DruidCraft adds new special items that have their particular applications. The mod adds a new dimension, as well as new blocks, weapons, and tools.
There are four new ores, which are generated in the caves. To get some rootstone, you need to break the rootstone ore with any pickaxe, even wood. The rootstone is used to create a new lamp. When digging the amber ore, you get amber. You can only use it to create blocks, and it cannot be used for anything else. The amber requires a minimum of a stone pickaxe to be mined. The most useful ore is fiery glass. You can use it to create torches that are slightly brighter than regular torches. Besides, this torch can light your way in the water.
The most widely used is the moonstone ore. The moonstone can be mined with only a diamond pickaxe. Otherwise, the moonstone will not drop. You can use the moonstone to craft armor, tools, and a sword. In terms of effectiveness, moonstone items are better than diamond ones since the moonstone sword has a damage of 8 units. You can also use this valuable stone to create a shield and a sickle, which can also be used as a scythe.
The world generates a new dimension, which is the darkwood forest. This forest consists of special darkwood trees that look like spruce, but they are tall. In the lowlands, there are also small trees that are very similar to spruce in their structure. There are leaves of darkwood trees on the ground, and even mossy cobblestone is generated in some places. Besides, there are regular Minecraft plants, such as poppies, ferns, and dandelions. The darkwood forest is mostly inhabited by sheep and foxes.
By turning darkwood into planks, you can create building blocks such as slabs, stairs, darkwood doors, buttons, fences, and gates. They look rather beautiful.
There is a new creature in the mysterious darkwood forest, which is the beetle. It is even larger than a turtle, so you cannot say it is a bug. The beetle is light blue with dark blue stripes. It is a hostile creature. When it meets an enemy, it starts attacking and deals 1.5 units of damage per hit. The beetle has 40 units of health, which makes it a rather strong creature. The beetle can be turned into a peaceful creature. To tame it, you need to feed it with a golden apple. After that, you can even ride it if you saddle it. As a reward for killing a beetle, you can use the chitin it drops to create chitin armor and a shield. According to its characteristics, this armor is almost the same as diamond armor.
There are two more types of creatures that spawn only at night. One of these creatures is the moth that slightly lights up the area. Moths can be caught in bottles, for example, to move them to another place. In total, there are 6 colors of moths: pink, orange, yellow, lime, white, and turquoise. Moths are friendly creatures.
The mod also adds a more dangerous creature, which is the dreadfish. The dreadfish is a hostile creature, which flies around the world at night and has 20 units of health. However, you can tame it by feeding it with prismarine crystals. After that, the fish will become your pet and follow you everywhere you go. Killing the dreadfish drops the soulfire, which can be used as a light source and dyed in any color.
There are 2 types of new plants around the world: blueberries and lavender. Lavender can be used for decoration. It can also be crafted into a purple dye. Blueberries drop berries that can be smelted to obtain a blue dye. Another use of blueberries is to make a blueberry muffin, which needs one egg, sugar, blueberries, and wheat.
The world generates elder trees. These trees are dwarf and smaller than oak plants. The flower of the elder tree will eventually grow into elderberries. You can use these berries to cook an apple-elderberry crumble, which needs 2 elderberries, 2 units of wheat, sugar, and an apple. You can also use the elderberry to make an elderflower cordial. To make this drink, you need the elderberry (not its berries), sugar, and the Uncraftable Potion.
Tilling grass blocks used to drop only wheat seeds, but now you have a small chance of getting another plant, which is industrial hemp. The hemp is used to create a string – two hemp seedlings make one string. You can also use hemp to get a rope and later make leads. Besides, these ropes are climbable.
The ropes connect up to blocks if these blocks are adjacent to the ropes. However, you can use a knife to remove the ropes attached to the blocks.
You can use regular mud to create bricks. To craft them, you need to find any reservoir, such as a lake, a sea, or even a river, stand in the water, and place dirt 2x2 in your workbench. These bricks can be used as building materials if you put them in a place where there is no water nearby. They will dry over time, but they won’t lose their brick structure. 4 blocks of mud make 3 blocks of mud brick. After these bricks dry, you can use them to create slabs, stairs, and fences.
The mod adds the woodcutter. As the name implies, you can use this new tool to process planks and logs into various decorative blocks. Thus, you can craft regular items, such as slabs, stairs, doors, fences, gates, and signs. Besides, you can these blocks to craft wooden beams and stripped logs.
The mod adds a box for more convenient storage. Crafting a box is less expensive than crafting a chest. You only need 4 planks and 4 slabs, which may consist of any planks. The box and the chest have a similar number of slots, but the box has a special ability. As far as you remember, you could combine only 2 chests. But you can use 4 boxes at once to combine them in the form of a cube, thus significantly increasing the number of slots.
There are two types of new light sources, one of which serves only for lighting, and the other, in addition to lighting, also has a special ability. The ceramic lamp serves only as a light source. Its range of light is the same as that of the torch. To create a ceramic lamp, you need four bricks and coal, either stone or charcoal. Another type of lighting, the lamp of growth, has the same properties as the torch. This magical lamp causes baby animals and plants to grow faster. Its radius is 5x5x5 blocks.
The mod introduces two new items to make the traveler’s life easier. One of these items is the sleeping bag, which comes in different colors. The sleeping bag is almost no different from regular beds. Besides, you need wheat instead of planks to craft a sleeping bag. To create a sleeping bag of a certain color, you need wool of this color and wheat. In one craft, the wool must be of the same color.
The second important item for any traveler is the backpack. The backpack is a small bag with useful slots that can hold a sleeping bag. Besides, there are 6 additional slots in the middle to place any items you want.
It is now possible to create armor, tools, and a sword using bones. They use standard crafts, like regular items. The tools and sword have about the same characteristics as stone items, and the bone armor is quite good. You can also create a bone sickle, which is used as a scythe to cut grass and plants in a range of about 4 by 4 blocks. What’s more, you can use bones to create a shield.
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