A mod called Croparia makes the in-game flora more diverse by adding various fruits that not only replenish your hunger but also give you additional effects. Besides, it brings new armor sets, tools, and weapons.
You can now use the obsidian for crafting armor, a sword, a pickaxe, a shovel, a hoe, and an axe. All these items will be better than the diamond ones in terms of characteristics. Thus, the damage level of the obsidian sword is 9, while that of a diamond sword is 7. The defense level of the obsidian breastplate is 10, and that of the diamond is 8. If you play on a version higher than 1.16.5, its crafting will include netherite items.
The obsidian items can be reforged to make them more effective. That is done in the crafting table: you will need an obsidian item and four diamonds. The enhanced sword has a damage of 14, and the defense level of the breastplate will be 20 points, whereas the ordinary obsidian breastplate has only 10 points.
Another new category of tools and armor is elemental water items. The damage level of the elemental water sword is 19, and the defense of the respective breastplate is 30 points. Having put on all the armor pieces, you will get the additional Night Vision III effect. You can craft them in a new device that can be made of five stone bricks. However, to begin with, this infusor must be powered with a special elementalius potion. Then throw the desired object into it, provided the former is made of the improved obsidian.
The multitool replaces several tools at once: the axe, pickaxe, hoe, and shovel. You can craft it from tools of any kind — the main thing is that they are made of the same material. The multitool made of planks, stone, and gold will not cause damage to anyone, though. In turn, the iron one has 0.6 damage points, the diamond one 1.6, the obsidian one 3.6, and the forged one 8.6.
The mod adds two magic items: the Midas Hand and the Horn of Plenty. If you take the former and break any block, it will drop gold ingots. You need to use the RMB. In turn, if you take the Horn of Plenty, the blocks will drop various foodstuffs while remaining intact. Both items can be crafted in the ritual stand.
To make various crops grow faster, be sure to use the greenhouses. They come in various colors. You can craft such a greenhouse from glass panes of any color, two sticks, and the glowstone dust.
The basics of various fruits are croparia. The croparia are the source of various fruits. They come in seven types that are crafted differently. However, each of them requires the elementalius created from four diamonds, four lapis lazuli, and an emerald. For crafting croparia of the first type, you will need any seeds, say, pumpkin or wheat, and the elementalius. To create the croparia of the second type, you will need elemantilia and the croparia of the first type. The same applies to the more advanced croparia.
Not all the fruits give you additional effects.
You can grow the purple dyius fruit. To get the seed, you need four seeds of any kind, four purple dyes, and the croparia of the first kind. After eating this fruit, you will get the Glowing II effect for 25 seconds.
You can also grow the golden apple fruit. To create the seed, you need any seeds of four types, four gold ingots, and the croparia of the first type. When eaten, it gives you the Saturation II effect for 25 seconds.
You can grow the red fruit as well. To create a seed of this type, you will need any seeds of four types, four redstones, and the croparia of the third type. It imposes the Speed II effect for 25 seconds.
Finally, you can grow the endeus fruit. It will give you an uncommon Levitation II effect for 25 seconds. To create a seed of this fruit, you need four ender pearls, any seed of four types, and the croparia of the fourth type.
FABRIC-Croparia-1.20.1-4.5.2 | 07.04.2024 | fabric | R | 1 MB | 1.20.1 | 445 | Download |
croparia-4.5 | 05.04.2024 | forge | R | 367 KB | 1.20.1 | 3 k | Download |
FABRIC-Croparia-1.20.1-4.5.1 | 17.03.2024 | fabric | R | 1 MB | 1.20.1 | 66 | Download |
FABRIC-Croparia-1.20.1-4.5 | 04.01.2024 | fabric | R | 551 KB | 1.20.1 | 169 | Download |
croparia-4.5 | 21.12.2023 | forge | R | 352 KB | 1.20.2 | 1 k | Download |
croparia-4.5 | 18.12.2023 | forge | R | 368 KB | 1.20.4 | 2 k | Download |
croparia-4.4 | 17.12.2023 | forge | R | 357 KB | 1.20.4 | 69 | Download |
FABRIC-Croparia-4.5 | 09.12.2023 | fabric | R | 543 KB | 1.20.4 | 530 | Download |
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