Mining diamonds in Minecraft is an important process for any player, as diamond tools and armor open new opportunities for players, provide a particular level of protection, and allow you to collect resources faster and more efficiently. However, sometimes it’s pretty hard to find the necessary amount of diamonds since a player lacks of experience or just doesn’t want to play by the «vanilla rules». Anyway, third-party mods are developed for Minecraft, allowing you to drastically change the standard mechanics in a couple of clicks and add some unique features. With the Easy Diamond mod, you’ll be able to craft diamonds in the game!
Yes, you heard it right! The Easy Diamond mod will add a separate crafting in Minecraft, which will enable any of you to craft diamonds in a couple of steps. However, it will no longer be such a valuable item, and if you are ready for these changes and innovations, it’s time to try everything in practice. We’ve made a short review of this mod for you and showed, how you’ll be able to craft diamonds in Minecraft, which are absolutely similar to the standard game version…
You don’t want to mine diamonds in Minecraft, do you? Or maybe you need a huge amount of valuable materials but don’t have so much money? With the Easy Diamond mod, it’s no longer a problem! Now, you can craft diamonds in a couple of clicks in the game, and their strength and characteristics won’t be inferior to the ones of the original diamonds. These are the same valuable materials with a new crafting recipe. It’s a bit of cheating mod, but for some reason more than 100 thousand users have already downloaded it for different versions. In general, you can try it to diversify you game, but we don’t recommend regularly playing with Easy Diamond, or Minecraft will simply be no longer interesting!
Now, you’ll need a small set of resources to craft diamonds in Minecraft: coal and an Ender’s eye. As a result, you’ll get diamonds. You can stack them as ordinary diamonds. In general, this is the same item with a different crafting recipe. You can stack both ordinary diamonds and those crafted using the Easy Diamond mod together. This is a simple but important mod for the game, which allows you to craft valuable materials. It’s perfect at the start of the game, for example, when players need to make their first sword or armor, but don’t have diamonds at all. Unlike coal that you can take in any quantities in the mines of the game world, Endermen are harder to find: there are some in the usual dimension, but you rarely find them.
The best option for you is to combine the standard Minecraft mechanics, when we can get diamonds in mines, and the ability to craft valuable resources using Easy Diamond. In general, it’s amusing mechanics that allow you to diversify the vanilla world of Minecraft. It’s just that diamonds will become cheaper at a certain stage of the game, as players will open a portal to the End and start killing a large number of Endermen. And if they also build their own farms, which require almost no complex structures, then the value of these materials will drop in just a few days.
It’s up to you to use Easy Diamond or not. If the server isn’t particularly focused on diamonds, and some kind of energy, new types of minerals, magic and other options are the priority here, you can feel free to install it and play. For players, this is an extra incentive to play and save their time. By the way, after installing Easy Diamond and JEI, you’ll also see a new recipe for diamonds if you click on this resource in the JEI inventory. The developer of this mod is 00theblackwolf00, who released a popular add-on called Portable Crafting Table (a portable workbench that can be used right inside the inventory), Craft Saddles (the opportunity to craft saddles in Minecraft) and many other mods!
Test it, try new Minecraft game mechanics, and don’t forget that diamonds aren’t everything. The most valuable material at the moment is Netherite, as it’s extremely rare, can’t be burnt in lava, and can be used as the main ingredient for crafting armor, tools, and weapons. Therefore, even after installing the Easy Diamond mod, you’ll have even more valuable materials, for which you’ll have to go down to the Nether or buy them from players to craft the best armor sets and tools.
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