How do you get your food in Minecraft? You can grow different types of plants, wander through the mines in search of treasures, steal seeds and ready-made provisions from the beds of villagers, or just pick berries in the forests. However, there is another proven way — fishing. And while in the vanilla game version, you had to sit long and hard with a fishing rod to catch something really valuable, a mod called Giacomo's Fishing Net transforms this process and significantly increases your fishing opportunities, as you will be able to apply fishing nets. Are you ready for this?
Giacomo's Fishing Net adds just one item to Minecraft, namely the fishing net. However, it will transform the in-game fishing. Moreover, it can be used not only to catch fish but also to throw at enemies or even friends, who will get tangled in it and slow down. By the way, similar mechanics are used in the already reviewed The Spider Creeper mod that adds a unique creeper boss to Minecraft.
The fishing net will allow you to catch fish faster and in larger quantities. This mod is thus focused on adding even more realistic functions to Minecraft. To craft one such item, you will need four strings. To place the net, hold it in your hands and click the RMB on the water. One net occupies one block, and you will be able to choose where to place it. You can even cover a particular area with them to catch even more fish in Minecraft.
The fishing net is actually a full-blown block, even though you see only its top. That is precisely what ensures a better result compared to the fishing rod. The probability of catching fish will depend on the number of such adjacent blocks placed on the surface. Accordingly, the more, the better, but a couple of nets will be enough to start with, given that getting a string in Minecraft at the initial game stages is not an easy task.
The default time between catching two fish is eight minutes, but the improved options will generate fish for you once in four minutes. You will be able to enchant them with such effects as Luck of the Sea, Lure, and Unbreaking using special books or the enchanting table. Another important feature of Giacomo's Fishing Net mod is the baits. You will be able to use not only the standard bone meal and fish but also fish meal, which can be made in the furnace from boiled cod, salmon, pufferfish, or clownfish.
Once a fish is caught, you will see how it lies under the net as a drop. To get this loot, you will need to break the net. However, the fish will not disappear while it is inside the block, and you should not worry that it will be deleted, even if an automated loot-cleaning system is enabled on a server. Sixteen fishing nets can be stacked, but if you need a lot of such blocks, it is better to take a cobweb with you and craft them on the spot. You can also install some special mod to get extra inventory slots.
If you wish, you can adjust the parameters in the config file that comes with the mod. You will be able to choose how long it takes to catch a fish with the ordinary net, with different enchantments, etc. The mod has proved to be a very convenient and pleasant add-on that allows each player to choose which values to select to ensure the best gameplay. That is also important for multiplayer if you decide to install the Giacomo's Fishing Net mod on a server.
Note! If a player gets into the net, their speed significantly slows down. It is much more serious compared to the web in the dungeons. You will move literally like a turtle and may be killed several times or just pelted with potions or arrows. So you can well use these nets for additional protection of your structures, houses, and territories.
As you can see, the functionality of this add-on is small, but it is enough to transform fishing in Minecraft and enjoy new features. You will now be able get fish faster using the new enchantments. And that is not all! As we have already noticed, the fishing nets can be thrown at your enemies to slow them down. That is a unique and very cool game mechanics, which will allow you to gain some time if you have to fight with numerous mobs or players.
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