It is a mod that features many ancient and mythical characters. Thanks to it, you will be able to encounter centaurs, cyclopes, mermaids, the nine-tails, succubi, and many other truly interesting mobs. Not all of them will be friendly to the player, and many are incomparably more serious enemies than the vanilla mobs. In a fight with some of them, you will need all your ingenuity, special tactics, and of course, good armor. It must be said, though, that for some reason, most of these mobs are girls...
Besides the new mobs, the mod adds unique artifacts and items, along with new armor, weapons, and enchantments, to the game.
The neutral mobs of this mod are notable for their mechanics. Some need to suffer themselves to begin the attack, whereas others will rush to protect their "property".
Dryads. They are pretty girls that live in dense forests. They usually wander alone, but you can also meet a grout of them. They are neutral by themselves, but if you start chopping down a tree next to them, the sweet ladies will forget about their neutrality. However, the dryads will not cause much damage to a well-prepared player even at the initial stages of development. They can boast neither many health points nor significant damage and are thus like the average vanilla zombie. The dryads usually drop the edible taproot, which, however, does not replenish anything and gives no effects.
Honey Bees. They are pretty flying girls that live in the same forests as the dryads, where there are hives. They make extremely odd sounds, can fly, and protect their small vanilla brothers. Like all bees, they have a flock instinct — if you touch one, the whole swarm will rush after you. These ladies sting quite painfully and also impose a temporary Poison effect. After death, they sometimes drop the honeydew, which fills four hunger and one-and-a-half saturation points and imposes the Speed and Haste effects for 10 seconds.
Ants. They live in anthills in colonies, are generated mainly in forests, but can also appear in other biomes. They are basically harmless and useless, except for the ant worker. The latter rushes to kill you if you touch other ants, and its health level is quite high — as many as 40 points. They drop iron nuggets and meat, which, for some reason, is already cooked, and so can almost be considered an imbalanced food. It replenishes six hunger and as much as 7.5 energy points.
Hunters. They are the inhabitants of forests and steppes that are not interested in the player but are very interested in neutral mobs. They can be found hunting pigs or cows from the vanilla Minecraft or fighting hostile mobs. They often drop the rotten heart. It is formally a food but does not fill the hunger points. On the contrary, it imposes the Hunger effect for as much as 20 seconds. However, that is compensated by the Regeneration effect for 5 seconds.
Satyresses. Like many other mobs, satyres in this mod are girls. They wander about in the woods with wooden swords, are indifferent toward the player, and are basically as peaceful as possible. As opponents, they are weak but, like the ants, drop meat. What is a little confusing is that the satyresses are intelligent. However, even clerics buy rotten flesh in the vanilla Minecraft.
Centaurs. They live in the steppe, walk in packs, and look aggressive but are indifferent to the player who does not show aggression. They are born archers and use poisoned arrows that impose the Weakness, Mining Fatigue, and Poison effects, sometimes simultaneously. Their health is average, but they are stronger than vanilla mobs. Besides, they can regenerate their health by using potions and have a pronounced herd instinct, so if you attack one, the whole group will chase you. By the way, they will do that quite persistently, including moving on water. After death, they drop iron nuggets, leather, and the Regeneration potion.
Gryphons. They spawn in the steppes near mountains or on wide mountain plateaus. They will not attack the player first and are more interested in zombies. However, they are extremely unpleasant opponents. They hurt with their beak and claws and can boast quite a high health level. Moreover, attacking the gryphon is rather pointless, as it drops nothing except iron nuggets and feathers.
Golems. The golems come in two variants, the cobble and cobblestone. The differences between them are insignificant and mainly come down to the textures. They dislike players touching their stones but are basically harmless.
Dwarves. They are mountain dwellers and craftsmen with lush beards and pickaxes in their hands. They will not attack you first and are basically quite peaceful. However, their damage level is comparable to the vanilla golems, so it is better not to touch them.
Goblins. They come in two types. The ordinary peaceful, goblins are scientists and experimenters in stylish steampunk glasses. They have the flint and steel, which they use in battle to set the enemy ablaze.
The chest is an extremely odd neutral mob incomparable to others. It is, in fact, just a chest. You will not be able to distinguish it from the standard vanilla chest without breaking it. After that, though, it does not drop the chest itself but several different items, seeds, books, or ores.
The mod adds as many as 39 hostile mobs, always ready to treat themselves to an unlucky player. They can be provisionally divided into several categories.
Each of the girls in this mod can boast unique abilities. You should not be fooled by their charming appearance, as they are, in fact, serious opponents that can cause a lot of trouble to the player. Thus, say, the shaman is able to summon zombie fellows, the succubus imposes the Wither effect, and the valkyrie halves your full health bar per hit.
Many of them are able to teleport, say, the ender dragon girl, while others can even become invisible, say, the spriggan and banshee. In turn, the mermaids can regenerate in water, so it is better to keep your eyes open during a battle with them.
Almost every such monster gives unique loot with a small chance. It includes both artifacts and dolls for those who like to collect trophies, and even the spawn eggs of... merchants. But more on that below.
They are indeed monsters in the truest sense of the word. They include orcs, flying books, mummies, huge ender-eyes, and wither cows.
