Would like to significantly diversify blocks and items? We suggest that you learn more information about a mod called Forbidden and Arcanus, which adds various magic-related items and blocks to the game. You will now be able to perform various rituals and use mana-charged items. In this article, you will learn about almost every block and item that constitute the basis of this mod in detail.
The first innovation has to do with the world generation, namely the addition of two new trees — the cherry and aurum trees. Unfortunately, both are not currently used in crafting and are just decorative elements. However, the cherry tree drops a new berry — the cherry.
Besides, a new flower is now generated in the game world — the yellow orchid. The only two applications for this plant are decoration and the making of the yellow dye.
With this mod installed, you will quite often see the petrified root in caves, which drops the strange root. It has no applications at the moment, though.
The mod adds four new ore types to the game: the runic stone, arcane crystal ore, xpetrified ore, and stella arcanum. The latter is a rather dangerous and durable ore: when you break it, an explosion will occur equal to one TNT's detonation. So it is capable of injuring you.
Besides, the mod adds several new drops, the first being the tentacle. The ordinary squids will now drop it. This tentacle is quite nutritious.
Another drop is the ender pearl fragment. It can be obtained after an enderman's death or by cutting a usual ender pearl.
The bat wing, as you might have guessed, is dropped by bats. You can make a hearty soup from them.
If you break a spawner, you will now get not only a certain amount of experience but also the scrap. It is necessary for crafting the smithing table.
In an End city, you can find a very useful drop, namely the orb of temporary flight. Activating it, you will be able to fly for five minutes. If you use two spheres at once, the flight time will respectively increase to ten minutes. To apply the orb, just click the RMB. Besides getting the flying capacity, you will also become invulnerable to falling.
The next useful new item is the mundabitur dust. It is used for crafting an even more valuable item — the arcane gold ingot. The dust has very simple ingredients, and four dust are obtained at once. The arcane gold is a very valuable resource that will help you at the initial stage of development. You can craft new effective tools, armor, and much more from it.
The arcane crystal dust is involved in the crafting of almost all the new items. It is required even for making the mundabitur dust. However, the dust is very easy to get: it will be enough to extract a new ore called the arcane crystal and then grind it.
The eternal stella is a useful item that will surely come in handy. With its help, you can make any armor piece or tool indestructible. That is, the tool or armor will no longer break and will have infinite durability.
The next new items are obsidian ingots and obsidian with iron. It is from the latter that obsidian ingots are created. They, in turn, are used for crafting durable tools and armor.
Two more valuable and interesting items are the golden feather and fabric. The former is crafted quite simply and used for creating the new slime pickaxe. The fabric is made in an even simpler way and can sometimes be found in mines. A not-very-effective but very beautiful armor can be crafted from it.
The dragon scale is one of the most important in-game items. It is with the help of these scales that obsidian armor and tools can be improved, making them even stronger and more effective. The scale can be created in two ways, but each of them is laborious and difficult. You can create three scales from the ender dragon's head and a special dagger or get three scales by overcoming the ender dragon. But if you are lucky enough, you can find the dragon scales in quite large quantities in an End city.
The edelwood is a useful resource used mainly for crafting decorative items such as a bucket. These buckets are much more capacious than the ordinary ones. The edelwood buckets can be filled with different liquids, and their capacity will depend on a particular liquid. Thus, such a bucket can hold up to three usual buckets of lava, up to four usual buckets of milk, and up to four usual buckets of water. Besides, it is from the edelwood that the dark matter is created.
Another new item is the utrem jar. It is crafted from the edelwood planks and ordinary glass. The jar is a mainly decorative item into which you can pour both water and lava. But you can also put pixies in them.
The next added item is the runic tenebris frame. It is crafted of rather valuable materials and is necessary for creating the dark nether star. The latter is also a new item and is also crafted from rare materials. If you put this star in the frame, you can get the runic tenebris core. It is, in turn, necessary for crafting dark runestones. To do this, you need to use ordinary runes on the core by pressing the RMB. The dark runestones are necessary for creating an important dagger with which you can extract scales from dragon heads.
Besides, the mod adds two new arrow types to the game. The first one is the boom arrow. With it, you will be able to hit several nearby targets at once due to the explosion of the arrow itself. However, if you fail to hit a mob, the arrow will not explode. Another arrow is called draco arcanus. It will impose the Dragon's Breath effect on a small radius, which inflicts extra damage.
The chorus pearl is another interesting item added by the mod. If you throw it at any entity, it will teleport to any place withing a radius of 50 blocks.
There will also be two new pickaxes. The first is the infernum pickaxe. It instantly smelts an ore immediately after its extraction. The second is the already mentioned slime pickaxe. It works the same way as the usual pickaxe with the silk touch enchantment.
The soul extractor is an interesting device added by this mod. As the name suggests, it will allow you to extract souls from the soul sand. To do this, it will be enough to get as close to it as possible and hold the RMB. If you succeed, a soul will drop as an object nearby, and the sand will turn into the dark soulless sand. But you can insert the soul back — just click the RMB while holding the soul in your hand. The extracted soul can be turned into the corrupt soul for the subsequent creation of the corrupted pixie.
The next useful item is the spectral eye amulet. If you put it in your inventory in any of the slots, all the mobs will be highlighted with a contour. The hostile mobs will be highlighted in red, while the friendly mobs will be highlighted in green.
The seed bullet is a useful and easy-to-craft item. With its help, you can get absolutely any seed. It will be enough just to click the RMB with the seed bullet in your hand, and a random seed will drop.
Three new items will protect you from lava and fire: the obsidian shield, obsidian skull, and eternal obsidian skull. The first two will protect you from fire and lava for 30 seconds, whereas the latter will do it indefinitely.
The mod adds a very powerful weapon called the drago arcanus scepter. If you hold the RMB, it will shoot a very powerful magic ball inflicting relatively heavy damage. As soon as it reaches a target, a lightning charge will hit the latter. The only drawback of this scepter is the slow speed of the balls.
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