It Takes a Pillage for Minecraft

  • Author: izofar
  • Popularity:
  • Updated: 23.12.2023
  • Last version 1.20.1

Review It Takes a Pillage

This mod adds the following new structures to the game world: the bastille and the pillager camp. Besides the usual pillagers, three new hostile mobs will spawn there: the archer, skirmisher, and legioner. The fortresses themselves are very eye-pleasing and elaborate. The main feature of this mod is the appearance of pillager groups that can attack the player and their settlement.

The latter are dangerous opponents who will pose a threat to the player. They can attack suddenly, trying to steal valuable resources and inflict damage. This mod not only enriches the gameplay by bringing more challenges and dangers but also allows the player to take advantage of new features and develop exciting strategies to protect their structures.

New Structures

Both of the new structures are radically different from the vanilla pillager outpost in terms of danger and design. They consist of numerous different buildings and chests or loot barrels. So, two new structures will now generate in the game world: the pillager camp and the bastille. The latter will resemble a village.

Let us consider the camp first. They often generate near a pillager outpost and are inhabited by more pillagers, witches, and new hostile mobs. On its territory, there is a sort of prison consisting of six cages with iron golems and several villagers inside. In the very center, you will find a campfire and three loot barrels nearby. The loot there is much more valuable than in an ordinary outpost. Not far from the campfire, there is a vegetable garden as in a peaceful village. The camp has three entrances guarded by pillagers. The latter can also be around it.

Let us now turn to the bastille. It somewhat resembles a large village and consists of such buildings as a prison, church, library, animal pen, and huge vegetable garden. Each of them hides a large amount of loot, is well-designed, and looks very beautiful. In particular, the church and the library are way more eye-pleasing than in a peaceful village. The prison has three floors with cages where iron golems and villagers are trapped. There are many towers along the walls where you can find loot chests. Some cages with villagers can also be found on the fortress' territory. Such a bastille is much more dangerous than the above pillager camp, as there are more hostile mobs and even ravagers inside.

New Pillager Types

As we have already noted, the following new types of pillagers will spawn in the new structures: the archer, skirmisher, and legioner. All of them have different health and damage levels, and each of them is very fast and aggressive. Let us analyze each in more detail.

The least dangerous of them is the archer. It is notable for its speed and accuracy. However, it inflicts little damage and has just a few hearts. The archers drop arrows and, sometimes, emeralds and the totem of undying. There are just one or two of them in the pillager camp, but in the bastille, they stand on the wall and towers in large numbers.

The skirmisher is already more deadly. It is equipped with an iron axe, which inflicts quite significant damage. Thus, it can easily kill a player without armor with two blows. It can drop an axe, an emerald, and the totem of undying. There are a lot of them both in the camp and the fortress.

The third and the deadliest of all the pillagers is the legioner. He has the highest number of health points, but its damage level is the same as that of the skirmisher. It drops only emeralds and the totem of undying. There are just one or two of them in the camp, but in the bastille, you will find a lot of them in the prison and just on the fortress' territory.

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Download It Takes a Pillage

Available for next versions: 1.20.1, 1.19.2, 1.18.2, 1.18.1, 1.16.5
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takesapillage-1.0.3-1.20.1 24.12.2023 forge R 3 MB 1.20.1 33 k Download
takesapillage-1.0.3-1.19.2 08.02.2023 forge R 3 MB 1.19.2 30 k Download
takesapillage-1.0.3-1.18.2 08.02.2023 forge R 3 MB 1.18.2 15 k Download
takesapillage-1.0.3-1.16.5 08.02.2023 forge R 3 MB 1.16.5 32 k Download
takesapillage-1.0.2-1.19.2 19.10.2022 forge R 3 MB 1.19.2 8 k Download
takesapillage-1.0.2-1.18.2 19.10.2022 forge R 3 MB 1.18.2 2 k Download
takesapillage-1.0.2-1.16.5 19.10.2022 forge R 3 MB 1.16.5 6 k Download
takesapillage-1.0.1-1.16.5 19.09.2022 forge R 3 MB 1.16.5 1 k Download
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for version 1.19.4 forge please
Мод классы но на телефон не скачать вот это огромная проблема!
keep it up really good mod for those who like fight against pillagers and i hope you will continue to improve this mod by making amazing new illagers and structures (hope about new type of minibosses)
where i can find it
find what?