Blood Magic for Minecraft

  • Author: WayofTime BBoldt theCyanideX Yulife TehNut Arcaratus
  • Popularity:
  • Updated: 24.04.2024
  • Last version 1.20.1

Review Blood Magic

Blood Magic is a mod that allows you to become a blood magician. You will get the opportunity to perform various rituals, use alchemy, apply demonic energy, and much more.

Hellfire Forge

The hellfire forge serves here as a universal crafting table. You can create a lot of other items in it, including a sword, tools, other structures necessary for rituals, and so on. However, to craft items, you will need a catalyst. It can be the demonic will or lesser or greater tartaric gem.

Demonic Will

There are five types of the demonic will: purple, orange, green, blue, and red. They are collected differently.

To get the blue demonic will, you need to craft simple snares — you will need a lot of them, though. To use them, it will be enough just to aim at any hostile mob and click the RMB. If the snare has worked, the mob will suffer a particular effect. After that, you can kill it. The effect lasts 15 seconds, so you need to do that quickly. If the effect ceases, it will not drop the demonic will. Each mob drops only one demonic will.

Besides, the blue demonic will can be of different capacities, with a maximum of five points. It is random and can be 1.4, 3.69, etc.

However, there is a more easy way to collect the demonic will. To do this, you need to craft the sentient sword in the hellfire forge. After that, it will be enough just need to kill a hostile mob to get the energy. This sword is crafted from the usual sword and a lesser tartaric gem, which can also be created in the forge.

Blood Altar

The blood altar is an equally important block used for crafting numerous things. You can create it in the crafting table from three gold ingots, a furnace, and any following block: andesite, stone, granite, or diorite. To use this blood altar, you need blood, which can be obtained in one way only. You need to make the sacrificial knife in the ordinary crafting table and then use your own blood. After creating the dagger, go to the altar and press the RMB. Then the blood will flow, but your health will decrease. So keep track of the number of hearts so as not to die.

Arcane Ashes and Sigils

Arcane ashes are used for crafting various sigils, which are of numerous kinds. These sigils are often used to check the amount of blood in the blood altar. As for the arcane ashes, they are created in the hellfire forge.

The Sigil of Divination and Seers Sigil allow you to determine the amount of blood in the blood altar and the tier of the latter. The Seers Sigil also has other useful features. The Lava Sigil allows you to pour a bucket of lava, and with the help of the Water Sigil, you can pour water on any surface. The Air Sigil will allow you to quickly move around the area. The Sigil of the Blood Lamp will ensure permanent lighting.

Each sigil requires new arcane ashes because the latter disappear after crafting. Besides, it requires different slates, which can be made in the blood altar. Thus, to craft the Air Sigil, you will need the reinforced slate. To create the latter, you need to throw the blank slate into the blood altar. You will also need blood and 2000 LP. In turn, the blank slate is also created in the altar, and you can use any following block for this: diorite, granite, stone, or andesite. All the slates can be of five levels. To increase the level, you need to craft one slate several times.

In some cases, the redstone is used, but more advanced sigils require reagents. There are eleven types thereof, which can be crafted in the hellfire forge.

Another Way of Adding Blood

There is another way to add blood to the altar, which is much more effective than using the sacrificial knife. To use it, you need to create the incense altar in the usual crafting cable. To do this, you will need a blood orb, which can be of four types: weak, apprentice, magician's, and master. They differ in terms of power, and each type requires a certain tier of the altar.

After creating the incense altar, you need to take the Dagger of Sacrifice, go to the altar, and click the RMB. You will have just one heart left, but the altar will get 20% more blood.

However, this percentage can be increased. To do this, you need to arrange wooden paths around the incense altar. It is necessary to place 3x3 blocks on all the sides. Then the above percentage will become 45.

If you replace all these wooden paths with stone ones, the percentage will increase once again and become 48. But there is an even more effective way to raise this number. Just plant some vegetation, say, wheat, in the unoccupied four squares, and the percentage will become 60.


The mod adds ten types of runes, the most basic being the blank rune. It is used to craft other runes. To create it, you need any orb, the blank slate, and any of the following blocks: andesite, diorite, granite, or stone.

To increase the tier of the blood altar, you need six runes. The altar will acquire just one level regardless of the runes you use, so it is better to use blank runes. To increase the tier, you need to place a 3x3 runic square under it.

Living Armor

The living armor is crafted using the arcane ashes. Each piece requires the binding reagent. First of all, you need to place magic ashes and add the binding reagent and a one-block circle there. The latter will turn into a 3x3 circle. Then you need to place any iron armor piece in this circle. Lightning will strike there several times, so it is better to step aside from it.

This armor can boast unique features. Thus, it can be improved by performing any actions, such as running around the game world. If you run and jump, it will acquire two upgrades: Quick Feet and Strong Legs. If you kill mobs, it will get the Fierce Strike upgrade.

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Available for next versions: 1.20.1, 1.18.2, 1.16.5, 1.16.4, 1.16.3, 1.12.2, 1.11.2, 1.11, 1.10.2, 1.10, 1.9.4, 1.9, 1.8.9, 1.8.8, 1.7.10, 1.7.2
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bloodmagic-1.20.1-3.3.3-45 25.04.2024 forge B 14 MB 1.20.1 22 k Download
bloodmagic-1.20.1-3.3.2-44 02.10.2023 forge B 14 MB 1.20.1 14 k Download
bloodmagic-1.20.1-3.3.1-43 15.09.2023 forge B 14 MB 1.20.1 99 Download
bloodmagic-1.20.1-3.3.0-42 09.09.2023 forge B 14 MB 1.20.1 98 Download
1.18.2-3.2.6-41 26.08.2022 forge B 14 MB 1.18.2 34 k Download
1.18.2-3.2.5-40 09.08.2022 forge B 10 MB 1.18.2 317 Download
1.18.2-3.2.4-39 07.08.2022 forge B 10 MB 1.18.2 61 Download
1.16.4-3.1.13-39 11.07.2022 forge R 10 MB 1.16.5 119 k Download
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This mod good for <b>vampire</b> mods
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