Bedrock Miner for Minecraft

  • Author: XxRexRaptorxX
  • Popularity:
  • Updated: 25.08.2024
  • Last version 1.21.1

Review Bedrock Miner

Bedrock Miner: Mining Bedrock in Minecraft

In almost any Minecraft dimension, there are limitations that cannot be overcome by standard methods, and one of these is the bedrock, which shows the boundaries of the world blocks. You cannot blow up, dig up this block, pass through it, or move it, although in creative mode, it can be used and destroyed. But an ordinary player sometimes wants to put the bedrock somewhere to protect their building from creepers, explosions, and grifers, and some just collect rare items, which are plenty in Minecraft. Is it possible to get this block in some way?

That becomes possible if you install a mod called Bedrock Miner. It will not only allow you to extract the bedrock but also add several unique and useful tools to the game, provide a new survival option, improve the gameplay, and diversify Minecraft. It is a non-standard mod that can be used both in singleplayer mode and on a server, but it is not recommended to provide access to it to all players at once, as they can simply build up the entire territory with these blocks that cannot be broken by ordinary humans.

Overview of the Bedrock Miner Mod

Bedrock Miner mod adds several new items to Minecraft: the sword, the pickaxe, the axe, the shovel, the hoe, a complete set of armor, and a couple more unique things that will appeal to you. But the salient feature of the mod is that any of you will now be able to quickly extract the bedrock in the game without resorting to admin mode.

Main Features of Bedrock Miner:

· A new unique machine that allows you to collect the bedrock in the game, along with all the related blocks. It will be possible to control it with the help of command blocks.

· New types of tools and armor that have the highest in-game durability at the moment. You will be able to set different parameters for them in the config file.

· New block types.

· A config file where the player will be able to finely adjust the parameters for tools, machines, and other items added by the Bedrock Miner mod.

· Regular updates and fixes by the designer. At the moment, the mod was available for version 1.20.1 and required Forge.

The bedrock breaker machine is a unique mechanism crafted from ordinary vanilla items plus the new pickaxe. The recipe is shown in the screenshot below. With the help of such a machine, you will be able to quickly mine not only the bedrock but also other types of the in-game blocks. To do this, it will be enough to connect a lever to it or make a smart system for switching and moving the breaker using pistons. As a result, you will get a versatile mechanism that performs most actions automatically.

Bedrock chunks are relatively new in-game material, which you can find in bastions, chests, and other locations. With its help, you will be able to artificially create the bedrock without having to mine it. Besides, the same material will allow you to quickly craft the pickaxe necessary for creating the breaker.

The bedrock infused obsidian is a new unique obsidian type consisting of the bedrock. It is more difficult to find but allows you to protect your structures from any kind of threats while looking quite eye-pleasing. It can be used not only inside but also outside buildings, as it does not look like the ordinary bedrock. It rather resembles the vanilla obsidian but has a slightly different shade. Such a block is quite suitable for the decoration of any building, and at the same time, it will protect it from any influences, both from users and from mobs, cataclysms, and explosions.

New In-Game Tools and Weapons

As we have already noted, the mod adds the new obsidian tools to Minecraft. The very first item that you will have to craft is the pickaxe, as it is necessary for creating the bedrock breaker. This machine will subsequently bring you a lot of bedrock blocks, provided you go down to the very bottom of the mines. If you are going to break the bedrock in the Nether, you can build a large number of different farms at the top, and that is a very big advantage for classic survival, as, at the moment, players have to resort to various tricks and bugs to break the bedrock.

The tools and weapons look stylish and resemble the materials they are made of. They will have a gray-black texture with diamond inclusions in the handles. That looks very cool — not to mention that their damage values are much times higher than those of the standard pickaxes or swords. This is another reason to craft these unique items for yourself  and take full advantage of the Bedrock Miner mod.


The new armor has slightly improved characteristics compared to the vanilla one, and each its piece looks impressive. And if you put on the complete set, it will stand out strongly against the background of all the other available types. Just look at what clear edges this set has, how it fits the character, and what a contrast color scheme it features! You have all the necessary materials to craft yourself such an armor set, and if you also like to use armor as decoration, be sure to make the armor stands and place them in your rooms.

If you wish, you can also mine the bedrock with the pickaxe added by the Bedrock Miner mod, but the mechanism does it much faster. In general, that is all the content added at the moment, but the designer continues to improve his mod and adds even more different options so that you can expand the list of the game's features and craft different types of materials and items in Minecraft. Do not forget that all the new tools, weapons, and armor can be enchanted with the standard effects available in the vanilla game version. You will thus be able to increase their durability, add mending, improve protection, and enjoy many other characteristics.

Images Bedrock Miner

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Download Bedrock Miner

Available for next versions: 1.21.1, 1.21, 1.20.4, 1.20.3, 1.20.2, 1.20.1, 1.20, 1.19.4, 1.19.3, 1.19.2, 1.19.1, 1.19, 1.18.2, 1.18.1, 1.18, 1.12.2, 1.12.1, 1.12
Game versions
Version type
Show only last mod versions
1.21-(v.3.0.1) 26.08.2024 neoForge R 81 KB 1.21.1, 1.21 65 Download
1.21-(v.3.0.0) 29.06.2024 neoForge R 80 KB 1.21.1, 1.21 26 Download
1.20.x-(v.2.2.1) 16.02.2024 forge R 86 KB 1.20.4, 1.20.3, 1.20.2, 1.20.1, 1.20 1 k Download
1.19.2-(v.2.2.1) 15.02.2024 forge R 85 KB 1.19.2, 1.19.1, 1.19 362 Download
1.20.x-(v.2.3.0) 13.02.2024 forge R 82 KB 1.20.4, 1.20.3, 1.20.2 3 Download
1.20.x-(v.2.2.0) 12.02.2024 forge R 85 KB 1.20.4, 1.20.3, 1.20.2, 1.20.1, 1.20 1 Download
1.20.x-(v.2.1.1) 27.12.2023 forge B 77 KB 1.20.4, 1.20.3, 1.20.2, 1.20.1, 1.20 636 Download
1.20.x-(v.2.1.0) 24.11.2023 forge B 77 KB 1.20.2, 1.20.1, 1.20 208 Download
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