The rather weak but interesting hostile mobs include the mandragora and sporeling. But do not be deceived by their appearance — they are quite unpleasant opponents.
The sporeling looks just like a mini-mushroom but imposes the Wither, Poison, and Mining Fatigue effects upon contact. Besides, it can boast quite a long health bar — as many as 40 points. Moreover, hitting such a constantly moving small target is a task for especially skillful players.
The mandragora cannot be confused with anything. When you approach it closer than ten blocks, your screen begins to shake, and you begin to suffer the Poison effect. Even though this little girl has not that many health points, like the standard zombie, firstly, it still needs to be noticed, especially among thick grass, which is not that easy given an intensively shaking screen, and secondly, you will have to try hard to hit it. It occasionally drops the mandrake. The latter is quite an interesting food, which, when eaten, takes away eight hunger points, imposes the Nausea effect for 18 seconds, but instantly restores four health points.
As for the super moss, the mod features the minotaurus — a strong anthropomorphic bull with a heavy hammer. It is deadly in close combat, has 160 health points, as well as can regenerate, jump high, and break blocks. Its tactics are as follows. When it has more than 80 HP, it shoots with a bow or any long-range weapon. After that, it activates its shield, and you will have to resort to direct attacks.
After death, it drops diamond and emerald shards. You can rarely get its bust and pieces of the golden apple pie.
You cannot meet these merchants on the Minecraft expanses and can only summon them by the eggs. The latter can be occasionally obtained by killing some hostile mobs.
Curiously enough, these merchants drop the same spawn eggs, and the newly created merchants do not remember their previous life and do not take revenge. That is quite convenient for those who often move from place to place.
Slime Girl. Its egg is dropped by the gelatinous slime. After you click the RBM on it, a trade menu will open. It sells slime for rotten flesh, strings, spider eyes, and bones, and vice versa.
Ender Girl. Its egg is dropped by the ender dragon girl. It sells the Eyes of Ender for standard loot and vice versa.
Creeper Girl. Its egg is dropped by the creeps. It sells gunpowder and loot for gunpowder.
Trader. It is the only merchant that can be met in the game world. Its eggs can be obtained from many different mobs with a small probability. Its salient feature is that it sells various loot, artifacts, and spawn eggs for the in-game currency, and, vice versa, you can sell all that to the trader for the local currency. It is arguably the most useful merchant.
The mod adds a large number of unique weapons. Unfortunately, they are uncraftable and can only be obtained as loot or drops.
The first weapon to consider is the grimoires. They can be found in chests or by killing magic mobs, such as witches or dryads. Oddly enough, the grimoires are quite a deadly weapon. They inflict six damage points, and when you click the RMB on a mob, they impose various effects on it. In total, there are nine grimoires available with various negative effects (Hunger, Weakness, Slowness, Wither, etc.). Another one — the Combat Manual — is applied to teammates and gives Regeneration IV, Strength I, and knockback resistance.
Fan. It is dropped by yukki-onnas, sirens, and nine-tails and comes in three types: ordinary, fire, and ice. It inflicts eight damage points. The fire fan sets the enemy on fire and repels it, while the ice fan imposes the Slowness IV and Knockback II effects.
Metal Dagger. It is dropped by mobs armed with it. This weapon inflicts three damage points and is quite unremarkable.
Cursed Sword. It deals five damage and is dropped by the succubus and ender dragon girls. It does not impose any effects.
Metal Club. It is dropped by the orcs and deals seven damage.
Minotaur Hammer. It is very rarely dropped by the minotaur and inflicts eleven damage points.
To increase your attack power, you can use a special artifact, namely the brass knuckles. They will give you extra two attack damage points. In the old versions of the mod, it was necessary to place them in the eighth slot, but in the new versions. It is enough just to have it in the inventory or hotbar.
Summoning Staffs. They are not used as weapons and do not cause damage but can summon various mobs, such as zombies, skeletons, and cave spiders.
There is also the Magic Staff. Even though it is combat, it, unfortunately, is indistinguishable from the above staffs. With it, you can cast various spells at the enemy from long distances. There are six of them: Bomb, Bubble, Magic, Random Magic, Spider Web, and Slime.
The mod implements an interesting system of various items and trophies, which the player can collect in the course of their wanderings. Some of them you can get only in battles, while others you can occasionally find or purchase from the merchants.
Chests and Backpacks. They are unique items that are practically not a storage means but a treasure. When activated, they are completely destroyed and drop 2–6 items. The more expensive the chest, the more cool loot it contains. Thus, the diamond chest drops 7+ diamonds, along with the enchanted armor.
Random Items. They include the pen, experience book, experience orbs, hats, and local currency. All this you can find, get from mobs, or buy from merchants.
Dolls. They are trophies randomly dropped by the girls.
Busts. They are dropped by the mini-bosses: the valkyrie, gorgon, minotaur, vampire, and sphinx.
Neither the dolls nor busts bring any benefit, being practically decorative items.
The mod adds six artifact rings with various effects, such as the Ring of Speed, Ring of Jump, Ring of Haste, etc. To create them, you will need to connect a dropped ring with the beacon in the crafting table. They are used through the hotbar.
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