Calibrated Access for Minecraft

  • Author: acikek
  • Popularity:
  • Updated: 11.03.2024
  • Last version 1.20.1

Review Calibrated Access

Accessing Blocks and Items Remotely

In the vanilla version of Minecraft, we can only quickly teleport to the Nether, to the End, and back, but the player has to move all their resources manually. If, say, you go down into mines or move to another dimension, there is always a chance that you will not bring the resources to the end point. That is because mobs are constantly wandering around, and you can come across lava in the mines and the Nether. And if the player decides to visit the world of endermen, threats should be expected from everywhere due to shulkers, endermen, and pits, because of which you can fly out of the dimension. How can one play normally in such conditions?

You can add a new mechanic to Minecraft, thanks to which resources can be placed in chests remotely. That is, no matter where in the game world you are, you will always be able to open the GUI from a distance and put items there. After that, it does not matter whether your character dies or not, as all valuable resources and items will be preserved. An add-on called Calibrated Access, which adds several technical devices to Minecraft that differ in terms of appearance, crafting, and parameters, will allow you to implement all that. Are you ready to try something new? If so, let us proceed further.

The mod adds four new items in the form of remote accessors to Minecraft, using which any player will be able to access various types of blocks from anywhere in the game world, wherever they are. It may be a distance of 10,000 blocks or even a completely different dimension. The entire process is accomplished remotely, and everything here depends on the device used since all the new items have unique characteristics. They are crafted mostly from those ingredients that are available to you even at the initial stage of survival.

How the Remote Control System Works

In total, four types of remote accessors are added to the game, which differ in terms of crafting and characteristics. Thanks to these devices, you can establish the so-called remote communication to control items and transfer resources. Thus, you will be able to link, say, a barrel and a remote control. As soon as you need to put some blocks inside the barrel while being far away from it, you will be able to apply the accessor and transfer all the materials remotely. The principle here resembles using an ender chest, but instead of the chest you place next to you, a remote accessor is used, and you can open it anywhere!

Each remote accessor has the limited number of uses, after which it simply breaks. Thus, the basic version gives you only three attempts, and after the third one, it will break. But if you create the most advanced accessor, you will be able to connect remotely to almost any point. However, there are nuances here too: you can use only one chest, item, or block. That is, one item can be synchronized with only one device. So if you want to make several chests to control them remotely, you will have to craft the same number of accessors.

To create any of such devices, you will first have to craft a sort of chip called the Calibrator. Each device will have a small indicator next to its icon. The more often you use an item, the fewer HPs it will have, provided it has the durability parameter. You will thus be able to understand how many attempts you still have left, especially in cases where you have crafted several devices for yourself. To use a remote accessor, go to the chest, hold down the Shift key, and click on it while holding this device in your hand. That will activate the synchronization.

Then, being anywhere in the game world — you can even teleport to another dimension, both in the vanilla game version and custom mods — simply click on the remote accessor, and the GUI of the chest, barrel, or any other connected storage means will open. These can include furnaces, smithing tables, and everything that has a separate interface. After that, the player can safely transfer all resources to this storage remotely. Once you return home, you will see that all the stuff you have transferred is in it. If you need to change the destination, that is, to synchronize another chest, it will be enough just to approach it with the same remote accessor, perform the same actions, and the point will change. As you can see, the principle is very simple and intuitive.

The designer of the Calibrated Access mod also added in the description that each remote accessor has a 15-second grace period during which its HPs are not spent. That is, you will be able to freely open and close the storage means without having to worry that the device will break. By default, there is a rule that the player can use only one remote accessor of each type, but if desired, you can always change these parameters in the config file to be able to control multiple storages at once. In this way, it is up to you how to diversify the game world, be it a standard survival world or a specific Minecraft server with a large number of players.

Summing it up, we can say that the Calibrated Access add-on features an elaborate and very innovative gameplay mechanic. Such Minecraft mods are released quite rarely. All its functions are thought out so that the player can interact with different objects and get not only benefits but also pleasure. Players will now cease complaining in the chat that they are constantly dying — all because everyone will get the opportunity to preserve all their valuable resources before a dangerous journey by simply connecting to some block or object using a special remote accessor in Minecraft. Be sure to write below what other technology mods you use in your build and how you liked them.

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Download Calibrated Access

Available for next versions: 1.20.1, 1.20, 1.19.4, 1.19.3, 1.19.2, 1.19.1, 1.19, 1.18.2
Game versions
Version type
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calibrated-1.3.1-beta.11.20 12.03.2024 fabric, quilt R 348 KB 1.20.1, 1.20 8 Download
calibrated-1.3.0+1.20 10.10.2023 fabric, quilt R 442 KB 1.20.1, 1.20 11 Download
calibrated-1.2.2+1.20 09.08.2023 fabric, quilt R 413 KB 1.20.1, 1.20 5 Download
calibrated-1.2.1-hotfix.1+1.20 18.07.2023 fabric, quilt R 427 KB 1.20.1, 1.20 1 Download
calibrated-1.2.1-hotfix.1+1.19.4 18.07.2023 fabric, quilt R 426 KB 1.19.4 1 Download
calibrated-1.2.1-hotfix.1+1.19 18.07.2023 fabric, quilt R 425 KB 1.19.2, 1.19.1, 1.19 6 Download
calibrated-1.2.1+1.20 17.07.2023 fabric, quilt R 333 KB 1.20.1, 1.20 1 Download
calibrated-1.2.1+1.19.4 17.07.2023 fabric, quilt R 333 KB 1.19.4 0 Download
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