Games have become very demanding to the PC characteristics lately. Indeed, the overall file size of any AAA-level project has exceeded 50-100 GB long ago, which is pretty normal now. However, many players didn’t even think that Minecraft belonged to the same category of requirements since the first versions, because it was Java-based, and many users had problems when FPS dropped sharply in certain biomes, the CPU load increased, and performance and power wasn’t just enough to quickly load all the chunks. Sounds familiar, doesn’t it?
That’s why various mods for Minecraft began to appear, which make it possible to increase FPS in a couple of clicks and optimize the gameplay, as they fix numerous problems, add certain tweaks to stabilize work with other libraries and mods. So, if you want to optimize Minecraft and increase FPS, we recommend installing the ImmediatelyFast add-on. It is here that you can fine-tune various parameters if you are a professional player, or just trust the system and use the default configuration.
Currently, ImmediatelyFast has been downloaded over 25 million times. You can install this add-on for almost any Minecraft loader (Forge, Fabric, NeoForge, Quilt), as the developer has added all popular projects, which builds for the game are based on. We’ve done our best to describe the main features of this mod in detail to understand what changes ImmediatelyFast brings to the gameplay, and how the game can be optimized. For example, this product optimizes the entire rendering with a custom buffer, which makes drawing in Minecraft by times faster. This list includes the following parts of the program code: entities, blocks of entities, particles, text elements, GUI, HUD, and other mods rendering.
But that’s not all! For example, the ImmediatelyFast add-on easily optimizes many code parts in the vanilla version, thus speeding up rendering of the map, HUD and text, whether it’s the standard version of Minecraft or a fully modified build. In short, the code becomes better-balanced, «compressed», thus making rendering faster and enhancing performance. Indeed, it’s hard to achieve such results with the common game settings, so, the developer has «dug» deeper in Minecraft, so that you can enjoy a comfortable game.
The FPS characteristics are extremely important for any game, and Minecraft is no exception. ImmediatelyFast enables you to increase FPS 2-3 times in a couple of clicks, but sometimes it can be just by 40-60%, depending on your PC configuration and other equally important parameters and characteristics. Everything is automatic, so all you need is to install the mod and enjoy comfortable playing. As numerous tests performed by the mod developer showed, an average increase is by several times, which are real figures taken from the test results by users who installed ImmediatelyFast in their build.
The map rendering increases by about 5 times when you use the mod, no matter which generation the user chooses. This applies both to ordinary maps created with a seed game and third-party maps, which can represent a lot of different items and buildings, such as huge cities or various art objects. As for users with poor PC characteristics, it’s an additional opportunity to increase FPS the performance in Minecraft by installing the mod. The key advantage is that it requires nothing from you, since the ImmediatelyFast mod performs all the changes in automatic mode.
If you use many different signs and holograms in your text, for example, a lot of instructions, craft recipes, or descriptions of each and every element, the ImmediatelyFast add-on will render the text about 2 times faster. At the same time, the mod works correctly with Socium, Uris, and other libraries for Minecraft. This is an extremely convenient tool for most users that requires no configuration (almost all changes are applied immediately).
In general, we can say that the ImmediatelyFast add-on is a must-have in any Minecraft build, as it allows you to increase FPS, reduce the load on your PC, regardless of its configuration, game version, and installed mods. This is a versatile, well-established product. As for today, it has been downloaded over 25 million times, and this number keeps growing. If you’ve already used ImmediatelyFast in your build, please write in the comments what FPS boost you’ve got and what characteristics your PC has. It would be interesting for other users to see real results of the players in different builds.
NeoForge-1.3.4+1.21.4 | 25.01.2025 | neoForge | R | 236 KB | 1.21.4 | 6 | Download |
Fabric-1.3.4+1.21.4 | 25.01.2025 | fabric, quilt | R | 214 KB | 1.21.4 | 119 | Download |
NeoForge-1.3.4+1.21.3 | 25.01.2025 | neoForge | R | 236 KB | 1.21.3, 1.21.2 | 0 | Download |
Fabric-1.3.4+1.21.3 | 25.01.2025 | fabric, quilt | R | 214 KB | 1.21.3, 1.21.2 | 8 | Download |
Forge-1.3.4+1.21.3 | 25.01.2025 | forge | R | 417 KB | 1.21.3, 1.21.2 | 7 | Download |
NeoForge-1.3.4+1.21.1 | 25.01.2025 | neoForge | R | 262 KB | 1.21.1, 1.21 | 15 | Download |
Forge-1.3.4+1.21.1 | 25.01.2025 | forge | R | 445 KB | 1.21.1, 1.21 | 19 | Download |
Fabric-1.3.4+1.21.1 | 25.01.2025 | fabric, quilt | R | 241 KB | 1.21.1, 1.21 | 96 | Download |
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