Dragon Survival [Forge] for Minecraft

  • Author: blackauresart
  • Popularity:
  • Updated: 15.11.2024
  • Last version 1.20.1

Review Dragon Survival [Forge]

Dragons Survival – mod for the transformation into a dragon

Dragons Survival – is a mod that will allow you to transform into a dragon and play the game for this character.

To transform into a dragon, you need to perform a small ritual. Initially, you must find the dust of an ancient dragon. You will be able to mine it with some types of ore with a probability of 0.33%. Among these types of ore, there is coal, lazurite, redstone, emerald and diamond.

After you get enough of this dust (nine units) you will need to create an ancient dragon bone.

Thanks to this bone, you can turn stone, oak wood, sandstone or mossy stone into an altar of the dragon. No matter what you want to create an altar from, it doesn’t affect the essence of the dragon. You must use the ancient dragon’s bone on the block by right-clicking to form an altar. This will change the texture of the block and it will look more beautiful.

After that, you need to enter the altar interface by right-clicking. There are three types of dragons available, each of which has unique strengths and weaknesses. Once transformed, your appearance changes too. Also, you will have very little health initially, seven points. But at every stage of growth, your skills and health will increase. You can mine blocks as well. Despite your small size at the beginning, you will not be able to walk through one block. The texture of hits and prey items will change too. Now, you will hit the target with the bite of prey. You will also be able to use some tools that will be displayed on the front legs now. Damage will amount to 0.5 points after a single hit, but this value will increase during the build-up. All peaceful creatures will start running away from you the minute they see you as a dragon.

Each type of dragon has its own diet. The cave dragon will feed on charred meat added by this mod. The forest dragon eats any kind of raw meat. The water dragoneats only fish. To get charred meat, you have to cook in the oven any ready meat, meaning steak or roast pork. The alternative to charred meat is charcoal, you can craft it of coal and two mediocre pieces. You can replace hard coal with charcoal in the process of crafting. If you feed on food that does not match the dragon, you will have the hunger effect for one minute, after which you will have the poisoning effect.

Heart particle is created from nine bones of an ancient dragon. This item is the main one for dragon’s growth. With the help of it, you can increase your health, increase your growth rate. Once you have gained maximum dragon level, you will have twenty points of health. Your damage will not increase with this improvement.

Your new enemy in the game is a magical predator. You can see it all over the world. It will be aggressive towards you if you are in dragon form. This creature consists of bones that smoke. Inside each predator, there is a star. Magical predators are of varying sizes, increasing in size and strength. Sometimes, skeletons ride on magical predators. These predators do not glow during the day. After a predator dies, you get a star, that we advise you not to approach. If you come very close, any creature will die instantly. You can’t destroy a star with ease, but there are some chances. You must sacrifice yourself or any other creature to do so. This method is not very effective because a predator can appear in place of a star at the most inopportune moment.

Also the star of the predator can be used as a positive object. Throwing the bone of an ancient dragon into the star, you will get a star bone. With this item, you will be able to reduce your size, respectively both your health and skills.

After becoming a dragon, you have a small dragon’s nest. Initially, you can do nothing with the nest except enter its interface. As the dragon size increases, the nest will improve too. First, you will reach the maximum nest level and be able to put several bones of an ancient dragon there, and now, you will be able to quickly restore health while you are near the nest.

You will be able to wear any type of armor on the look of the dragon. Each type of armor has a unique appearance. Each dragon has an inventory that includes a personal workbench in which you can also create any items. Unlike the regular workbench, this one has cells as a regular workbench.

First, you will reach maximum dragon level, and after that, you will have access to a room with a height of two blocks. To do this, the creator of mod added a dragon door that has a height of three blocks. You can craft it from two spruce doors.

Dragon controlling will not allow you to fly. You will need to take the End journey to communicate with the dragon. You can get wings from this creature — to do this, you should just ask about it in chat. Returning to the End in dragon form and wings gained is only possible if you fall into the abyss and do not die.

Images Dragon Survival [Forge]

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Download Dragon Survival [Forge]

Available for next versions: 1.20.1, 1.19.2, 1.18.2, 1.16.5, 1.15.2
Game versions
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DragonSurvival-1.19.2-16.11.2024 16.11.2024 forge R 8 MB 1.19.2 570 Download
DragonSurvival-1.20.1-16.11.2024 16.11.2024 neoForge, forge R 8 MB 1.20.1 2 k Download
dragonsurvival-1.20.1-24.10.2024-all 24.10.2024 neoForge, forge R 8 MB 1.20.1 37 Download
DragonSurvival-1.18.2-27.07.2024 27.07.2024 forge R 6 MB 1.18.2 2 k Download
DragonSurvival-1.19.2-18.07.2024_fix 18.07.2024 forge R 8 MB 1.19.2 2 k Download
DragonSurvival-1.20.1-18.07.2024 18.07.2024 neoForge, forge R 8 MB 1.20.1 9 k Download
DragonSurvival-1.20.1-27.06.2024-all 26.06.2024 neoForge, forge R 8 MB 1.20.1 602 Download
DragonSurvival-1.20.1-27.06.2024-all 26.06.2024 neoForge, forge R 8 MB 1.20.1 113 Download
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Мод на телефонах работает??
как ирать
c grouvi
how to play
you need to watch Titanic
wait but do this titanic map do have a version or its in every version?
сервер выдает ошибку
Почему у меня не открываются файлы которые скачала
почему-то у 1.19.2 и на 1.20.1 при прокачке молодого дракона и больше что у дракона изчезают глаза, на 1.18.2 и на 1.16.5 тупо крашится игра даже с GeckoLib, исправьте пж.
Если у вас крашит скачайте релиз версию мода Geckolib. If you have a crash, download the release version of the Geckolib mod.
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Крашится из-за того, что этот мод еще должен идти с Gecolib, а лаунчер не может в месте с этим модом установить и его
А как скачивать ?
почему кршается
waos, este mod se ve genial
why game with mod crush?
почему-то майн крашится и не запускается, попробовал все старые версии,отключив остальные моды, но майн всё равно говорит что есть конфликт или не качественный мод (всё теперь хорошо, прочитал на одном сайте что нужно дполнительно установить gecolib. теперь майн запускается)
у меня также было когда я позвал младщему брату и подумал что пройдет хорошо но это маленький личинка кричал меня что надо не писать gecolib а надо было gecKolib и у нас начало сорра и теперь я взяю собой кинжал и доказать младшему что он не прав
put it on aternos.........PUT IT ON ATERNOS NOW PLS
PUT IT ON ATERNOS MOD LIST please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ye me to iwhant this mod pleasee
Зделайте файл apk или zip но лучше apk
imagine getting baby dragons xd
Кто хочет с другом с этим модом есть одно приложение Radmin vpn короче (создаем частную сеть, называем как хотим, ставим любой пароль, друг ищет частные сети, пишет как называется и вводит пароль, потом хост создает мир, включает мультиплеер в мире, еще не все потом друг заходит в сетевую игру, нажимает по адресу, потом он должен ввести Ip адрес radmin vpn друга и порт мира, ВАЖНО(если играть с модам то мод должен установлен у всех
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