A mod called Iron Chests adds improved chests to the game. They are made of various metals and other materials, such as diamond, obsidian, and glass. These chests are much more capacious than the ordinary ones. But you can turn the latter into the former thanks to special improvements.
As many as seven new chest types have been added. The simplest is the copper chest. Next come iron, silver, gold, diamond, crystal, and obsidian chests, which differ only in appearance and capacity.
The iron chest is crafted from eight iron ingots and an ordinary chest. Besides, it is possible to turn a copper chest into the iron one. Its capacity is 48 cells.
The silver chest has a larger capacity of 72 cells. However, you will not be able to craft it unless you install a mod that adds the silver ingot to the game.
The golden chest is created of eight gold ingots and an iron chest. Its capacity is 81 cells. You can also craft it from a silver chest, but instead of eight gold ingots, you will then need the four ones, along with four glass blocks of any color.
Neither the obsidian nor crystal chest differs from the diamond one in terms of capacity. The small advantage of the crystal chest is related to appearance, as the stuff inside it is visible through it. The diamond chest is crafted from a golden chest, five glass blocks of any color, and three diamonds. Its capacity is 108 cells. The crystal chest is created from a diamond chest and eight glass blocks of any color, while the obsidian one from a diamond chest and eight obsidian blocks.
There is also a way to improve the chests without breaking them, which allows one to turn a regular chest, say, into the diamond one. Thus, a wooden chest can be improved into the copper or iron one. The copper chest can be improved into the iron one. The latter, in turn, can be made golden and then diamond. Finally, the diamond chests can be turned either into the crystal or obsidian one.
To diversify the content, besides the chests, the mod adds shulker boxes, which differ in terms of color and material. They have the same capacity as the improved chests. The new shulker boxes include the iron, silver, copper, gold, diamond, crystal, and obsidian ones.
The iron shulker box is crafted from a shulker box and eight iron ingots. You can also create this box using the copper shulker box, four glass blocks, and four iron ingots. Its capacity is 48 cells.
The golden shulker box has the same capacity as the golden chest and is crafted from the silver shulker box, four glass blocks, and four iron ingots. The color of the glass does not matter, and you can use any, provided that all four blocks are of the same color.
The diamond shulker box can be created in two ways, using either the silver or gold box. It is better to craft it from the latter, though, as you will need two diamonds instead of three.
The capacity of the crystal and obsidian boxes is the same as that of the diamond one — 108 cells.
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ironchest-1.19.4-14.3.4 | 28.06.2023 | forge | R | 304 KB | 1.19.4 | 138 k | Download |
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