drop and its amount, for example, from harvesting wheat, beets, and other crops. With this information, the player will roughly understand whether they’ll be able to multiply the number of seeds, what types of food they get after harvesting, and much more;
· Information about dungeons. For example, you clicked on gold or diamonds. The system will show you where these recourses spawn, in which types of chests and dungeons. Moreover, this is applicable not only to the vanilla version of the game, but for most third-party mods as well. And this is very useful information, since global add-ons often contain a huge number of biomes and different locations, and you don’t understand what you can find there and in what quantity;
· Ore generation. You’ve installed a new mod in Minecraft, but don’t know how high the ores are? Look at the information in Just Enough Resources. There will be a graph showing approximate heights, spawn probability, and so on. The information is scarce, but it’s enough for the start.
Thanks to this tool, you’ll be able to comprehend any mod as quickly as possible, even if there is no information on the Internet. The Just Enough Resources add-on supports a huge number of products for Minecraft, and this is probably the best mod to use for these purposes. Be sure to add it to your assembly to quickly receive data on new mods and understand which kind of loot you can get in certain locations, which drop falls from different creatures, and much more. If you still have questions about this add-on or have problems with the installation process, write them in the comments, and we’ll help you.
JustEnoughResources-Fabric-1.21- | 25.08.2024 | fabric | B | 282 KB | 1.21 | 3 k | Download |
JustEnoughResources-NeoForge-1.20.6- | 07.07.2024 | neoForge | B | 282 KB | 1.20.6 | 192 | Download |
JustEnoughResources-Fabric-1.20.6- | 07.07.2024 | fabric | B | 279 KB | 1.20.6 | 962 | Download |
JustEnoughResources-Forge-1.20.6- | 07.07.2024 | forge | B | 283 KB | 1.20.6 | 3 k | Download |
JustEnoughResources-NeoForge-1.20.4- | 21.06.2024 | neoForge | B | 281 KB | 1.20.4 | 307 | Download |
JustEnoughResources-Forge-1.20.4- | 21.06.2024 | forge | B | 281 KB | 1.20.4 | 6 k | Download |
JustEnoughResources-Fabric-1.20.4- | 21.06.2024 | fabric | B | 277 KB | 1.20.4 | 1 k | Download |
JustEnoughResources-NeoForge-1.20.4- | 21.06.2024 | neoForge | B | 281 KB | 1.20.4 | 2 | Download |
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