Have got a lot of valuable resources but accidentally died falling from a height due to inattention or in some other way? In the vanilla Minecraft, it is very difficult to find your resources after death, especially if you die far from the spawn point. That is why we suggest you use a popular add-on called Corail Tombstone, which will help you find your resources after death faster. The mod can boast more than one million downloads from the homepage, so it is very popular in its category. We are going to thoroughly examine all the features of this mod so that you can understand how the function for finding your resources works.
If you suddenly die, you will get a new item in your inventory, namely the grave's key. Besides, the Ghostly Shape effect will be imposed on your character. With it, mobs will not touch you, and you will not receive falling damage. If you happen to fall, you will begin to levitate, and your character will slowly descend. This effect will last for two minutes, so you should try to find your point of death during this time. But if you want to simply cancel it, you just need to interact with the world — that is, break some block, hit a mob, or perform any other action.
Taking the grave's key in your hands, you can notice the colorful particles that will lead you to the point of your death. So you should follow them if you want to get your belongings back. You can also navigate by a special beacon, aiming at which you can see the point of your death, along with the distance to it.
When you reach the point of your death, you will see a grave. On the tombstone, you can find the player's nickname, along with the date and time of their death. If it is foggy, there will be no fog around the grave. Moreover, the tombstone will slightly glow in the dark so that you can find it faster. Besides your belongings, you can sometimes get a reward in the form of a small gift. To open it, just right-click while holding it in your hand. It usually drops the grave's dust, but perhaps you will get something else. As for the dust, it serves as an ingredient for crafting.
Besides the possibility of returning your belongings after death from the grave, the mod can boast other content. Thus, you will now be able to create decorative graves suitable for prayers using Ankh. Sometimes, these are visited by spirits that allow you to practice magic. There are six types of graves: simple grave, normal grave, grave with a cross, original grave, subaraki grave, and black plate grave. To craft them, you will need white or dark marble, as well as the essence of undeath.
White and dark marble are new blocks used to craft the decorative graves. However, you can also use them as simple building blocks because they look very beautiful. To make the dark marble, you will need the grave dust and stone. The white marble will also require the bone meal.
After creating a decorative grave, you will need to craft the Ankh of Pray used for prayers. You will need four grave dust, four sticks, and a gold ingot for that. If you press the RMB while holding the Ankh of Pray in your hand, you can discover some magic effects. However, it requires a decorative grave — otherwise, nothing will work.
Besides, the mod features other usable magic items. You will be able to create various scrolls giving you some new abilities. Thus, the soul receptacle will prevent your death in some cases. The mod also adds various enchanted books for your items.
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