The Endergetic Expansion for Minecraft

  • Author: Pengu61151
  • Popularity:
  • Updated: 28.02.2024
  • Last version 1.20.1

Review The Endergetic Expansion

The Endergetic Expansion – a mod to improve every aspect of the End

The Endergetic Expansionexpands the End dimension by adding new biomes and blocks, as well as improving some of the old details of this dimension.


The towers that heal the dragon will change. Or rather, the color of the fire will look different. It will turn purple to better suit the crystal. The block under the crystal will also be updated. It used to be bedrock, but it will eventually turn into a crystal holder.

A colorful portal to return to the overworld

The reverse portal for entering the regular world will no longer look the same. It used to consist of bedrock, and now it is made of mystical obsidian. Along its edges, there are runes of mystical obsidian. In the middle of these runes, there is an activation rune also made of mystical obsidian. After you defeat the dragon, the runes begin to glow. Besides, there is a new source of lighting on the walls. It is an acid lantern, which can be crafted from obsidian and dragon breath.

New biome – magical forest

The End dimension has a new biome – a magical forest, which consists of its specific plants and creatures.

Biome soil

The biome has its own stone – eumus. You can use it to make eumus bricks by simply smelting it. From these bricks, you can get slabs, stairs, walls, and fences. The biome’s surface is composed of Brie Poise with unusual herbs and flowers growing on it.

Magical plant – Poise Bush

The grass that grows on Brie Poise is called the Poise Bush. If grown with bone meal, this grass turns into a tall poise bush that gives light to the biome. Besides, tall bushes blow small pink bubbles to the surface.

The last stage of growing a poise bush into a full tree

If you grow a tall poise bush with bone meal, you will get a huge poise tree, on top of which there are not leaves but clumps of poise. If you try to break a clump of poise, it will not drop but fly up. Inside the poise clump, there is a poise bush. The tree itself has a poise stem. At a certain height, there are glowing poise stems that give light to the tree. You can use the poise stems to get planks and further create doors, stairs, plates, gates, slabs, and a poise boat.

An unusual plant in the End dimension – Bolloom

The bolloom is a rather interesting plant. It is a small 3-block plant with a bolloom fruit on its top. In addition to restoring your hunger bar, each bolloom fruit gives you a 5-second levitation effect. After the fruits are harvested, the bolloom closes, thus turning into a bolloom bud. After some time, puff bugs begin to pollinate the bud. Eventually, a full-fledged plant will form. If you cut down the bottom layer of the bolloom, the plant will begin to levitate and fly up.

New creature in the End dimension – Puff Bug

The biome is inhabited by unusual creatures – puff bugs, which are similar to bees. They most often live on trees, inside poise clumps. Besides, they have their hives. Puff bugs look like slightly glowing caterpillars. Puff bugs are neutral creatures, but if you attack them, they will attack you back. If the puff bug misses its target, it will fall to the ground and turn into a small caterpillar for a few seconds. During this time, the puff bug will not attack you. If you drop a certain potion on puff dugs, they will change color depending on the potion. For example, if you drop a strength potion, the puff bug will turn red.

Ender spider – Booflo

The most dangerous creature is the booflo. They look like spiders but can be interacted with. By the way, puff bugs serve as prey to booflos. Booflos can fly when they are hunting for puff bugs. When the booflo begins to take off, its appearance slightly changes: the booflo’s lower base turns into a small plate. These creatures can spawn. For this, you need to feed them with a clump of poise. If you want to tame a booflo, you need to feed it bolloom fruit. Once you tame the booflo, you can fly on it. Once killed, the booflo drops the skin, from which you can craft a special vest. This vest increases the length of your jump 6 times.

Images The Endergetic Expansion

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Download The Endergetic Expansion

Available for next versions: 1.20.1, 1.19.2, 1.16.5, 1.16.4, 1.16.3, 1.16.1, 1.15.2, 1.14.4, 1.12.2, 1.12.1, 1.12
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endergetic-1.20.1-5.0.0 05.01.2025 neoForge, forge R 15 MB 1.20.1 1 k Download
endergetic-1.19.2-4.0.0 29.02.2024 forge R 15 MB 1.19.2 6 k Download
endergetic-1.16.5-3.0.2 13.04.2022 forge R 11 MB 1.16.5 236 k Download
endergetic-1.16.5-3.0.1 01.04.2022 forge R 11 MB 1.16.5 196 Download
endergetic-1.16.4-3.0.0 01.01.2021 forge R 11 MB 1.16.5, 1.16.4, 1.16.3 201 k Download
endergetic-expansion-1.16.1-2.1.2 05.12.2020 forge R 10 MB 1.16.1 5 k Download
The-Endergetic-Expansion-1.16.1-v2.1.1 10.10.2020 forge R 7 MB 1.16.1 4 k Download
The-Endergetic-Expansion-1.16.1-2.1.0 06.10.2020 forge R 7 MB 1.16.1 4 k Download
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скажите пж но в крае не чего не изменилось как понимат мод вобще не рабочий
Удивлён, но ничего не изменилось
Where update pls 1.20.1
Ende Glioom
А как же добавить пуазовую мозайку?
pls 1.18.2