Inspirations for Minecraft

  • Author: KnightMiner
  • Popularity:
  • Updated: 04.10.2024
  • Last version 1.19.2

Review Inspirations


The Inspirations mod adds various innovations that are necessary for a more comfortable game.


The world generates 4 new types of flowers, or rather, these flowers are a small version of the large flowers that can grow up to two blocks high. Among them is the rose that looks a bit like a poppy. The lilac and peony look the same but are smaller. And there is a new flower – the blue flower. These flowers can be used to create dyes. One rose produces one red dye instead of the two produced by the regular rose. The same thing is with other flowers. The peony gives a pink dye, the lilac produces a purple dye, and the blue flower is a source of a turquoise dye. You can also turn smaller flowers into two blocks if you use bonemeal.

Growth Animation

The cactus has a growth animation, which means it grows not in a block but in small parts. If you break the part that has not yet grown into a cactus block, some cactus seeds will drop. The sugar cane has the same animation. It also grows in small parts and breaking this part gives cane seeds.

New Beetroot

Harvesting regular beetroots may drop another type of beetroot – heartbeet. If you eat this beetroot, you will get the regeneration effect. Besides, you can use it to make the potion of regeneration.

Torch Lever

The mod introduces a new item, which is the torch lever used both for lighting and for various mechanisms, for example, to hide the regular lever. You can craft this mechanism by using a torch and cobblestone.


The collector is used to collect the items found next to this block. To make it work, you need a redstone signal, for which you can use a regular lever. You should right-click on the collector to pick up the items. The collector has two crafts. The first craft implies using cobblestones, a fishing rod, and a redstone. Or you can use sticks, a string, and a dropper.

Redstone Charger

There is a new item, due to which mechanisms can act like a redstone signal within a few seconds. We are talking about the redstone charger. This item is used as a button for a redstone and gives it the same charge as other mechanical devices, such as the lever. To create it, you need a gold ingot and a redstone.

Charged Arrow

The charged arrow works similarly. It is also used for various mechanisms. To use the charged arrow, you only need to shoot a redstone with a bow. The redstone will light up for a second. This arrow cannot be returned even if it misses its target. One craft gives eight arrows.


The mod adds pipes, which sometimes replace regular funnels. You can place them both vertically and horizontally. You can use these pipes to transfer items from one chest to another. To craft a pipe, you need two iron ingots and one plank of any wood.

Pressure Plate Carpet

You can hide the stone pressure plate by covering it with a carpet of any color. The pressure plate will slightly stick out of the regular carpet, which will make it more visible. You can only cover stone pressure plates.

Trapdoor Carpet

You can also hide trapdoors with carpets of any color, for which you need to place a trapdoor and a carpet of a certain color in the workbench. Unlike the pressure plate, the carpeted trapdoor is almost invisible.

Measuring tools

The mod adds several measuring tools. One of these devices is the north compass, which always points north. The north compass is crafted with 4 iron ingots and a piece of iron. The barometerallows you to measure pressure, or to be more precise, the height at which you are. The higher you are, the less water there will be in the barometer. The lower you are, the more water there will be. The barometer is crafted with a bottle of water, an empty bottle, and a redstone. The photometerallows you to measure the light that comes from any block. The higher the light of the item, the brighter the photometer light will be. The photometer is crafted with a glowstone, a redstone, an empty bottle, and an iron ingot.


The cauldron also improves. In addition to water, you can also fill it with milk and lava. It becomes possible to fill the cauldron with various soups, among which there are stewed mushrooms, potato soup, honey, stewed rabbit, and beetroot soup. Besides, you can use dyes to change the color of the water in the cauldron. The colored water will be less expensive than using a dye. In this case, you can change the color of the wool right in the cauldron. One bucket of colored water is enough to dye any three blocks you like. Or you can dye the leather armor. You can also pour colored water into bottles and use it as a dye in various crafts. What’s more, the mod makes it possible to brew potions in the cauldron. You only need to set the fire under the cauldron to make the water boil. The method of making potions is almost the same as in the brewing stand. You only need to throw the ingredients into the cauldron one by one.

New Potions

Added new types of potions. The potion of haste increases the attack speed by 10%. But if you improve this potion, the attack speed will increase by 20%. To brew the potion of haste, you need an awkward potion and the silverfish powder added by the mod. You can brew potions in the brewing stand. However, new types of potions can also be brewed in the cauldron. As opposed to the potion of haste, there is the potion of fatigue. It takes away 10% of the attack speed, while the improved potion of fatigue takes away 20%. To brew such a potion, you need the potion of haste and a pickled spider eye. As opposed to the regeneration potion, there is the potion of hunger that takes away saturation. The regeneration potion is used to brew it. There are also the stamina potion, the potion of levitation, the potion of decay, and the potion of blindness. By adding gunpowder to these potions, you can make an explosive potion.

Building Blocks

The mod adds building blocks, such as paths that can be crafted with four blocks – stones, bricks, cobblestones, and stone bricks. The stone path has a unique craft. In this case, you will use 4 stones and get 6 paths. In other cases, you need 2 blocks to get 3 paths.


Added three types of ropes that can be used as a ladder to climb somewhere on top. You can make these ropes from strings, vines, and iron rods. When crafting with iron rods, you get 6 chains. And you can only get three ropes when using vines and strings.

Glass doors and trapdoors

Glass panels are used to create glass doors and trapdoors. You can also hide the button inside the block. In this case, you can only use brick and netherite blocks and a stone button. The blocks with a button are no different from regular blocks.

Foliage Lighting

It is now possible to light foliage blocks. In addition to lighting, they also have a beautiful structure. You can use any foliage you like. Besides, you can dye these blocks in white, red, blue, green, rainbow, and Christmas colors.

Images Inspirations

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Available for next versions: 1.19.2, 1.18.2, 1.16.5, 1.16.4, 1.16.3, 1.16.2, 1.16.1, 1.15.2, 1.14.4, 1.12.2
Game versions
Version type
Show only last mod versions
1.19.2- 05.10.2024 forge B 1 MB 1.19.2 13 Download
1.18.2- 07.11.2022 forge B 1 MB 1.18.2 6 k Download
1.16.5- 05.08.2021 forge B 1 MB 1.16.5 76 k Download
1.16.5- 10.06.2021 forge B 1 MB 1.16.5 5 k Download
1.16.5- 14.05.2021 forge B 1 MB 1.16.5 3 k Download
1.16.5-1.2.2 16.01.2021 forge B 1 MB 1.16.5, 1.16.4 1 k Download
1.16.3_1.2.1.24 16.01.2021 ANY R 1 MB 1.16.5, 1.16.4, 1.16.3 4 k Download
1.16.3- 21.10.2020 forge B 1 MB 1.16.4, 1.16.3 589 Download
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